Notwithstanding dame Loue is so fauourable vnto mee, that not onely shee hath geuen me true iudgement in choise of a frende, but hath reueiled vnto me that it is you whiche is worthy to be beloued, of such a Ladie as I am.
And can you finde in your hart to conceiue, that your Alerane would play the traitour with her, for whose seruice he feareth not to aduenture a thousand liues if God had geuen him so many?
Is authoritie geuen thee, libidinously to abuse our wyues and children?
These good felowes do make me goe in, because they would deceiue me: for when I haue geuen them all that is here, and I readie to come out, they meane to runne awaie to saue them selues, and to leaue me behinde without any parte thereof.
And hauing geuen good order for the affaires of their loue, and the secrete vse therof, Guiscardo retourned into the Caue, and the Ladie locked the doore, and came out amonges her maides.
The piteous death of an Amorous Gentleman, for the slacke comfort geuen him to late, by his beloued.
Then Sertorius making a signe, to haue the order fulfilled, whiche he had geuen the daye before, by and by the Stagge brake into the chamber.
Thankes be geuen to God and that good Sainct to whom I made my vow I am presently so wel eased, as if I fele myself no worse, I will yet deteine you (husband) a while from an other mariage.
These Articles aboue written, were geuen in, and layd agaynst M.
So after she had commended her children to the neighbors of the towne for Gods sake, and the suckyng barne was geuen to the nurse, shee sealed vp the truth by her death.
This our sentence definitiue, was geuen and read at our Metropolitan Churche of S.
Patricke Hamelton, and there decreed to be geuen to the secular indges to suffer death.
Then doe they all repeate the othe which they haue geuen vnto him; in acknowledging him to be their God.
Then doe they all repeate the othe which they haue geuen vnto him, in acknowledging him to be their God, thẽ fal they to dauncing.
Medcalfes eare: I was called before him and the Seniores: and after greuous rebuke, and some punishment, open warning was geuen to all the felowes, none to be so hardie to geue me his voice at that election.
Salust was no soch man, neyther for will to goodnes, nor skill by learning: but ill geuen by nature, and made worse by bringing vp, spent the most part of his yougth very misorderly in ryot and lechery.
Ariobarzanes hearing those heauy newes, was like to dye for sorrowe, and the greatter was his grief, because it was geuen to his greatest enemy.
And all those furnitures were appoynted to be geuen to him that should do best that day.
The piteous death of an Amorouse Gentleman, for the slacke comfort geuen him to late, by his beloued.
This office of Senescall was highly estemed and commonly wont to begeuen to one of the chiefest Barons of the Realm.
And thereupon conceiued corage to preferre hym selfe in playne tunes, if choyse were geuen to the maiden.
But there is no kynde of puttynge them awaye more cruell, then to geue vp that to beastlye affeccions, whych nature hath geuen to be fashioned by very good waies.
Consider thys also, howe greate a porcion of tyme is geuen now and then to the foelyshe busines of our friendes.
Swallowes haue shewed vs salandine, and haue geuen the name vnto the hearbe.
In other thinges pardon may be geuen to negligence, but here thou muste haue as manye eyes as Argus had, and muste be as vigilant as is possible.
Nature specially hathe geuen to the fyrste age an easines to folowe and do after, but yet thys folowyng is somewhat more prone to naughtynesse then to goodnes.
Furthermore the prouidẽce of nature hath geuen vnto litle ons a certen mete habilitte.
Of what thynge regarde is fyrste to be had, a readines by & by is geuen to lerne it.
It is a meruel that yong mẽ geuen to liberal studies be mad after this fashiõ, but it is more meruel y^t these things be alowed of suche as haue the rule of youth.
They are deceyued whyche beleue that nature hathe geuen vnto man no markes, whereby hys disposiciõ maye bee gathered, and they do amisse, that do not marke them thar be geuen.
