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Example sentences for "modifying"

Lexicographically close words:
modified; modifier; modifiers; modifies; modify; modii; modir; modis; modish; modishly
  1. The next, and even more effectual agency in modifying and harmonizing the relations between owner and bondspeople was the inevitable attraction of one race to the other by the sentiment of natural affection.

  2. Reverting to the Africans who were conveyed to places other than the States, it will be seen that circumstances amongst them and in their favour came into play, modifying and lightening their unhappy condition.

  3. In the total silence imposed upon herself, and those around her, concerning her past life, there had been no possibility of modifying her ideas on that subject, and they were still at the same point as when she entered the convent.

  4. These processes are for the modifying of color mainly; you do not draw nor represent the more important and fundamental facts of the picture with them.

  5. The color scheme of course will have an equal effect in the emphasizing or modifying of the motive of line or mass.

  6. Another means of modifying the color and effect of a painting has perhaps always been more or less commonly in use.

  7. The sky color is always modifying the water--when and how depends on the condition of the weather, and the degree of quiet or movement of the water.

  8. White first, then a little modifying color, yellow first, then red; perhaps no red: the kind of yellow may do it.

  9. The style of living is ascertained to have a powerful effect in modifying the human figure in the course of generations, and this even in its osseous structure.

  10. I shall therefore merely add that it was often the necessity of modifying the nobility of his first impulses which made him appear inconstant and changeable.

  11. They can show that the process of modification has effected, and is effecting, decided changes in all organisms subject to modifying influences.

  12. Any unequilibrated force to which an aggregate is subject, if not of a kind to overthrow it altogether, must continue modifying its state until an equilibrium is brought about.

  13. When the modifying influence is removed, the organism rebounds or tends to rebound.

  14. When the modifying cause has been but for a short time in action, the modification generated will be evanescent.

  15. A modifying cause acting even for many generations will do little towards permanently altering the organic equilibrium of a race.

  16. If the crescent is due to a factor it must therefore be supposed that this factor has the power of modifying the pigment of the neck in one special place alone.

  17. Apart from interferences of this class, are there any that may be reasonably invoked as modifying the course of inheritance?

  18. The three following sections are taken up by a study of tide generating and modifying forces, and include an interesting account of the experiments made some years ago by Dr.

  19. I shall therefore use this as an illustration of the agency of ocean currents in conveying heat and modifying climate.

  20. But the effect of ocean currents in modifying climate is well understood, and the modification of climate means nothing else than the transfer of heat.

  21. There is a similar condition of things existing on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains which has a modifying effect upon the climate of parts of Colorado, Wyoming, Montana, also extending up into British America.

  22. But there are certain local conditions that are continually modifying the phenomena of air movement.

  23. And it may well be that there is something to be said in favour of modifying them--in fact it must be so, for all human things need at times to be revised and readapted to special and local conditions.

  24. I shall inquire into the value of this fact, and of some modifying circumstances by and by; for the present I merely put it broadly before you.

  25. I intended to have given a figure to show the results of the pressure of the weight of all the leafage on a great lateral bough, in modifying its curves, the strength of timber being greatest where the leverage of the mass tells most.

  26. A concurrence of two or more causes, not separately producing each its own effect, but interfering with or modifying the effects of one another, takes place, as has already been explained, in two different ways.

  27. Here he declares as to be no pronoun, but "a modifying connective," i.

  28. On the side of heredity, race, family, and sex, are the great modifying factors.

  29. A variety of rights called easements or servitudes may attach to private property, modifying its exclusive use.

  30. The same advantages of specialization are found with modifying conditions in educational and professional lines.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "modifying" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adaptation; extenuating; lenitive; limiting; mitigating; modifying; mutation; palliative; qualifying; restrictive; softening; variation