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Example sentences for "misquote"

Lexicographically close words:
misprision; misprison; misprized; mispronunciation; misquotation; misquoted; misread; misreading; misrepresent; misrepresentation
  1. Who would break down in his history, enunciate a false quantity, misquote a speech, or mistake the speaker, in such hearing?

  2. Would they misquote their statistics in face of the shame that attends on "a false score"?

  3. Ninth, nearly all who have tried to answer what I said have been exceeding careful to misquote me, and then answer something that I never uttered.

  4. The next charge is that I misquote the scriptures.

  5. To misquote Scripture in support of Socialist Communism with an attitude of deep piety is not only in bad taste, but also dishonest.

  6. The Socialist can quote Scripture for his purpose--and misquote it too.

  7. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misquote" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    belie; burlesque; camouflage; caricature; color; contort; disguise; distort; embellish; embroider; exaggerate; falsify; fudge; gild; gloss; mask; misapply; misapprehend; misconceive; misconduct; misconstrue; misinterpret; misjudge; misprint; misquote; misread; misrepresent; mistake; misunderstand; misuse; overdraw; overstate; parody; pervert; slant; squeeze; strain; torture; travesty; twist; understate; varnish; warp; whitewash; wrench