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Example sentences for "mustna"

Lexicographically close words:
muste; muster; mustered; mustering; musters; musty; muta; mutabile; mutability; mutable
  1. But you mustna follow the mistress, Miss Nora.

  2. But if these bairns are the Lord's, we mustna turn 'em away.

  3. And now haste you and take your supper, for it is time for the bairns' catechism and we mustna keep your grandfather waiting.

  4. Yes, but, Davie, we mustna think light of the Sabbath-day.

  5. I mustna light, and I canna light, I winna stay at a'; For a fairer lady than ten of thee Is waiting at Castleswa'.

  6. Thee mustna say so; we should ha' been ill off wi'out her, Lady day was a twelvemont'.

  7. I'm going to the Hall Farm, but mayhap I may go to the school after, so thee mustna wonder if I'm a bit late.

  8. You mustna mind that, my wench--she does it for your good.

  9. You must pull your face a deal longer before you'll do for one; mustna she, Adam?

  10. Of course it's impossible; and it mustna be spoken about.

  11. But I'm afraid we mustna sell it," said Effie.

  12. I mustna think of staying this winter, I'm sure, Christie.

  13. Mrs Nesbitt is very kind; but you mustna say anything to her about this matter--or to any one.

  14. And, dear, you mustna think of dreary things when you look out upon the snow, for it will be a long time before we see the green grass and the bonnie flowers again," and Graeme sighed.

  15. You mustna begin to weary for the spring yet.

  16. And it will be good for Rosie, and you mustna tell me that you are losing interest in your Merleville friends, dear!

  17. But your papa mustna be left to the keeping of fires, and the entertainment of chance visitors.

  18. Well, dear, you mustna be angry though I say it, but you may be ower ill to please.

  19. But you mustna fret yoursel' sick after him.

  20. You mustna go near the kippering," he said.

  21. You mustna gie him too lang, or too many lessons.

  22. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mustna" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.