Defn: To apply wrongly; to use for a wrong purpose; as, to misapply a name or title; to misapplypublic money.
And, Secondly, Whether it be not ridiculously absurd to misapply names contrary to the common use of language?
And how dare they wantonly and shamelessly misapply the great, most holy name of the divine Majesty?
Besides, if the adversaries do not cease to misapply the passage to vows, the prohibition that no widow be selected who is less than sixty years, 1 Tim.
Beaumont, "to remember two considerations, which will assist us so to understand, as not to misapply Scripture.
I would not, dear sir, knowingly misapply your words, nor make a use of the above quotation contrary to their most plain and evident sense which I conceive is as follows: 1st.
Nothing is more incident to man, than to misapply his desires, and to overate his reasonable duty.