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Example sentences for "maye"

Lexicographically close words:
mayde; mayden; maydens; maydes; mayds; mayest; mayflies; mayflowers; mayhap; mayhappen
  1. Maye not a man of mye age for lacke of Counselle, of w{ch} I am verye destitute falle twise or thrise, and yet repent and be chastised bye experience?

  2. Also on fryday the xxx day of Maye y{e} Kynge treated and made in the towre of London, xix.

  3. And the sondaye before this tryumphe beyng the xxv daye of Maye the Kynge made at his maner of Grenwyche all these Knyghtes.

  4. But yt cannot be longe before we see some waye open, and yow maye be sure (Madame) that we will not lose one quarter of an houre.

  5. By thys ye maye se, that it is wysdome for a man to do good dedys hym selfe, whyle he is here, and not to trust to the prayer and promyse of hys executours.

  6. By this tale ye maye perceiue, how greuouse and perillous all ciuyle sedicions be, so doubtfull may it stand, that a man can not tel on which side to holde.

  7. By this tale one maye lerne, that superfluous wordes ought dilygently to be auoyded, specially where a matter is treated before an hygh prince.

  8. By thys tale ye maye perceyue that women ofte tymes be wyse and lothe to lose any tyme.

  9. Wherby ye maye se, that the wyser a man is, the more pacience he taketh.

  10. Why, quod the emperour, one of you maye clawe and frote an others backe well inough.

  11. Here by ye maye se, that many thinges passe by them that slepe, and it is an old sayenge: He that slepeth, byteth no body.

  12. Nor one shulde nat bragge and bost to do more than he maye welle atcheue.

  13. By this tale ye maye se, what the perswasion of many doth.

  14. By this tale ye may lerne to perceyue, that it is no wysedome for a man to be couetous of wynnynge of any wager to put in ieopardye a thynge, that maye turne him to greatter displeasure.

  15. For there muste they abide, till wayes may be founde to open the gate, that they maye goe out.

  16. Marmaduke Jefferson hath till the nexte Courte to bring in his fine for hangeinge oute his basones on maye daie.

  17. An order that assistaunts maye be made nevˀ beinge any Governor.

  18. Very sommer is knowe from the winter: in shorter cours draweth the dayes of Decembre than in the moneth of June; the springes of Maye faden and +falowen in Octobre.

  19. For ye maye wenden through the 80 realme, and ech night, wel nigh, ligge in youre owne courtes; and so mow but right few lordes do.

  20. And ther is no cause why profite maye not folowe pleasure, and honestie ioyned to delectacion.

  21. The table maye haue an Elephant whom a Dragon claspeth harde aboute, wrapping in his former feete with his tayle.

  22. Here I haue nothynge to saye, but thys out of the comedie: We muste do as we maye do, when we can not as we wolde.

  23. If his estate be sũwhat base, so much the more neede hath he to be taught, and holpen by lernynge, that he maye come vp, from his pore case.

  24. But as for an earthen vessell beynge newe and emptye, you maye keepe it for what liquore ye wyll.

  25. Verelye by thys meanes the profite wolde be double, as the cõmoditie is double if the Byshoppe shewe hym selfe a good man, to the entente he maye encourage very many to the loue of vertue.

  26. For what may not a man learne, when an Eliphant maye be taught to walke vpõ a corde, a bear to daunse, and an asse to playe the foole.

  27. Here the course of our talkyng putteth vs in remẽbraunce briefely to shewe by what meanes it maye be brought to passe that lernyng shuld waxe swete vnto the chylde, [Sidenote: How learnyng may be made swete vnto y^e chyld.

  28. Who lycketh not the tone maye lycke up the rest.

  29. Yf drought toke place, as ye say, yet maye ye se, Lytell helpeth the wynde in thys commodyte.

  30. And yf I maye not speke wyth Jupiter 495 I beseche you be my solycyter.

  31. But yf that I maye have, trwly, Goode ale my belly full, I shall looke lyke one (by swete sainte Johnn) Were shoron agaynste the woole.

  32. And Kytte, my wyfe, that as her lyfe Lovethe well good ale to seke, Full ofte drynkythe she that ye maye se The teares ronne downe her cheke.

  33. But let me speke with the god, yf it maye be.

  34. Nay, then, when ye wyll, byr lady, ye maye go, And let me alone with thys.

  35. There may passe by us no spot of neglygence, But justely to judge eche thynge, so upryghte B iii That ech mans parte maye shyne in the selfe ryghte.

  36. D vi By Cryste, ye maye happe to have a byrd or twayne, And I promyse you, yf any snow come, When I make my snow ballys ye shall have some.

  37. Yet maye ye on water, wythout any wynde, Row forth your vessell where men wyll have her synde.

  38. Ye maye truste me at Syo as well as here.

  39. For, I se, ye care not who wyn or lese, 435 So ye maye fynde meanys to wyn your fees.

  40. For hem that haten us 6920 Is oure merite to lovye, And povere peple to plese, Hir preieres maye us helpe.

  41. Ac cristene men withoute moore Maye noght come to hevene; For that Crist for cristene men Deide and confermed the lawe, That who so wolde and wilneth With Crist to arise, Si cum Christo surexistis, etc.

