It's not only absurd, but something else as well," muttered Trudolyubov, naively taking my part.
I did not know how to look at her, but overwhelmed with wonder I began by degrees very naively peeping into her face; but just as an hour before at the rehearsal she did not notice either my looks or my mute question.
Linnaeus too in the exordium to the Systema Naturae naively remarks, that he is setting out to continue the work which Adam began in the Golden Age, to give names to the living creatures.
He confessed to me naively that he was excited as if watching some action on the stage.
And Mr. Powell, being young, thought naively that the captain being married, there could be no occasion for anxiety as to his condition.
And the historian tells us that Sarah told Abraham that he could have Hagar for his very own, and then the narrator naively remarks, "And Abraham hearkened unto the voice of his wife.
So I was still quite naively addicted to drawing portraits by lamplight, putting in deep shadows and deeper accents, and picking out high lights on the breadths of foreheads or the tips of noses.
She said naively at dinner, 'I speak too slowly for my Felix, and he so quickly that I don't always understand him.
She talks naively of her happy childhood, of her small caprices, of the love of her grandmother, Marie de Medicis, of her innocent impressions of the people about her.
In her mature life she naively writes: "At first people thought me amiable enough, but when they knew me better they loved me no more.
He stayed in the woods as long as the weakness of the flesh permitted, naively certain that he had gone on his last "bust", that he would bank his money and experience the glow of possessing capital.
His eyes, clear-sighted and strong, looked through the medium of no glass happily and naively on the world.
She naively asked: "Why would you not advise him so?
Thus Nature naively expresses the great truth that only the Ideas, not the individuals, have, properly speaking, reality, i.
Samuel Johnson made on particular plays of Shakespeare, for he very naively laments its entire absence.
But this arrangement utterly bewildered the natives, especially the maids, who naively asked me why I hung them old bones and thorns up in my room.
And when Mrs. Dodd had read it with glistening eyes, she kissed it tenderly, and read it all over again to herself, and then put it into her bosom as naively as a milkmaid in love.
But after breakfast, when his friends gathered round him before a comfortable fire, Birotteau naively related the history of his troubles.
Noting Archibald's well-groomed and natty appearance, Steve naively asked his advice in matters sartorial, purchasing much raiment and leaving an order with a fashionable tailor.
He went to the safe let into the wall, of which he was still so naively proud, and unlocked it with the owner's gesture.
On one of these occasions she naively asked Sarah Bernhardt why her portrait did not appear on the walls?
The little republican naively responded that she never saw any one till after the close of the performance.
Whoever she was, the exception in her disfavour shows an unregenerate impulse which contrasts naively with the following good resolve towards her sister.
It would, as one naively wrote to her, improve their chances of promotion.
Even the Principal Medical Officer on the spot was naively content with whitewash as a preparation to fit the Barrack for use as a hospital.
Crude primitive myths are here received, and naively realistic elements alternate with bold attempts at spiritualising.
Just as it is still, in the same way naively inferred: if Christ rose bodily he must also have ascended bodily (visibly?
Many years after, Saint Lambert very naively set forth his own views on the proper conduct of friends in matters of this kind in his Conte Iroquois.
All this was well enough in the days of naively vitalistic ideas of the world as having a life and soul.
The answer may be either naively dogmatic, that this is one of the great riddles of the universe, and that we must simply take it for granted.
It fails because it naively seeks for these in isolated and exceptional acts, which have no analogy to other phenomena.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "naively" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.