Of siluer langage / the grete riches Who wil it haue my lityl childe doutles Muste of hem begge / ther is no more to saye [Sidenote: He who wants silver words must beg of them.
And because after the olde prouerbe: Lyke reioyseth in lyke, y^e master muste in maner play the childe againe, that he may be loued of the chylde.
Or what other thinge shuld chyldrẽ do rather whẽ they be more able to speake, seyng nedes theimuste do sumwhat?
Mery and plesaunte thynges be conueniente for chyldehod, howbeit all sourenesse and sadnesmuste be cleane awaye from all studies.
The beste thynge and playnest muste be taughte fyrste.
For seyng the kynred of the body and mynde is very straytlye knytte, it can not be but that the one thynge eyther muste be holpen or hurte of the other.
Neyther for thys muste we call chyldren to lerne the tonges after sixtene yere olde, because that the elder Cato lerned latine, and Greeke, when he was thre score and ten yeres olde.
Here I haue nothynge to saye, but thys out of the comedie: We muste do as we maye do, when we can not as we wolde.
But that tormentour deaffe with feruentnes, made no ende of his bochery, tyl the chylde was almost in a sounde: Anon the diuine turninge to vs, he hathe deserued nothynge quod he, but that he muste be made lowe.
All difficultye eyther therefore muste be auoided, whyche is not necessarye, or that is vsed oute of tyme.
Let vs graunt that it is but a very lytle, yet were it better the chylde to do it, then eyther nothyng at al, or lerne somewhat that after mustebe vnlerned.
In other thinges pardon may be geuen to negligence, but here thou muste haue as manye eyes as Argus had, and muste be as vigilant as is possible.
Mie countrie waites mie marche; I muste awaie; Albeytte I schulde goe to mete the darte 350 Of certen Dethe, yette here I woulde notte staie.
I kenn not either; oh mie emmers dygne, To parte wyth you wyll wurcke mee myckle woe; I muste be gonne, botte whare I dare ne telle; O storthe unto mie mynde!
You muste, you muste endeavour for to cheere Youre harte unto somme cherisaunced reste.
I fele; Yett I muste bee mieselfe; with valoures gear I'lle dyghte mie hearte, and notte mie lymbes yn stele, 300 And shake the bloddie swerde and steyned spere.
No, we muste streve to ayde oureselves wyth powre.
Haste, gentle Juga, tryppe ytte oere the meade, 40 To knowe, or wheder we mustewaile agayne, Or wythe oure fallen knyghtes be menged onne the plain.
Well, then, this allmoste so great tryal as any, he being the head of the family, and thought the business muste come to an end at home.
Trewly, this is the sorinesse of fayned love; nedes, of these surfettes sicknesse muste folowe.
Than muste richesse ben nedy, that in their having maken thee nedy to helpes, in suretee thy richesse to kepen; wherthrough foloweth, richesse to ben nedy.
And these ben impossible; wherfore the contradictorie, that is necessarye, nedesmuste I leve.
So that her vertue muste nedes on thee werche; in what place ever thou be, within distaunce of her worthinesse, as her very passife thou art closed.
And yet al this is litel ynough to be the ernest-silver in forwarde of this bargayne; for treble-folde so mokel muste I suffer er tyme come of myn ese.
Soroufully muste I bewayle, and live as a wrecche.
His auter is broke, and lowe lyth, in poynte to gon to the erthe; but his hors muste ben esy and hye, to bere him over grete waters.
For sometime it is noted in a word as: Doest thou not vnderstand that the sayles muste be turned?
In thys muste be auoyded also to often comyng together of vowels, which make the oracion wyde and gapyng.
Apt wordes by searchyng muste be founde oute, and after by diligence conueniently coupled.
And in it muste be considered that we so order our wordes, that the sentence decrease not by puttynge a weaker word after a stronger, but that it styl go vpwarde and increase.
