For Robyn Hode hase many a wilde felow, I telle yow in certen; 180 If thei wist ze rode this way, In feith ze shulde be slayn.
Johne toke the munkes horse be the hed, For sothe as I yow say, So did Muche the litulle page, For he shulde not stirre away.
Than I pray you, Syr, tell me here, Whyther shulde all this geare be brought?
But bycause Syr Jhān is so honest a man, 200 I wolde that he shulde therof eate his part.
My wynd-myll shall grynd more corne in one our 675 Then thy water-myll shall in thre or foure, Ye more then thyne shulde in a hole yere, Yf thou myghtest have as thou hast wyshyd here.
No, Goodwife Chat, I wold be loth such drabs shulde blot my name; But yet ye must so order all that Diccon beare no blame.
Ha, Tyb, if I shulde not greve the, I have somewhat wherof I wolde meve the.
By my fayth, and I shulde not lye, 395 It shulde be delyvered to thy wyfe, the pye.
And syns the wynde is conveyer of all Who but the wynde shulde have thanke above all?
And then she and Dame Cecilia said, "What, shulde the yong nunnes gyve voices?
Cole shulde drawe forthe some Order meete for their state and time: whiche thinge was by them accomplished and offred to the congregation (beinge the same Order off Geneua whiche is nowe in print).
At lenght it was agreed that the Order of Geneua (whiche then was alreadie printed in Englishe and some copies there amonge them) shulde take place as an Order moste godly and fardeste off from superstition.
And sodenly Bakton departed hem be the avice of [the Prior of Bro]mholme, and John Bowle and other, weche meved Bakton that I shulde not have my bargein; and so they entende to putte me from my bergein.
Your Lordship always knoweth best; but surely the yonge knyght hath but litel reson to expect that you shulde further engage yourself in such bondes as might be necessary to bring this fine unto the Chequer.
Thou woldest that I shulde shewe the those thynges that be meete for the inclinaciõ of that age, and whiche shuld by and by be taughte the lytle yongons.
Were it not an abhominable sight that the mynde of a man shulde be in a beastes body?
But the chyld shulde fyrste haue ben encoraged to loue lernyng, and to be afeared to displease hys teacher.
These men I iudge scant worthye to whome we shulde put oure wylde horses to be broken, muche lesse wuld I thynke that thys tender and almost suckynge age shuld be committed to them.
Go to, if a man wold haue hys sonne well seene in physycke, whether wolde he rather he shulde reade the bookes of physicions or learne by experience what thynge wolde hurt by poysonyng, or helpe by a remedy.
But there be some that looke that chyldren shulde strayghtwaye become olde men, hauyng no regarde of their age, but measure the tender wittes, by theyr owne strengthe.
Thou puttest hym to the sterne, and passest not that he shuldelearne those thynges that becommeth a shypmaster to know.
He is afeard lest his son shulde be poore, as the greateste of all mischiefe.
We haue tyme sufficiente to do all we shoulde do, if we bestowe it so thriftelye as we shulde do.
If shape and fashion shulde make a man, Images also shuldebe counted among men.
And we ne trust that ye shulde be of any suech disposicion towards us, as the rumour here renneth, consederyng the trust and affeccion we bere in yow.
As for moo men, my Lord hathe praied me and advised me to holde me content with thoo that I have, and that I shuldemake as litel coste in reparacions as I maye, because he cannot se wel howe the monney cane be goten to content them.
The credence wherof in substaunce was, that every of themshulde in suech pesibil wise, as thei have be accustumed to ryde, come unto his Highness.
He told me John Threscher come to hym in your name, and seide that ye sent hym to my ladde for a letter or a token, weche I shulde have sent you, but he truste hym not; he wold not delyver hym noon.
I understond ther had ben made labor that suche a thing shulde have ben as ye wrotte to me off, but now it is saff.
And where ye desire that I shulde send you woorde what disposicion shalbe take in the cuntre wher ye be, I desire you that ye, by theadvyse of the gentilmen which ben there, chese iij.
And it shulde not lye in youre power to lette your saide feleaship frome dispoilage and robery.
Alle my welfare to sorow and care Shulde chaunge, yf ye were gon: 70 For in my mynde, of all mankynde I love but you alone.
What wolde I do quod he, that is a question in dede, mary he shulde feele the wayghte of a payre of churlyshe fystes I warrant the.
Ah ha, nowe I wot wherabout ye be, belyke ye thîke that I lyue not accordynge to the gospell or as a good gospeller shulde do.
And yf an euyll bysshop be a thefe and a robber, then we shulde not so greatly abhorre and hate the name as the thynge.
What woldest thou do, I praye the, and yf a man shulde say to thy teth thou lyest falsely, or elles call the by thy ryght name knaue in englysshe.
