The foetus has a much better chance for baptism if the coeliotomy is done as early in the pregnancy as possible, but it has a negligible chance of life in any case.
Mr. Crewe evidently thought this a negligible suggestion, for he did not reply to it, but presently asked for the political news in Ripton.
By no means a negligible element in Nelson Langmaid's professional success had been his possession of what may called a sixth sense, and more than once, on his missions of trust, he had listened to its admonitory promptings.
We might have bodies whose expansion would be negligible and which would act like ordinary rigid solids; and, on the other hand, bodies very dilatable and which would act like non-Euclidean solids.
If in astronomy they are negligible as modifying Newton's law, and if the law thus regains its simplicity, it would be only because of the immensity of celestial distances.
The acceleration of the heavenly bodies is relatively slight, so that the effects of the wave of acceleration are negligible and the motion may be regarded as quasi stationary.
Compared with this mass the number of direct verifications that we can make will never be anything but a negligible quantity.
His quarrels are negligible when put beside his ceaseless extravagance of good humour to his friends.
Learning might be hard; the governesses mercilessly secure in their own wisdom; but here she was at least a person of some consequence, instead of as at Godmother's a mere negligible null.
To-morrow, he would be nodding by the fireside as of old, and glands and monkeys and professors would all be part of a very hazy and negligible past.
To Gran'pa it may have represented only one little negligible week in a life of nearly a hundred years, but to me it seemed ages since my enthusiasm had been first awakened.
The modern theist saves his God only by leaving him a negligible quantity in a universe he is supposed to sustain and govern.
Do any of our readers, belonging to the negligible side of this race problem see anything to smile at?
Fame shall crown you; and perhaps if there remains any reflected light in the form of a by-product, some modest and negligible little ray may chance to illuminate me.
Yes," I said, answering her, "I did notice a negligible trace of impatience about your father.
The susceptibility of air being known--practically it was negligible in these experiments--that of liquid oxygen can at once be found.
For most ordinary purposes the length of the needle may be assumed to be negligible in comparison with the distance between the needle and the rod.
This contradiction is negligible in view of the fact that expanding production as such represents a market for additional products.
The negligible amount of industrial exports from the U.
It was not, therefore, remarkable that he should be liable to misconstruction, more especially by those who had nothing in common with him, except that somewhat negligible factor, common humanity.
Only a negligible amount of the land is suitable for cultivation, and food accounts for about 25% of imports.
In fact, they brought to the line an almost negligible supply and they themselves were insufficiently protected to go through their own gas and follow up the attack.
The demand of our forces for cable dropped to a negligible quantity, but wire requirements rose.
In ¹⁴C counting, all these sources of background must be reduced to negligible levels.
It needed only a dozen steps, and what Minx had or had not seen became a negligible matter.
The fate of empires lurks in the saucepan; indeed, the mightiest monarch would be negligible quantity without quantum suff.
Then he lost no time in hunting through the village, and learnt, as he had hoped, that there were very few men left in it; and these for the most part old and negligible as a fighting force.
Under Sally's hypnotic influence he had concluded that the Governor was a negligible factor in his life; but away from the girl and rankling under her deceit he grasped at the Governor's friendship with the frantic clutch of a drowning man.
Her boasted knowledge of the human race was negligible beside her familiarity with the mysterious mechanisms of cream separators and incubators.
You treat us as a negligible quantity, and we are about as negligible as a fire in the woodwork of a house that is being built.