The instructions to parish priests, already quoted, says-- In honeste clothes thow muste gon Baselard ny bawdryke were thou non.
He must himself be an example to his people:-- "What thee nedeth hem to teche And whyche thou mustethy self be, For lytel is worth thy prechynge If thou be of evyle lyvynge.
But he that will be in deede and truthe liberall, he muste give of his owne, and not of other mens.
It is called the key of India, for that the Spaniardes cannot well returne into Spaine but that they muste touche there for victualls, water, woodde, and other necessaries.
I muste needes speake with thee a worde or twaine.
For there muste they abide, till wayes may be founde to open the gate, that they maye goe out.
The ruler, mistrustyng no deceit, answered: thou muste paie for hir.
The couetous marchant, whan he vnderstode this, and that he muste nedes pay xx li.
A phisitian called Eumonus tolde a sicke man, that laye in great payne, that he coulde nat scape, but he muste nedes dye of that disese.
By this tale ye may se, that miserable is their state whiche fortune muste helpe and nat reason.
Amonge them all there was one that sayde, that he muste nedes take a glyster, if he wolde be holle.
Good inough, quod the man of lawe; but thou muste be ruled by my counsaile, and thus do.
Whan the kynge hadde redde the letters, he sayde, that he muste take counsayle, before he made him an answere.
Therfore I muste nedes say nowe: the shepe of God haue mercy vpon me.
At laste, the saltenes of the meate made her to thyrste so sore, that she muste nedes drynke.
By this tale ye may lerne, that they that will come to the speche or presence of any persone for theyr owne cause, they muste fyrste endeuer them selfe to shewe suche matters as those persones most delyte in.
Whanne he sawe there was no remedy but that he shulde dye, he sayde: my lorde, I muste nedes suffre dethe, whiche I knowe I haue wel deserued.
They do chose vnto them selues also an other doctrine / which is / that they which be regenerat / muste alwaies doubte of their saluatiõ.
Charytie is to be shewed vnto straungiers indede / but yet not so that they muste hurte the poeple amõg whom they lyue.
I denye before my father which is in heauẽ: wherfore as the tõgue owghte not in the confession of godlines and religion to differ from the mynde / so muste not the owtwarde doinges of the body disagree from the same.
The secõde is / they mustenot graunte nor suffer / the vnfaithfull to vse their supersticions and wicked Idolatries which are cõtrarie vnto Godds worde.
I would make also, as the antiquitie, those whiche should serve on horsebacke to exercise, the whiche is moste necessarie, for that besides to know how to ride, thei muste knowe how on horsebacke thei maie prevaile of them selves.
I saie therfore, that the goodnesse of one, whiche thoumuste chuse for a Souldiour, is knowen either by experience, thorough meane of some of his worthy doynges, or by conjecture.
Centurion muste move, with the fiftene rankes of Targaettes, that bee behinde hym, and to tourne on the right hande, and up by the right flancke of the xxv.
I will inforce my self to satisfie you, I will not answere now distinctly to your questions: for that whileste I shall aunswere to one, many tymes it will come to passe, that I muste aunswere to an other.
Yf they (the bishops) had any Jurisdiction, they muste nedes haue receued ‹it› either by the lawe of god or by the busshop of Romes Authoritie or els by the Kinges grace permission.
It chaunced that of long time one of her husband's seruauntes did so disordinately loue her, as vppon a certaine day he could not forbeare but he muste vtter the effect of his loue borne vnto her.
When children lose a good father, and subiects a good Prynce, eyther they muste dye wyth them, or else by teares they must rayse them vp again, for so much as a good Prince in a common wealth is so rare, as the Phoenix in Arabia.
After that the honny with the waxe muste be boyled togither, as hereafter shall be taught.
And more my hearte is woo'd, That soe manye warriours young and brave Muste thys daye shed theyr bloode!
And yee fayr dames of merrye Englande, As faste youre teares muste poure; For manye's the valiante Englisheman That yee sall see noe more.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "muste" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.