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Example sentences for "ioined"

Lexicographically close words:
iodoform; ioie; ioifull; ioifullie; ioine; ioining; iolly; iom; ion; ionios
  1. In the morning they ioined againe: but the death of Iuarus, who chanced to be slaine in the beginning of the battell, [Sidenote: Danes put to flight.

  2. Wherevpon the Britains rebelling against Bassianus, ioined themselues to Carausius, who by their support vanquished and slue the said Bassianus, after he had reigned 6 or (as some affirme) 30 yeares.

  3. Whilest Antoninus thus negligentlie looked to his charge, the Britains began a new rebellion, not onlie those that were latelie ioined in league with the emperour, but the other also which were subjects to the Romane empire.

  4. But shortlie after, the emperour Constantine ioined in league with Licinius, and gaue to him his sister in marriage, named Constantia, for more suertie of faithfull friendship to indure betwixt them.

  5. The Irishmen being put in great feare herewith, assembled togither, and ioined themselues with such Englishmen as laie there in garrisons, ouer the which the lord Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the cheefe charge.

  6. Thus being ioined togither, they made earnest resistance against the attempts of their enimies in defense of the countrie.

  7. And therefore by permission of the king of England, the Women of Wales ioined themselues in marriage with Englishmen.

  8. Englishmen passed ouer, and ioined with their enimies, and after a verie great and sore battell put them all to flight.

  9. Then Harold and his brethren, returning with their preie and bootie to their ships, and coasting about the point of Cornwall, came and ioined with their father & their other brethren, then soiorning in the Ile of Wight.

  10. Certeine is it also, that in riding towards the Tower, the same morning in which he was beheaded, his horsse twise or thrise stumbled with him, almost to the falling.

  11. Omers) had ioined secretlie in league with king John, and with the earle of Bullongne, and therefore misliked the conclusion of their aduise.

  12. Ferdinando the earle of Flanders hauing an armie of men readie by land, was lodged the same time not far off from the coast and therefore hearing what had chanced, came the next day, and ioined with the Englishmen.

  13. All these vpon receipt of the barons letters, or the more part of them came to London, and ioined themselues with the barons, vtterlie renouncing to aid king John.

  14. Also sir Hugh Caluerlie, deputie of Calis, that had so valiantlie borne himselfe against the Frenchmen, was likewise discharged; and comming home was made admerall, being ioined in commission in that office with sir Thomas Percie.

  15. Boheme: whervpon our men issued out in great hast and ioined battell with them, but were inforced to retire.

  16. In the meane time, Iames Twichet lord Audeleie being confederate with the rebels of Cornewall ioined with them, being come to Welles, and tooke vpon him as their cheefe capteine to lead them against their naturall lord and king.

  17. Then both the armies ioined and fought verie earnestlie, in so much that the Almains, being tried and expert men of warre, were in all things, as well in strength as policie, equals and matches to the Englishmen.

  18. Yet neuerthelesse, some returned againe, and ioined themselues with the Cornish people, which had not all submitted themselues, nor sought for pardon.

  19. Howbeit euerie daie endeth and night insueth, and so when night was come, the prince and his beautifull bride were brought and ioined togither in one bed, where they laie as man and wife all that night.

  20. Thus being ordered, on the fourteenth of Maie being Wednesdaie, they ioined in fight, and at the first incounter, the L.

  21. By means whereof the Spaniards, being ioined with Englishmen and Frenchmen, obteined a noble victorie, in vanquishing those their enimies.

  22. Griffin ap Maddocke and diuerse other great lords of Wales ioined with the king in this iournie against Dauid, as in the next yeare ye shall further heare.

  23. Sidenote: Couentrie church ioined to the sée of Chester.

  24. In this kings daies John bishop of Welles ioined the monasterie of Bath vnto his see, and repairing the same monasterie, began to inhabit there in the yeere 1094.

  25. The Church of Couentrie was in like sort ioined vnto the sée of Chester by Robert bishop of that diocesse.

  26. The terrible shot once passed, the armies ioined and came to hand-strokes, where neither sword nor bill was spared.

  27. The king thus (according to his long desire) losed out of the bonds of matrimonie, began to cast a foolish fantasie to ladie Elizabeth his neece, making much sute to haue hir ioined with him in lawfull matrimonie.

  28. But to end with king Richard sometimes duke of Glocester, a title of dignitie ioined with misfortune and vnluckinesse (as is noted[3] before.

  29. To him he ioined one Iohn Dighton his owne horssekeeper, a big, broad, square, and strong knaue.

  30. At which incounter, the lord Stanleie ioined with the earle.

  31. The duke with all his power marched through the forrest of Deane, intending to haue passed the riuer Seuerne at Glocester, & there to haue ioined his armie with the Courtneis, and other westerne men of his confederacie and affinitie.

  32. The Frenchmen in the garrisons adioining, astonied with the clamour and crie of the poore people, issued out in good order, and manfullie fought with the Englishmen.

  33. This is reported by Polychronicon, but in somewhat a differing maner.

  34. But whether God would not that the hauen should be destroied, either the conueiers of the hulkes knew not the verie chanell; these foure great ships, at the low water, laie openlie vpon the sands, without hurting the rode or chanell.

  35. At which time the sunne (as some write) appeared to the earle of March like three sunnes, and suddenlie ioined altogither in one.

  36. Howbeit about the verie same time, the Frenchmen stale the towne of Lauall, by treason wrought by a miller, which keeping a mill that ioined to the wall, suffered the French to passe through his mill into the towne.

  37. Herevpon, he caused foure great hulkes to be fraught with great square stones, cemented and ioined togither with lead, to the intent they should lie still like a mount, and not seuer in sunder.

  38. The same time also Margaret the wife of the late deceased king Henrie the son, returned into France to hir brother king Philip, and was after ioined in marriage with Bela king of Hungarie.

  39. He had also ioined himselfe in mariage with a daughter of the king of Unlester, not making king Henrie priuie to the same.

  40. Herevpon she made hir complaint so greeuouslie vnto hir sons Richard and Geffrey, that they ioined with their brother against their father, & came to him into Guien, to aid him to the vttermost of their powers.

  41. Michaell: sir Philip Leech treasurer of the warres kept the hill next the abbeie, and the baron of Carew kept the passage on the riuer of Seine, and to him was ioined that valiant esquier Ienico Dartois.

  42. We saw a large window, the covert wheirof was stenchells like those that are on the windows of the Abby at Holyrood House; but very artificially all beat out of one peice of iron, but not ioined and soudred togither as they used to be.

  43. Also a gentleman of Sainctonge ioined wt us, who was coming to Paris.

  44. Bergion out of the Orchades (where he also reigned as supreame lord and gouernour) they ioined their powers, and sailed ouer into France.

  45. But at the first they were called Comites, which were ioined in commission with the proconsull, legate, or iudges for counsell and aids sake in each of those seuerall charges.

  46. Lath kell, that runneth by Ouerhaddon, and the Bradford, both in one bottome after they be ioined in one at Alport.

  47. Also bicause Edilred king of Mercia recouered the countrie of Lindsey, and ioined it to his dominion, bishop Eadhedus comming from thence, was [Sidenote: The church of Rippon.

  48. Ouerhaddon, and the Bradford, both in one bottome after they be ioined in one at Alport.

  49. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "ioined" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.