But God, who doth reuele in his time apointed the secretes of hartes, and that will haue his iudgementes iustified euen by the verie wicked, hath now geuen open testimonie of her and their beastlie crueltie.
And therfore hast thou geuen them ouer in to a reprobat minde.
And the same he doth witnesse of the sonnes of Lot[140], to whom he had geuen Arre to be possessed.
By whose examples and by the plaine precept, which is geuento Ezechiel, commanding him that he shall say to the wicked: Thou shalt die the death.
For mount Seir I hauegeuen to Esau to be possessed.
And finallie by their practises and deceit, we finde auncient realmes and nations geuen and betrayed in to the handes of strangiers, the titles and liberties of them taken frome the iuste possessors.
He will neuer, I say, approue it, because it is a thing most repugnant to his perfect ordinance, as after shalbe declared, and as the former scriptures haue plainlie geuen testimonie.
Master KNOX in certayne articles geuen vnto my Lord JAMES at this tyme hath mytigated some what the rigour of his booke, referringe myche vnto ye tyme that the same was wrytten.
Make mutch of thy youthly lustinesse, and of thy transitory beauty, and I shal be contented with my Wyddow apparell, and shall leaue the riches which God hath geuen me to Heyres more honest than those that might haue come of thee.
Take heede therefore if thou loue me, to do all that which I haue geuen thee in charge.
By this art, a Whele may be geuen which shall moue ones about, in any tyme assigned.
First her authoritie regall Is the circle compassing all: The dominion great and large Which God hath geuen to her charge: Whithin which most spatious bound She enuirons her people round, Retaining them by oth and liegeance.
Sidenote: Brachiologa, or the Cutted comma] We vse sometimes to proceede all by single words, without any close or coupling, sauing that a little pause or comma is geuen to euery word.
As Cato said to one that had geuen him a good knock on the head with a long peece of timber he bare on his shoulder, and then bad him beware: what (quoth Cato) wilt thou strike me againe?
If any other man can geue him a fitter English name, I will not be angrie, but I am sure mine is very neere the origninall sense of the Prosonomasia, and is rather a by-name geuen in sport, than a surname geuen of any earnest purpose.
It he aliue, Is he as I left him queauing and quick, And hath he not yetgeuen up the ghost, Among the rest of those that I haue lost?
And Ioseph sayde vnto his father: they are my sonnes/ which God hath geuen me here.
And he sayde: they are the childern which God hath geuen thy seruaunte.
God hath geuen sent[~e]ce on my syde/ and hath also herde my voyce/ and hath geuen me a sonne.
And she conceaued agayne and bare a sonne/ and sayde: the LORde hath herde that I am despised/ ad hath therfore geuen me this sonne also/ and she called him Simeon.
And vnto Sara he sayde: Se I haue geuen thy brother a thousande peeces of syluer/ beholde he shall be a couerynge to thyne eyes vnto all that ar with the and vnto all men and an excuse.
Iacob waſ brogt bi-foren ðe king for togeuen him hiſ bliſcing.
Consider whether the lusty person were in foretyme geuen to moche drynkyng, eatyng and rauenyng, to moch ease, to no exercise or bathinges in his helth, or no.
These I did in Englishe the rather because at that tyme men ware not so geuen all to Englishe, but that they dyd fauoure & maynteine good learning conteined in tongues & sciences, and did also study and apply diligently the same them selues.
I am well assured that thou haddest it, and I feare me thou hast geuen it to that harlot.
I had not geuen hym all the money in my pursse, and in good fayth, for very feare, I was fayne to geue him xiiij.
The vpright men haue geuen all these nycke names to the places aboue sayde.
That is, as we have geuen our members to vncleannesse, from iniquitie to iniquitie: euen so from hencefoorth let vs geue our members to serue righteousnesse into satisfaction: where the true worde is into sanctification.
Or ++who hath geuen me any thynge aforehande, that I maye rewarde him agayne?
Or ++who hathgeuen me any thynge afore hande, that I maye re- No.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "geuen" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.