The slight degree of failure or miscalculation which occurred in the present instance, was next year abundantly redeemed.
A singular miscalculationof nature,' he says, 'had combined my poetical tendencies with the place of my birth.
Miscalculation has its consequence; But when the shepherd crooks a sheep-like thing And meaning to get wool, dislodges fleece And finds the veritable wolf beneath, (How that stanch image serves at every turn!
Berlin might have prevented war, but a miscalculation had been made about Russia and Great Britain.
It was absurd to charge the Admiralty with miscalculation in the matter.
More serious consequences resulted from the miscalculation made by the French Government on the front towards Lorraine and Belgium.
If he steps too soon, his position is taken and he cannot change it to suit any slight miscalculation he may have made in the speed or direction of the ball.
A player should never turn his face away, even at the risk of being hit, for by watching the ball all the time, he may be able to change the position of the hands enough to meet some slight miscalculation as to the direction of the bound.
If the bat is swung in a horizontal plane the least miscalculation in the height of the ball will be fatal.
Account for his miscalculation as to the time of the slack.
We never set out upon this expedition without a steady side wind for going and coming--one that we felt sure would not fail us before our return--and we seldom made a miscalculation upon this point.
What, they asked, was war, more than an unfortunate miscalculation on the part of the lamb that happened to lie down with the lion?
I am afraid that the miscalculation which was made about Russia was made also about us.
And in this vast and grotesque and yet tragic miscalculation is to be found one of the roots, perhaps the main root, of the present war.
I was well aware of the grim possibilities of my being killed, for if I had made a miscalculation or any wrong determination, I knew that my life might be the forfeit.
Benjamin had made a little miscalculation about the amount of thumping that would be required to actuate the exploding mechanism of his ingenious bomb, and it did not explode immediately, as expected.
By a strange freak of miscalculation Middleton and his friends thought to end Lauderdale's influence by excluding him from the Indemnity, and pronouncing him incapable of holding office.
Like many another man, Clarendon overbuilt himself; and his miscalculation made his contemporaries suppose him the possessor of a superfluity of ill-gotten wealth.
To prove that the immoral action is a miscalculation of self-interest, to show how erroneous an estimate the vicious man makes of pains and pleasures, is the purpose of the intelligent moralist.
Vice may be defined to be a miscalculation of chances, a mistake in estimating the value of pleasures and pains.
As by a flash we see in this remark and in that of de Lageard the miscalculation which was to ruin the life work of Pitt and almost ruin his country.
In a career, illumined by flashes of genius, but wrecked by strange errors, the miscalculation of the spring of 1798 was not the least fatal.
Here again the miscalculation was perfectly natural in an age which regarded kings, nobles, and bishops as the fixed stars of a universe otherwise diversified only by a dim Milky Way.
Such was Napoleon's plan, and it would have succeeded but for a miscalculation in the time needed for Jerome's march.
In truth, Napoleon's miscalculation opened for Mack a path of safety; and had he at once marched away to the north, the whole aspect of affairs might have changed.
A single master hand had in an instant turned England's night to day, and had brought us out of that nightmare of miscalculation and disaster which had weighed so long upon our spirits.
The whole mistake lay in a miscalculation of a few hundred yards in the position of the trenches.
In the hurry of the earlier hours a serious miscalculation had been made in transmuting cubic feet into gallons.
The Reports of the English "Commission on the Depression of Trade and Industry" make similar admissions of an excess of producing power as distinct from a mere miscalculation in the application of capital and labour.
There had been a miscalculation however, for it fell six feet short of reaching the eastern bank, and the Ko-gu-ryĆ soldiers were there to give them a warm welcome.
It will, therefore, probably not be a serious miscalculation to estimate the total of strangers within our gates as having doubled itself during the more recent years of the Queen's reign.
Patterson[4] attributes this miscalculation to the 'famous currency principle' which grew up after the great war.
The letters written by Gordon in 1877 in a more favourable season were now found to be misleading, and in part led to the miscalculation of time which was to prove so disastrous.
Their miscalculation was equally great as regards the character of the Afghans and the conditions of life among those mountain clans.
The losses are proportionally large if there is miscalculation of demand.
The interest may be greater or less than the time-discount in the goods, owing to miscalculation on the part of the borrower or to an unforeseen change in the conditions.
Yet we realize that there is uneasiness in the world because of a belief on the part of peoples that through arrogance, miscalculation or fear of attack, catastrophic war could be launched.
The Brazil Steamship Company, by reason of a miscalculation as to the speed of its vessels, was not able to bid under the terms of the advertisement.
In the third year of the War America had gradually been brought into the arena, and a further miscalculation arrayed the hundred millions of a free and united nation against the autocracies of Central Europe.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miscalculation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.