The condensing spheres only denuded space of a portion of the matter which it formerly held, and left the remainder more thinly distributed than before.
We have, for example, seen that upwards of a mile in thickness of Carboniferous rock has been denuded in the area of the Pentlands.
The unconformities in the Silurian series indicate that many thousands of feet of these strata were denuded before overlying members of the same great formations were deposited.
Here we have evidence that a mass of rock, varying from one to two miles in vertical thickness, must have been denuded in many places from the surface of the country in North Wales.
For those thousands and thousands of feet of rock which have been denuded were formed out of the waste of previously existing rocks, just as these had been formed out of the waste of yet older rock-masses.
The denuded stems or stalks of such crops as buckwheat and the cereal grains, beans, etc.
The transplanting of a portion of flesh or skin to a denuded surface; autoplasty.
These plants are often called "blackboys" from the large trunksdenuded and blackened by fire.
When it reaches the edges of the bony socket, the tooth begins to be loose, and when drawn, exhibits portions of the fang, including parts which had been contained within the alveolus, entirely denuded of their periosteum.
This disease becomes manifest by the formation of circular patches on the skin, which soon becomes denuded of hair.
If the loss of hoof is owing to suppurative laminitis, the parts denuded of the horny covering must be thoroughly cleansed and disinfected with carbolic acid, lysol, or other antiseptic.
If the limestone be not below the gneiss, it must either occur intercalated with it, or be the remains of a formation now all but denuded in Sikkim.
Stratified silt, no doubt, once covered the lake bottom, and the terraces have, in succession, been denuded of it by rain and snow.
Bullets whistled and stormed, breaking more twigs and branches from the already shattered, practically denuded trees.
Sweeping beams denuded a great circle of life, and into that circle leaped robots.
Avalanches have beheaded the oldest of these giants, but their denuded trunks throw out wisps of new foliage with each returning spring.
In the southwest, the visible portion of Spain, the denuded and red peak familiar to smugglers, stands straight and near in the beautiful clear sky.
Around, the red soil is denuded and furrowed by the waters of the mountain; enormous roots are interlaced in it like monstrous gray serpents; and the entire place, overhung on all sides by the Pyrenean masses, is rude and tragic.
And these broken and denuded cliffs offer the most favorable points for making geological observations.
It presents broken anddenuded edges at the water level.
The groves were cleared away; each day they chopped down new trees in order to supply the camp with wood, and in these denuded spaces the tiled roofs and towers could no longer be seen.
At the entrance to the narrow cave, denuded by the winter, the Ruminal fig tree extended its naked branches, the famous tree in the shade of which the twin founders of the city had frolicked.
It was prepared to show the method by which the Forestry Commission is reforesting large areas of State land that have been denuded by repeated fires.
Forestry Department in restoring the forests upon the denuded non-agricultural lands of the State.
It mowed a swath through the chorus like a chain shot.
The fortification of the French frontier south and west of Mons was obsolete, and the country had been denuded of troops save a few Territorials in the process of mobilization.
No one, on the other hand, imagined that the Western front could be denuded of the armies required to maintain it.
The head pharmacien of the Hotel Dieu, in his analysis of the fluid effused in puerperal peritonitis, says that practitioners are convinced of its deleterious qualities, and that it is very dangerous to apply it to the denuded skin.
Lannelongue made a long incision below the knee which let out a large amount of pus; the tibia was found denuded for a long distance.
Having thus denuded him of everything, it has been held to follow that the bankrupt's discharge must also receive recognition in a colonial court.
Alopecia areata is characterized by the development of round patches more or less completely denuded of hair.
A display-window, denuded of frippery but strewn with straw and crisscrossed with two large strips of poster, proclaimed Chicklet Face Powder to the cosmetically concerned.
In taking leave of it, Mrs. Connors looked about her even coldly, as if this barren room were too denuded of its memories.
With a fearful groan he rolled on the ground; a knife had been buried in his heart, while his scalp, which was suddenly removed, left his denuded skull to inundate with blood the ground around.
There was a silence for some moments, during which no other sound was audible save that of the breeze whistling through the denuded branches and the distant murmur Of the invisible torrents in the quebradas.
The more easily denuded strata have wasted away to a greater extent than the tougher masses on the other side of the dislocation.
The Pacific route follows the Bow River Valley into the heart of the mountains, with magnificent snow-covered peaks all about, their saw-like edges, gaunt crags and almost denuded surfaces justifying their name of the Rockies.
The country, during the whole route, is open, well cultivated, occasionally gently undulating, but generally denuded of trees.
They suffer plain after plain, and hill after hill, to be denuded of trees, and make no provision for the supply of those who are to come after them.
There can be no doubt that these manifestations of instability are the results of the local weakness and flexure which originated in the accumulation of energy denuded from the continents.
If the continents become invaded by a great transgression of the ocean, this "rainless" area diminishes: and the denuded area advances inwards without diminution.
From these vast quantities we know that the parent rock denudedduring geological time amounted to some 300 million cubic kilometres or about seventy million cubic miles.
As one leaf is thus denuded they migrate to another, in this way passing from leaf to leaf for several weeks in summer.
During the next three weeks, this moulting process is repeated three times, the caterpillars becoming larger each time, and leaving their cast skins upon the denuded twigs.
One of these is the strange habit the very young caterpillars have of fastening a few bits of leaf together by means of silken threads and then tying the bunch to the denuded rib of the leaf.