Bhishma said, 'A Kshatriya must not put on armour for fighting a Kshatriya unclad in mail.
They are the most irritable of the whole order in Ceylon, biting with such intense ferocity as to render it difficult for the unclad natives to collect the fruit from the mango trees, which the red ants especially frequent.
While he sprawled away, a mob of blacks rushed suddenly from the cover of some rocks, the leader of the assailants being Blue Shirt, who had painted his unclad parts martial red and white.
So she laid her down, nor unclad herself at all, lest she should have to arise on a sudden, and show those tokens of the three damsels on her body.
The knight went his ways therewith, and Birdalone went down to the water and unclad her; but ere she stepped into the river, she laid her bow and three shafts on the lip thereof.
So I unclad myself and laid me down, but I drew forth my sword, and laid the ancient naked blade betwixt my side and her place.
They are the most irritable of the whole order in Ceylon, biting with such intense ferocity as to render it difficult for the unclad natives to collect the fruit from, the mango trees, which the red ants especially frequent.
And the King having unclad him, & gotten into bed, the Queen came hither to him and poured out a cup, and pressed him hard to drink; right kind was she to him withal.
But when the King was unclad and had laid him in his bed, the guest sat himself on the step thereof, and again talked for long with the King; and ever when he had told of one matter did the King long for more.
Certainly he was irritable, andunclad females virtually indistinguishable from human weren't the most soothing objects to contemplate.
They were completely nude--and Kennon for the first time in his life fully appreciated the beauty of an unclad female.
Lithe as leopards, with unclad limbs and feet, priest and priestess danced all the ecstasies of Egyplosis.
It swarms with wolfish-looking dogs and dirty, unclad children.
Lucy always wakes prettily, and even at such a time, when her body must have been chilled with cold, and her mind somewhat appalled at waking unclad in a churchyard at night, she did not lose her grace.
I flung the warm shawl over her, and drew the edges tight round her neck, for I dreaded lest she should get some deadly chill from the night air, unclad as she was.
I flung the warm shawl over her, and drew the edges tight around her neck, for I dreaded lest she should get some deadly chill from the night air, unclad as she was.
The testimony upon this point was no more than that of an unclad man, which must of course have been worthless; until they put him into a sack, and in that form received it.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unclad" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: bare; decollete; disrobed; naked; nude; stark; stripped; topless; unclad; unclothed; undressed