But if landlords hold on to raise the rents of their farms as they begin, they will inforce their tenants to looke better vnto their gains, and scratch out their rent from vnder euerie clod that may be turned aside.
I thinke that far carriage be the onelie cause, which is but a slender excuse to inforce vs to carrie them vnto the maine from hence.
Albane speaketh, was at the nether end of Halliwell stréet or there about, for so the view of the place doth inforce me to coniecture.
But as the times of the tearmes are rather too short than too long by one returne a péece: so if there were smaller roomes and fowler waies vnto them, they would inforce manie to make pawses before they did rashlie enter into plée.
We shall intreat you to abide heere till he come, and inforce them against him: we shall finde this Frier a notable fellow Luc.
Are you not asham'd to inforce a poore Widdowe to so rough a course, to come by her owne?
And when such time they haue begun to cry, Let them not cease, but with a dinne confus'd Inforce the present Execution Of what we chance to Sentence Edi.
If Wrongs be euilles, and inforce vs kill, What Folly 'tis, to hazard life for Ill Alci.
In this point charge him home, that he affects Tyrannicall power: If he euade vs there, Inforce him with his enuy to the people, And that the Spoile got on the Antiats Was ne're distributed.
Ah barbarous villaines: Hath this louely face, Rul'd like a wandering Plannet ouer me, And could it not inforce them to relent, That were vnworthy to behold the same King.
The proud controle of fierce and bloudy warre, To inforce these rights, so forcibly with-held, K.
To inforce this Request, I present you with this String of Wampum.
To inforce this Request, as well as to brighten the Chain, we lay down this other Belt of Wampum.
The obligations of the law of nature cease not in society, but only in many cases are drawn closer, and have by human laws known penalties annexed to them, to inforce their observation.
But as the times of the tearmes are rather too short than too long by one returne a peece: so if there were smaller roomes and fowler waies vnto them, they would inforce manie to make pawses before they did rashlie enter into plee.
Albane speaketh, was at the nether end of Halliwell street or there about, for so the view of the place doth inforce me to coniecture.
In faith (quoth I), I could scarce inforce the fishmonger to sell them for twenty pence.
Then said Fotis, Wil you go about to deceive me now, and inforce me to work my own sorrow?
I say inforce because no one thing more preuaileth with all ordinary iudgements than perswasion by similitude.
And one notable meane to affect the minde, is to inforce the sence of any thing by a word of more than ordinary efficacie, and neuertheles is not apparant, but as it were, secretly implyed, as he that laid thus of a faire Lady.
As well to a good maker and Poet as to an excellent perswader in prose, the figure of Similitude is very necessary by which we not onely bewtifie our tale, but also very much inforce & inlarge it.
To inforce this Request, I present you with this String of Wampum.
To inforce our Request, about the Indian Traders, we present you with this Bundle of Skins.
And in company of better rank, to avoid the suspect of insufficiency, will inforce their ignorance most desperately, to set upon the understanding of any thing.
You may inforce the length as a necessary reason; but for propriety, the scene wou'd very well have borne it, in my judgment.
From the which it will be found that this instance of the Peruvian Morality makes for the need of Revelation to inforce Natural Religion, and not against it.
Antinous: Sir, Heaven can tell, and my integrity, What I did, was but only to inforce The Senates gratitude.
It is my ring the villaine desires soe importunatly: what untuterd slave art thou that darst inforce aught from this gentlewoman.
Sir, your rage Cannot inforce a recantacion from me: I doe pronounce her light as is a leafe In withered Autumne shaken from the trees By the rude winds: noe specld serpent weares More spotts than her pide honor.
Smith came out in 1838 with Elkanah Walker and Cushing Eells to re-inforce the mission to the Nez Percés.
Perkins came out to re-inforce the Methodist mission in September, 1837, and not long afterwards married Elvira Johnson, who had preceded him a few months.
We were ordered to re-inforce and protect the infantry and we drove the enemy back a considerable distance.
He said that before we got there to re-inforce them, that Gen.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inforce" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.