Dothe it not betoken that thy lyfe shulde be conformable to the gospell which thou carryest aboute with the.
It shulde be ||more feared of a good prynce to be a tyraunt in dede then to haue the name of a tyraunt.
And what and yf a man gaue you a good cuffe vpon the eare that shulde waye a pounde?
Nay I feare rather lest in so sayenge it shulde cost vs our lyues, and ||so myght we our selues shortelye be no men.
But "the Scottes coude nat do their maters so secretly, but the lords of Englande knewe howe men rose in Scotland, and how they shulde mete agayne at Gedeours.
Englande, and done suche dedes there that it shulde be spoken of xx yere after.
If the Abbot of west-minster shulde sing every day as many masses for his founders as he is bounde to do by his foundacion, 1000 monkes were too few.
The Turke nowe, in your tyme, shulde never be abill to get so moche grounde of christendome.
Soldan) his birthe took That he for love shuldehan his deeth, allas!
To French erotic poetry we owe the elaborate code of duties owed by husband to wife and lover to mistress, and the whole artificial convention which prescribed unhappy love affairs and revelled in the minute analysis of over-strained emotion.
Works of any importance were written in Latin, and such English prose as there was, consisted in sermons, lives of the saints, etc.
Professor Ten Brink believes that the influence of Dante was largely responsible for a sudden quickening and deepening of religious feeling in Chaucer, and he attributes the A.
French, as we have seen, had long been the dominant influence in English literature.
Different dialects prevailed in different parts of the country, but they were at least varieties of English, and English was the language of the people as a whole.
Already Chaucer shows that truth to life, that impatience of artificiality which are to become two of his most striking characteristics.
Marguerite says: "He mayde me promyse in his hands that how soever I shulde be pressed by my father, or otherwyse, I should not make alyance of maryage with Prynce off the worlde.
An exortacion how princes, lordes, and officers roialle shulde worship and meynteyne the Chirche, and defende hem from oppression.
Agamenon required of the goddis six suche wise viellars as was Nestor, that then he doubted not within short tyme that Troie shulde be take and destroied.
How lordis sonnes and noble men of birthe, for the defense of her londe, shulde excersise hem in armes lernyng.
Historie of dame Cristyn, declaring how a prince and a ledar of peple shulde use prudence and justice by example of the noble cenatoure called Fabricius.
And then the smythier, lest he lost his custumers, wolde make true goode; and then, withe the grase of Godd, the Craft shulde amend and the kynges peapull be not disseyved with ontrewe goode.
And when hit is made in hokes and shulde serve the Fisher to take fisshe, when comythe hit to distresse, then for febulness hit all-to brekithe and thus is the Fissher foule disseyved to hys grete harme.
On it was inscribed in old English characters of unknown date the words: 'Shulde this Ston stalen bee, Or shuld it chaunges dre, The Houss of Sawl and hys Hed anoon shal de.
I not why deth my mastire dide envie, But for he shulde chaunge his habite; Pety hit is that suche a man shulde die!
Saynt Austyne amonessheth with besy cure, howe men att table shulde them assure that ther escape them no suche langage 160 As myght hurte or bryng folke to disparage.
This verily / fyrst that we shuld not please our selues: Agayne / that we shuld not so lyue after our own mynde / that we shulde cõtemne their saluacion.
That those thinges which do belonge vnto Godd / shuld be gyuen vnto Godd: and those thinges which are belonging vnto Cesar / shulde be gyuen vnto Cesar.
Yeat les they shulde seame to saye nothing / They saye / That the Lord did delyuer it in bothe kindes vnto prestes onlye / that is to his Apostles.
Wherof the Emprour in the Code doth saye / that yf he shulde commaunde anye thinge agaynste righte / he wolde not that any suche decree of his shulde auayle in iudgementes.
It is true indeede that the holy scriptures do commaunde / that euerye soule shulde obeye the hygher poures / but so farr as by Godds word it is lawfull to obey / and no further.
Constitu]] Iustiniane the Emprour determineth / that all thinges shulde be spoken openlye and plainlye in the Temples / that they mighte bothe be hearde and vnderstonded / But this the papistes regarde not.
Ther was kid mycull fors, Who shulde best fend his cors; 70 He that hade no gode hors, Borowyd hym a mare.
Ther was mony a bolde lad theire bodys to bede: 55 Than thei toke theire leve and hamwarde thei zede, And alle the weke afterward thei graythed her wede, Tille hit come to the day that thei shulde do thaire dede.
Whylste Edwarde to thie sonnes wylle nete alyse[56], Shulde anie of thie sonnes fele aughte of ethe[57]?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "shulde" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.