And did destroye all monumentes of idolatrie, did punishe to deathe the teachers of it, and remouedfrome office and honors suche, as were mainteiners of those abominations.
Remoued out of a Nursery, Wood or other Orchard, into, and set in your Orchard in their due places I grant this kind to be better than either of the former, by much, as more sure and more durable.
Saffron euery third yeere his roots would be remoued at Midsummer: for when all other hearbs grow most, it dyeth.
Or if your remouedplant put forth leaues the next and second summer, and little or few spraies, it is a great signe of a taint, and next yeares death.
Lauendar spike would be remoued within 7 yeeres, or eight at the most.
He ordained also his counsaile of State, his Chancery, his Exchequer, his Courts of Iustice, which alwaies remoued with his Court.
The king hauing thus accomplished that which stood with his pleasure in those parties, remoued from thence and drew towards Northampton.
Sidenote: The excheker and the kings bench remoued to Shrewesburie.
The dishonest Loue of Favstina the Empresse, and with what remedy the same loue was remoued and taken away.
In which worke hee had framed a stone by cunninge, that mighte be remoued at pleasure, and no man perceiue it: meaning thereby to goe into the Chamber when he liste: whereunto none in all the world was priuie but himselfe.
He remained in Calis a good space, and from thence he remouedto Rone, being there receiued with all triumph.
About the beginning of Nouember ought the Hyues then to be cleared of their filth, so that al the Winter following they may neyther be remoued nor opened.
Hervpon remoued they towards Barnet, a towne standing in the midwaie betwixt London and saint Albons aloft on a hill; at the end whereof towards saint Albons there is a faire plaine for two armies to meet vpon, named Gladmore heath.
On the 8 of Iulie (being saturdaie) by the duke of Burgognies appointment, the lady Margaret remoued by water to the Dame.
Sidenote: The archbishops sée remouedfrom Canturburie to Lichfield.
And the Danes that had lien at Reading, remoued from thence vnto London, where they lay all the winter season.
In so much that they remouedthe moonks out of their places, and brought into the monasteries secular priests with their wiues.
He remoued the archbishops see from Canturburie vnto Lichfield, thereby to aduance his kingdome of Mercia, as well in dignitie & preheminence of spirituall power as temporall.
Your accent is something finer, then you could purchase in soremoued a dwelling Ros.
Come shelter, shelter, I haue remoued Falstafs Horse, and he frets like a gum'd Veluet Prin.
Looke with what courteous action It wafts you to a more remoued ground: But doe not goe with it Hor.
My holy Sir, none better knowes then you How I haue euer lou'd the life remoued And held in idle price, to haunt assemblies Where youth, and cost, witlesse brauery keepes.
I thought she had some great matter there in hand, for shee hath priuately, twice or thrice a day, euer since the death of Hermione, visited that remoued House.
I am accurst to rob in that Theefe company: that Rascall hath remoued my Horse, and tied him I know not where.
Wherefore without power to abide in one place, she stil remoued to and fro wepying bitterly.
I haue tyll thys time run, trauayled, and remoued to the Castels and Lordeships of the Dukedome, to Naples and other places, being in mind to tary as I am a widow.
So likewise the birds remoued from the aire (the abode wherto they were borne) the beasts from the earth, and I from England.
This Magnificos wife was a good louing soule, that had mettall inough in her to make a good wit of, but being neuer remoued from vnder her mothers and her husbands wing, it was not moulded and fashioned as it ought.
But one of the Inhabitants, espying these vnwelcome ghests, with the bounce of a Caliuer chaced them aboord, and remoued the barrels, before the traynes came to worke their effect.
The said Iohn was remoued to the church of Yorke, the same being then void by the death of the archbishop Bosa.
The Emperour after a short oration, permitted euery man in order to kisse his hande: which being done, he remoued to a princely seate prepared for him at the table: where he was serued by his nobles in very princely order.
Expences of dyett "At Highgate for sixe dayes begonne the xvth daye of Marche 1610 and ended the xxjst of the same moneth on w'ch daye her Ladyshippe remoued to Barnett.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "remoued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.