There were a 600 moonksfound in those two houses, and gouerned [Sidenote: Glasiers first brought into England.
Manie of them were of that [Sidenote: The number of moonks in the monasterie of Bangor.
The fourth, that bishops being moonks should not go from monasterie to monasterie, except by sufferance and permission of their abbats, & should continue in the same obedience wherein they stood before.
Of those moonks and priests which came to praie (as before is mentioned) there died at that battell about the number of 12 hundred, so that fiftie of them onelie escaped by flight.
Manie therefore of those moonks hauing kept a solemne fast for thrée daies togither, were come to the armie with other to make praier, [Sidenote: Brocmale.
After the death of Philip Morgan bishop of that see, the moonks of Elie chose for their pastor Robert fitz Hugh bishop of London; but he dieng at saint Osees before his confirmation, neuer possessed the honour thereof.
About the same time, to wit the seauenth of Februarie died Hugh de Wels bishop of Lincolne, a great enimie to moonks and religious men.
The moonks of Durham, who onlie with the canons of Gisborne resisted the wicked proceedings of the popes exactors, and stood therefore interdicted a long time, at length, after manie altercations, were absolued.
But the moonke making his appeale, stood in it, and taking with him certeine of his fellow moonks of Canturburie, went to Rome, and there made supplication to the pope, that his election by his authoritie might be ratified and confirmed.
The moonks of the Cisteaux were this yeare somewhat vexed by the king, bicause they had refused to aid him with monie towards his iournie made into Gascoigne.
After this, the king departed foorth into the Welsh confines, and comming to an abbeie of the white moonks called Cride, caused it to be burnt, bicause it serued as a refuge for his enimies.
Sidenote: A fraie betwixt the moonks and citizens of Norwich.
The moonks of Winchester meaning to prouide themselues of a bishop, now that Athelmare alias Odomare the kings halfe brother was banished the realme, elected one Henrie de Wingham the kings chancellor, in hope that the K.
But when the daie came, the moonks for all this made seisure of the manour, and held it continuallie without anie further recompense, maugre all the friendship that the aforesaid Bendish could make.
From hence it goeth into Thamar, by north Buckland, moonks Buckland, Beare, and Tamerton follie.
It belonged first to the Bendishes gentlemen of a verie ancient house yet extant, of which one laieng the said manour to morgage to the moonks of Feuersham, at such time as K.
Berwike, is that which was somtime called Lindesfarne, but now Holie Iland, and conteineth eight miles; a place much honored among our monasticall writers, bicause diuerse moonks and heremits did spend their times therein.
There were somtimes also two monasteries therein, one of moonks builded by Fergus, another of nuns: and a parish church, beside many chappels builded by the Scotish kings, and such princes as gouerned in the Iles.
That nomoonks should be godfathers, nor nuns godmothers to any mans child.
That no moonks should inioyne penance to any man without licence of their abbat, and that abbats might not grant licence, but for those of whose soules they had cure.
That moonks and préests which had forsaken their orders (for the loue of their wiues) should be excommunicated, if they would not returne to their profession againe.
That moonks should not hold and occupie any farmes in their hands.
And herewith hauing his speech perfect, he declared how he had séene two moonks stand by him as he thought, whome in his youth he knew in Normandie to haue liued godlie, and died christianlie.
He also builded a church on the place where saint Edmund was buried, and ordeined an house of moonks there, or rather remooued the canons or secular priests that were there afore, and put moonks in their roomes.
Malcolme king of Scotland) refused to come vnto him being sent for by letters, and herewith began to practise with certeine other Noble men of that countrie, how to depose king William.
In this kings daies John bishop of Welles ioined the monasterie of Bath vnto his see, and repairing the same monasterie, began to inhabit there in the yeere 1094.
Wherevpon it came to passe on a morning, when he should pull on a new paire of hose, he asked the groome of his chamber that brought them to him what they cost?
The Church of Couentrie was in like sort ioined vnto the sée of Chester by Robert bishop of that diocesse.
