E160] Evidently a misprint for Peare-plums, which is the reading of all the later editions.
It sometimes happens that an obscure reading is explained or a misprint corrected in later copies, even if the mistakes generally are multiplied; but this is not the case with "The Dumb Knight.
Mr Reed permitted themisprint to stand, and did not regulate the verse as it required.
Again, though in one of her letters she points out a misprint in the first edition of Pride and Prejudice, the passage is not corrected in either the second or third edition, both of which subsequently appeared in her lifetime.
This is exceedingly important and it was only by a misprint in the Quarto that it incorrectly appears there as the 150th word.
Printed, with the misprint Bacchus for Iacchus in l.
A similar misprint led to a similar error as to the first book printed in Venice.
There seems to be no reason for the ending appropriate to the classical shūshikei to be used for these particular verbs and the bu is taken as a misprint of buru.
This word is conjectured to be a misprint for fluxu but it stands in all editions.
This is a misprint for capite 40, and is retained in the later editions.
It has been conjectured that quidem is here a misprint for quidam, but the adverb quidem adds a satirical flavour to his argument against the folly of those who held the doctrine of the moving spheres.
This is unquestionably a misprint for Acosta (Joseph de), the Jesuit, whose work Historia natural y moral de las Indias was publisht at Seville in 1590.
The date in the colophon is likewise a misprint for 1549 as in title.
The misprint in the signatures of the preliminary matter is accounted for by the fact of the compositor having reprinted that in the first folio, irrespective of the fact that the titlepage is here included in the quire.
Another instance of the facility with which a misprint which makes sense escapes correction is found in II.
The misprint in Rowe's second edition remained uncorrected by Pope, Theobald, Hanmer, Warburton, and Johnson.
In the preceding line there is in the folio a misprint of candle for 'caudle.
This might seem to be a meremisprint of do it; but it is in reality a mere corruption of it.
It might seem that 'though' was a misprint for through.
Beat, however, may be only a misprint for bate repeated.
As I have never met with the word 'Probal' elsewhere, I think it may be a mere misprint for probable.
So the folio reads; an evident misprint for contemning.
Mr. Dyce properly reads scotch; for, as he observes, the very same misprintoccurs in Macb.
If 'creature' is not a collective, it is a misprint for 'creatures.
Mr Collier mentions that the second Folio has 'Come' in this line, a misprint rectified by his 'old annotator.
This misprint of Theobald's was repeated in every edition, except those of Hanmer and Capell, down to that of Harness, 1825, inclusive.
One of his most beautiful songs, The Lark, contained a curious misprint which I have been able to correct.
I believe it is a misprint for 1617, and it was not likely twenty years would elapse between the publication of two sets of Motets by so prolific a composer.