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Example sentences for "reformed"

Lexicographically close words:
reformations; reformative; reformatories; reformatory; reforme; reformer; reformers; reforming; reformist; reformists
  1. The Highlanders reformed in the rear, and might have made a soldier-like retreat if they had been supported.

  2. Seeds of discontent had been sown by both Henry VIII, and his daughter Elizabeth, who tried to force the people of Ireland to accept the ritual of the Reformed Church.

  3. In the case of the reformed spellings, however, the departure from the ordinary appearance of the words is so great that the author cannot be allowed full freedom to set aside the office style.

  4. Any full consideration of the question of reformed spelling is hardly in place in this book.

  5. At Ingolstadt he came under the influence of Luther's writings, which won him over to the reformed faith.

  6. De l'Ecluse was an enthusiastic adherent of the reformed faith, to which he was converted by the influence of Melanchthon, and he suffered religious persecution, which brought even actual martyrdom to some of his relatives.

  7. He embraced the views of his friends and instructors at Cambridge, Nicholas Ridley and Hugh Latimer, and fought for the reformed faith throughout his life, both with pen and by word of mouth.

  8. In 1604, Cardinal Bérulle introduced the Carmelite order as reformed by S.

  9. The latter was not directed against the former, for it would have been impossible for the people to accept the reformed faith in the fifteenth century.

  10. To show his mother that he did not think of the Reformed Religion, Paul did not miss going to mass with her on Sunday.

  11. His imagination presented him with idyllic pictures of the life of the reformed rake.

  12. The old joke is a nice kind of reformed road-agent, ain't he?

  13. To the latter class belong such wranglings as his dealings with Natalis Bedda of Paris, Nicholas Egmund of Louvain, and Gerhardt of Nymwegen, the reformed preacher of Strassburg.

  14. The story of this first martyr to the reformed faith in France reflects better than any other episode the course of events and ideas in the early stages of the reformatory movement there.

  15. As in Roswitha the erring woman is won to virtue by the Christian faith, so here she is reformed by arguments of a more practical sort.

  16. The worst thorn in Erasmus' side on this question was Conrad Pelicanus, one of the reformed preachers of Basel.

  17. Of the Deventer school Erasmus says that it was "as yet a barbarous place," by which he means that it had not yet been reformed in the direction of the New Learning.

  18. The leader of Swiss thought on this, as on most theological subjects, was Œcolampadius, the reformed preacher of Basel.

  19. After a wandering life in France, during which time he both wrote and preached in the interests of the reformed faith, he, for personal safety, finally left the country and took refuge in Switzerland.

  20. It was, undoubtedly, under circumstances of great uncertainty that Tallis was called upon to write music for a reformed liturgy that was at once novel and, probably, seeing his early training, distasteful to him.

  21. In its name we take ten years of a thief's life minute by minute in the slow misery and degradation of modern reformed imprisonment with as little remorse as Laud and his Star Chamber clipped the ears of Bastwick and Burton.

  22. He confided in the popular discontent at domestic and foreign tyranny, and not less in the reformed doctrines which were advocated by the most distinguished Italians, especially by those of Lucca.

  23. For training ministers for the Reformed Church a theological seminary was founded at Montauban, and for Lutherans an academy with a seminary at Strassburg.

  24. In Poland the Reformed and Lutheran churches were in 1828 united under one combined consistory.

  25. From Calixt they had learnt to be mild and fair towards the Reformed and Catholic churches, and by Spener they had been roused to a genuine and hearty piety.

  26. Lippe, in his eventful life, was brought into close relations with the Reformed Netherlands and with Maurice of Hesse.

  27. As separatists and disturbers of public worship, they were fined and imprisoned, and were at last satisfied with the recognition granted them of royal grace in 1839, as a separate or =Christian Reformed Church=.

  28. The French philosophy of the eighteenth century had given to the Reformed church of =Geneva= a prevailingly rationalistic tendency.

  29. The Reformed scholars of France vied with those of St. Maur and the Oratory, and the Reformed theologians of the Netherlands, England, and Switzerland were not a whit behind.

  30. The pastors, with the majority of their people agreed at last to the union only in so far as it was in accordance with the Reformed mode of worship.

  31. He maintained a regular correspondence with Reformed divines in Holland, Switzerland, and England.

  32. The first Reformed State Synod was constituted in 1878.

  33. After the revolution of 1848, the Lutherans at an assembly in Strassburg and the Reformed in Paris consulted about a new organization of their churches.

  34. The council is to meet every third year; the members recognise the supreme authority of the Old and New Testament in matters of faith and practice, and accept the consensus of all the Reformed confessions.

  35. They brought with them from the home country a tenacious reverence for their fathers' method of worship and for the Calvinistic polity of the Dutch Reformed Church.

  36. Albany, which was preeminently Dutch and held the Reformed Church in reverence, was also aristocratic in sympathy and resented the rule of Leisler as the representative of the common people.

  37. It is true that Divines of our 'Reformed Protestant Church,' call everything but gentlemen those who lay claim to the equivocal privilege of feasting periodically upon the body and blood of Omnipotence.

  38. Church of England is justly styled the Reformed Protestant Church.

  39. There were in London at this time numerous refugees of the reformed persuasion, chiefly from the Belgic provinces.

  40. When the nation reformed its religion, the power of excommunication was still retained by the Church, and is in force even to the present day, although modified by the 53rd of George III, chap.

  41. Amid the filth and squalor of the un-reformed square the high edifice of the Alhambra rose, giving the absent touch of the Orient to a locality sheltering many swarthy sons of the East.

  42. If I describe the London Press and the London Pressman of less than two decades ago, I am describing a state of things that has been reformed off the face of the earth, and a race of men extinct as the Dodo.

  43. So he borrowed a Catechism of the Dutch Reformed Church from Old Schalk and began to read up towards his conversion.

  44. A few days after the departure of Nathan and Koos Bester the great annual event, the visit of the pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church to Namies, took place.

  45. The only almanack with which the Trek-Boer is acquainted is one issued by the Dutch Reformed Church.

  46. In fact, the harbor master at Makassar told us that the crews of many of the rakish looking sailing craft which were anchored in close proximity to the Negros were reformed buccaneers.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "reformed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    advanced; assimilated; beautified; better; bettered; changeable; changed; civilized; converted; cultivated; cultured; degenerate; developed; divergent; educated; embellished; enhanced; improved; modified; mutant; naturalized; perfected; polished; purged; purified; qualified; reborn; rebuilt; redeemed; refined; reformed; renewed; revived; revolutionary; spruce; subversive; tidy; transformed; transmuted; unmitigated; worse