  42. The hert of her husband maye safely trust in her, so that he shall have no nede of spoyles.

  43. Two wymen in one howse, Two cattes and one mowse, Two dogges and one bone Maye never accorde in one.

  44. In the "Parliament of Byrdes," written about 1650, we read that he "Who wyll smatter what euery man doos maye go helpe to shoo the goose.

  45. For this Rule of the holy ghoste doth euer remain certain / Euell things ar not to be doone / that goode maye comme therof.

  46. Christes passions / that when his glorie appearith / ye maye be mery and gladd.

  47. For that same Rule doth stonde certayn which gyueth leaue to no mã to do euell that goode maye comme theron.

  48. Which thinge being true / I maye thẽ aske this question.

  49. But heere risith a question: Whether that such a weake and vnlearned man / maye learn ony of the liberall artes / or philosophie / of such a master as is an vnbeleauer.

  50. Neither are they all yet vtterly to be despayred of / for the roote remaynethe into the which they maye be ingrafted agayne / and nowe and thẽ some of them / thoughe not many in Nombre / do come vnto Christe.

  51. And let them begg the mercie of godd / and the prayers of godly men / that the same thing which they haue euell doone / and do / maye be pardoned them.

  52. As soone as possible you may to withdrawe your selfe from this kinde of lyfe, you are yet but a girle (to speake off) and the spot of your misdemeanour maye be washed away.

  53. Lastly that which in friendship is the chiefe thing, your maners seemeth not the worste to square vnto my minde and liking, for it maye bee that a thing is simply and of it selfe right excellent and yet not apt and meete for some vse.

  54. Beware I say, you mistake me not, you maye bee ouerseene, if you had worne the shoe, then you shoulde perceyue where it wringeth.

  55. She maye admonish him of his fault and rather gently perswade him to bridle hys affections, to giue him a flat nay when he straineth vpon hir, she may not.

  56. Furthermore thei woulde that ther should be a pulpite in the middes of the churche, wherein the prieste maye stonde vpon Sondaies and holidayes, to teache the people those thinges that it behoueth them to knowe.

  57. Vpon whose coronettes or heades the vaulte or rophe of the churche maye reste.

  58. And this humbly before the aultare, if he maye conueniently, with his face towarde the Easte.

  59. The other parte oughte so to be fitted, that hauing as it ware on eche side an arme, the reste maye resemble the bodye with the fete stretched in breadthe, and in lengthe.

  60. Sir, whear shee Strock first I se one Anchor at Low water, sea being so Great Ever sence I have ben here, Can not Come to se what maye be their for Riches, nor aney of her Guns.

  61. Also he that defendeth a Towne, oughte to provide that nothing bee done tumultuouslye and disordinatelye, and to take suche order, that in all accidentes everye man maye knowe what he hath to doo.

  62. What thynge maye I promis them, by meane wherof thei may have me in reverence to love, or to feare, when the warre beyng ended, they have not anie more to doe with me?

  63. This devise is more sure than the Parculles, because hardely it maye be of the enemye lette in such wise, that it fall not downe, falling not by a righte line as the Parculles, which easely may be underpropped.

  64. Wherein maye be seen by example of other, with howe greuous plages vices are punished: and howe frayle and vnstable worldly prosperity is founde, even of those whom Fortune seemeth most highly to fauour.

  65. And Iacob sayde vnto his father: I am Esau thy eldest sonne/ I haue done acordinge as thou baddest me/ vp and sytt and eate of my venyson/ that thi soule maye blesse me.

  66. And they sayde: we maye not/ vntill all y^e flockes be brought together & the stone be roulled fro the wells mouth/ and so we water oure shepe.

  67. Yf Pharao call you and axe you what youre occupation is/ saye: thi seruauntes haue bene occupyed aboute catell/ fro oure chilhode vnto this tyme: both we and oure fathers/ that ye maye dwell in the lande of Gosan.

  68. Neverthelesse if oure youngeste brother go with vs then will we goo/ for we maye not see the mannes face/ excepte oure yongest brother be with vs.

  69. Saye I praye the therfore that thou art my sister/ that I maye fare the better by reason of the and that my soule may lyue for thy sake.

  70. Then sayde my lorde vnto his seruauntes brynge him vnto me/ that I maye sett myne eyes apon him.

  71. And Iacob called for his sonnes ad sayde: come together/ that I maye tell you what shall happ[~e] you in the last dayes.

  72. Gete you thither and bye vs corne fro th[~e]ce/ that we maye lyue and not dye.

  73. Then sayde he: He maye well be called Iacob/ for he hath vndermyned me now .

  74. Item that the fleetest pynassis doe waight still on the Admirall and be at hand y^t he maye upon all occasions send them from shipp to shipp as hee shall see Cause.

  75. And if he or they have not the same then you shall hange up two lights one above the other on the same side of the shipp w^h you shall perceave them of, so as the rest of y^e shipp maye have warninge accordingly.

  76. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maye" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.