Sidenote: The conclusion of the strife betwixt the bishop and moonks of Durham.
The king and bishops procured his election not without much adoo: for the moonks pretending a right thereto, were sore against it.
Those that were about the archbishop cried vpon him to flée; but he sat still and would not once remoue, till the moonks brought him euen by force & against his will into the church.
Sidenote: The knights command the moonksto sée the archbishop kept safe.
This yeere the moonks of Canturburie (by the kings assent) chose for their archbishop one Richard, who before was prior of Douer, this man was the 39.
The comming of the armed men being knowne; [Sidenote: The moonks with force bring the archbishop into the church.
The verie same night before the cockcrowing he issued foorth by a little posterne gate, and taking with him onelie two moonks of the Cisteaux order, the one named Robert Canne, and the other S.
The French king offered vpon the toome of the said archbishop Thomas, a rich cup of gold; and gaue to the moonks there an hundred tuns of wine to be receiued yearelie of his gift for euer at Poissie in France.
Moreouer they tooke awaie with them ten seuerall buls, concerning certeine exemptions and immunities granted to the abbats and moonks of Burie by sundrie bishops of Rome.
The articles of agreement betweene the moonks of Burie and the inhabitants of Burie.
Thus much touching those troubles betwixt the townesmen of Burie & the abbat and moonks there, and now we will returne to other generall matters touching the publike state of the realme.
Edmundsburie in Suffolke, that the inhabitants of that towne raised a sore commotion against the abbat & moonks of the same abbeie, and that at seuerall times, as first on the wednesdaie next after the feast of the conuersion of S.
All the goods of the Italians were by the kings commandement this yeare confiscate to his vse, and so likewise were the goods of the moonks of the Cluniake and Cisterceaux orders.
Sidenote: The moonks of Christes church send to the pope, complaining of their archbishop.
The archbishop at the first trusted to be borne out by the king (who was highlie offended with the moonks for their presumptuous dealing) and therefore refused to obeie the popes commandement.
Ye haue heard before, how the moonks of Canturburie did send to exhibit a complaint to the pope, for that their archbishop tooke vpon him to deale in exercise of matters belonging to a temporall man, [Sidenote: Ger.
This man called a conuocation at Westminster, wherein at the suit of Hugh Nouant bishop of Chester, it was decreed, [Sidenote: Moonks of Couentrie displaced.
Moreouer, where he had borrowed a great summe of monie of the merchants of the staple, he wrought a feat with the moonks of the Cisteaux order to discharge that debt.
Afterwards comming by Couentrie, [Sidenote: Moonks placed againe in the church of Couentrie.
But Dunstane iudging (as is to be [Sidenote: Alfer duke of Mercia and other immediately upon Edgars death before the crowne was established, renounced the moonks and restored the canons.
But when the vicars were thought to vse themselues no better, but rather worse than the other before them, they were likewise put out, and moonks placed in their roomes by authoritie of pope John the 13.
As though (saith Polydor Virgil) the moonks had more right, which had bereft other men of their possessions, than the priests which required restitution of their owne.
So the moonks held those possessions, howsoeuer they came to them, by the helpe of God, or rather (as saith the same Polydor) by the helpe of man.
In so much that they remoued the moonks out of their places, and brought into the monasteries secular priests with their wiues.
The abbeies of Melros, Driburgh, and Newbottell were burnt, and those moonks and other people that were found in the same were slaine.
After that he was become a moonke in [Sidenote: Moonks licenced to drinke wine.
He accused the moonks of Canturburie, for disobeieng the interdiction, trusting that the pope would not heare those two moonkes whom they had sent, as he did not indéed.
The moonks of Canturburie that were sent to Rome, returning, came from thence to Bullongne, where they found those that were first sent thither: and so they all foure came to Canturburie.
Augustine might not celebrate diuine seruice, she called thither commonlie the moonksof Christes church to say seruice before hir.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "moonks" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.