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Example sentences for "chyldren"

Lexicographically close words:
chutney; chwang; chyde; chyld; chylde; chyle; chylopoietic; chylous; chyme; chymic
  1. William openyd hys backe wyndow, That was in hys chambre on hye,[L122] And wyth shetes let hys wyfe downe, And hys chyldren thre.

  2. L12] Cloudesle walked a lytle besyde, And loked under the grenewood linde; He was ware of hys wife and chyldren thre, 15 Full wo in hart and mynde.

  3. Wyllyam was the wedded man, Muche more then was hys care: He sayde to hys brethren upon a day, To Carelel he would fare, For to speke with fayre Alse hys wife, 25 And with hys chyldren thre.

  4. Where be you, fayre Alyce, my wyfe,[L41] And my chyldren three?

  5. He toke hys sweard and hys bucler, Hys bow and hy[s] chyldren thre, And wente into hys strongest chamber, 95 Where he thought surest to be.

  6. Cloudesle walked a lytle beside, He looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife, and chyldren three, 15 Full wo in harte and mynde.

  7. Wher be you, fayre Alyce, he sayd, My wife and chyldren three?

  8. He toke hys sword and hys bucler, Hys bow and hys chyldren thre, And wente into hys strongest chamber, 95 Where he thought surest to be.

  9. Have you here my treasure, sayde William, 125 My wyfe and my chyldren thre: For Christes love do them no harme, But wreke you all on me.

  10. It apeareth sayth he, that the chyldren wer not so much brought vp in the mothers lappe, as in the mothers cõmunicacion.

  11. What payne refuse we to leaue vnto oure chyldren a ryche patrimonye and well stablished: and to get that for them whiche is better then all this, shulde it yrke vs to take laboure?

  12. Whervnto is added a declamacion, That chyldren euen strayt frõ their infancie should be well and gent- ly broughte vp in learnynge.

  13. Be not the chyldren of citizens, men as well as kynges chyldren be?

  14. What a beatyng is thẽ in the schole, whẽ chyldren be axed these thynges?

  15. It is a wayghty matter to brynge vp chyldren well, I graunt: but no man is borne to him selfe, no man borne to be idle.

  16. I know greate men, whych of manye chyldren haue scante one lefte alyue.

  17. Sidenote: Chyldren euyl broughte vp, brynge shame to their parẽtes] Agayne into what shames and greate sorowes they cast their parentes that bee euyll broughte vp.

  18. Verye lytel do chyldren owe vnto theyre fathers of whome they be no more but begotten, and not also broughte vp to lyue verteouslye.

  19. To suche tutors do honest citizens committe their chyldren whome they moste loue, and suche do complayne that they be not wel rewarded for their paynes.

  20. What other thynge maye chyldren learne hereof, then to hate learnyng?

  21. But it is not good trustyng the lookes, vnder that frownynge face lurke oftẽ tymes most vnchaste and wanton maners, neyther is to be spoken amonge honeste men, to what shamefulnes these bouchers abuse chyldren by fearyng them.

  22. You fathers saythe he, prouoke not your chyldren to anger, but bring them vp in discipline and chastisyng of the Lorde.

  23. But, when that he comen home agayn was, He found his wyfe, and with her chyldren seven, 545 Whiche she had had in the mene space; Yet had she not had so many by thre Yf she had not had the help of me.

  24. Is not this a myracle, yf ever were any, That this good wyfe shuld have chyldren so many 550 Here in this town, whyle her husband shuld be Beyond the se, in a farre contre.

  25. Whiche his chyldren fawtes forseth nat to see Hauynge no care for to induce theyr mynde To godly vertue: and vyce to leue behynde.

  26. An olde sore to hele is oft halfe incurable Ryght so ar these Chyldren roted in myschefe Some after euer lyueth a lyfe abhomynable To all theyr Kyn great sorowe and reprefe.

  27. Muche like to the same, whiche many tymes wee see and wonder, howe diuers chyldren borne of chaste and honest women, haue bodies and qualities farre discrepant from their honest parentes.

  28. But such is thy wisdome adjoyned to thy mercies, deare Father, that thou sekest all means possible to brynge thy chyldren to the sure sense and lyvely feelinge of thy fatherly favour.

  29. And therefore when prosperitie wyll not serve, then sendest thow adversitie, graciously correctinge all thy chyldren whome thou receyvest into thy howshold.

  30. Our Neighbors the Sicillians once dyd the like vnder the conduct of Dion, against the disruled fury and wilful cruelty of Denis the tyrant of Syracusa, and the Atheniens against the Chyldren of Pisistratus.

  31. Bishop Spofford writes: "Wee ordayne and charge you under payne of unobedyence that no suster hald nor receyfe ony surgyner, man or woman weddyd, other maydens of lawful age to be wedded, knave chyldren aboven eght yeer of age.

  32. Yea, quod the peynter, I make my chyldren in the darke, and I peynte those fygures by daye lyght.

  33. There was a certayne olde man, whiche let his sonne to mary, and to brynge his wyfe and his chyldren to dwelle with him, and to take all the house in to his owne hande and gydinge.

  34. And so sayde the frere in the pulpet: no more are ye none of the chyldren of God: for ye scorne and laughe at me nowe, that preche to you the worde of God whiche 3 lines wanting.

  35. Lucius and Aruns the chyldren of Tarquinius.

  36. Euro~Rightfull God, ye me sende Some good londe on to lende, That my chyldren may crystened be[n].

  37. A clothe of sylke toke they tho, And departed it bytwene the chyldren two, Therin they were wonde.

  38. Thus the lady dwelled there, 1807 Tyll that she delyuered were Of men chyldren two.

  39. The se was ebbe and went hem fro And left hir and hir chyldren two [Alo]ne without any fere.

  40. Therof I-wys she was fayne, She set hir downe, as I herd sayne, Hir chyldren for to dyght.

  41. VI Wyllyam was the wedded man, Muche more then was hys care: He sayde to hys brethren upon a day, To Carleile he would fare; VII For to speke with fayre Alyce his wife, And with hys chyldren thre.

  42. CI Cloudesley walked a lytle beside, Looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife and chyldren three, Full wo in herte and mynde.

  43. XXIV He toke hys sword and hys buckler, Hys bow and hys chyldren thre, And wente into hys strongest chamber, Where he thought surest to be.

  44. It wolde be meete to exercyse chyldren in suche themes, wherby shal be gottẽ bothe wysedome and eloquence.

  45. Cõtrary, Brutus kylled hys chyldren goyng about treason, Manlius punished by death the valiauntnes of hys sonne.

  46. The seconde forme, is an expression of naturall propensitie, and inclinacions to naturall affeccions, as of the fathers loue toward the chyldren .

  47. Wher be you, fayre Alyce, my wyfe, And my chyldren three?

  48. Cloudesle walked a lytle beside, And looked under the grene wood lynde, He was ware of his wife and chyldren three, Full wo in herte and mynde.

  49. He toke his sweard and hys bucler, Hys bow and hys chyldren thre, And wente into hys strongest chamber, Where he thought surest to be.

  50. Some chyldren unto the courtes hauntes, And ben purvayed of benefyces; Some haunteth markettes and be marchauntes, Byenge and sellynge theyr marchaundyses; Or elles constytuted in offyces.

  51. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "chyldren" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.