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Example sentences for "diuine"

Lexicographically close words:
diuide; diuided; diuideth; diuiding; diuina; diuines; diuinitie; diuision; dium; diuretic
  1. For he did often frequent Diuine seruice in the Church, he gaue much Almes, hee held the Clergie in great estimation, and highly honoured the Prelats of the Church.

  2. Guymund his Chapleine (obseruing that vnworthy men for the most part were aduanced to the best dignities of the Church) as he celebrated Diuine seruice before him, and was to read these words out of S.

  3. His flattering followers applauded this speach, as proceeding from a magnanimous courage, or rather as some flash of diuine inspiration: and the Kings Ambassador not a little abashed, was content to descend to lower demands.

  4. He applied so well all the yeeres of his youth to the study of humane and diuine Lawes, that he came not so soone to the age of a man, as he had purchased to himselfe by reason of his singular learning, renowme and honour.

  5. Robert Curson descended of a noble family of England, vsed great diligence aswell in prophane as in diuine studies in the famous Vniuersitie of Oxford (as I coniecture.

  6. But thus, if Powres Diuine Behold our humane Actions (as they doe) I doubt not then, but Innocence shall make False Accusation blush, and Tyrannie Tremble at Patience.

  7. Now diuine aire, now is his soule rauisht, is it not strange that sheepes guts should hale soules out of mens bodies?

  8. Turning your Bookes to Graues, your Inke to Blood, Your Pennes to Launces, and your Tongue diuine To a lowd Trumpet, and a Point of Warre Bish.

  9. If I were bound to Diuine of this vnity, I wold not Prophesie so Men.

  10. A true-deuoted Pilgrime is not weary To measure Kingdomes with his feeble steps, Much lesse shall she that hath Loues wings to flie, And when the flight is made to one so deere, Of such diuine perfection as Sir Protheus Luc.

  11. Now Thomas Mowbray do I turne to thee, And marke my greeting well: for what I speake, My body shall make good vpon this earth, Or my diuine soule answer it in heauen.

  12. The Oile of Waxe, is myraculous and diuine in workyng, bycause it serueth in a manner vnto all griefes.

  13. Also this Quintessence doth helpe the falling sicknesse, and preserueth the bodye from putrifying, so that by al those we maye learne, that thys is rather a diuine water from Heauen (and sente from God) to serue vnto all ages.

  14. If thou hast beautie praysd, let her sole lookes diuine 245 Iudge if ought therein be amis, and mend it by her eine.

  15. He followeth in religion especially the opinions of the Magistrates, attributing diuine power vnto heauen and earth as vnto the parents of all, and with great solemnity sacrificing vnto them.

  16. So as to the God of the Christians, such diuine praise might be verified: to th'other gods none, but figuratiuely or in misticall sense as hath bene said.

  17. For these regards the Poesie historicall is of all other next the diuine most honorable and worthy, as well for the common benefit as for the speciall comfort euery man receiueth by it.

  18. It can not bee therefore that anie scorn or indignitie should iustly be offred to so noble, profitable, ancient and diuine a science as Poesie is.

  19. If they do it by instinct diuine or naturall, then surely much fauoured from aboue.

  20. Howsing, I vnderstand, both for Diuine Seruice, and Mans common vsage: publike, and priuate.

  21. With the rumor and shouts of those that saw this sight, Aristotimus was appalled, and vnderstanding the circumstance of the chaunce, hee sent for his diuine to declare the signification of this Augurye, which greatly troubled his minde.

  22. Nor I can nat let passe his excelle[n]t incredible / and diuine wisdome vnspoken of / afore you at this tyme.

  23. But that tormentour deaffe with feruentnes, made no ende of his bochery, tyl the chylde was almost in a sounde: Anon the diuine turninge to vs, he hathe deserued nothynge quod he, but that he muste be made lowe.

  24. The diuine sayde once or twyse, it is inoughe, it is inoughe.

  25. The celebration of the diuine mystery was the first signe, seale, and confirmation of Christs name, death, and passion euer knowen in these quarters.

  26. Then as he was refined, and made neerer drawing vnto the image of God: so it pleased the diuine will to resume him vnto himselfe, whither both his, and euery other high and noble minde, haue alwayes aspired.

  27. Or if he be so sicke that he doo kéepe his bed, he dooth vse to haue that habit laid vpon him during the times of diuine seruice aforesaid.

  28. Plato referreth such changes as happen in common-wealths to a certeine diuine force that resteth hidden in sundrie od numbers, whereof their periods do consist.

  29. But now as concerning that the same vnuanquishable army fighting vnder your ensignes and name, streightwaies after it came to land, set fire on their ships; what mooued them so to doo, except the admonitions of your diuine motion?

  30. The pleasure that he tooke chieflie in this world for the refreshing of his wits, consisted onelie in hawking and hunting, which exercises he dailie vsed, after he had first beene in the church at diuine seruice.

  31. You that to Caesar iustly did decree Honors diuine and sacred reuerence: And oft him grac'd with titles well deserued, Of Countries Father, stay of Commonwealth.

  32. Let then they soule diuine vouchsafe to take, These worthles obsequies our loue doth make.

  33. Why doe we refuse to see the dignity of Gods Creation, sith it hath pleased his diuine Maiestie to place vs the nerest neighbor therevnto.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "diuine" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.