But he had no opportunity of revision, and there remains an erratum which, if my conjecture be correct, casts a significant light on the paragraphs in which he alludes to the preparation of the work.
Footnote 4: Altered by an erratum to [inconsiderable] to avoid the repetition insignificant, and insignificancy; but in the reprint the second word was changed.
This, however, was cancelled by an Erratum in the next number.
Footnote 1: "have been laid for them", corrected by an erratum in No.
Footnote 2: [considerable] corrected by anerratum in No.
Footnote 7: "humour" corrected from "honour" by erratum in Issue 170.
Footnote 8: "immiscuerint" corrected from "immiscuerunt" byerratum in Issue 170.
It was corrected by an erratum in next issue--Transcriber.
Thus I corrected that great erratum as well as I could.