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Example sentences for "meridians"

Lexicographically close words:
mergers; merges; merging; meri; meridian; meridiem; meridional; merie; merily; meringue
  1. Parallel meridians rudely pecked into the glass, surround these footpads' goblets.

  2. To His mind Humanity is one, and the broad lines of distinction, the impassable barriers Society is fond of drawing or setting up, to Him are but imaginary meridians of the sea, a name, but nothing more.

  3. He is in His own Person a Polar Star, to whom all the meridians of our round life turn, and from whom they emanate.

  4. Characters of the 24 principal meridians or colures.

  5. The planes of the geographical and astronomical meridians coincide.

  6. The distance measured toward the east between two meridians drawn through the extremities of a course; distance of departure eastward made by a vessel.

  7. The distance, reckoned toward the west, between the two meridians passing through the extremities of a course, or portion of a ship's path; the departure of a course which lies to the west of north.

  8. If picked up and examined, we observe that they are not quite spherical, but oval in form, with a little tubercle at one end, and eight equidistant bands running from this to the opposite end, like the meridians on a globe.

  9. Small meridians of this sort are sold in the shops; these are dials of about a foot square, engraven on marble, with a little brass cannon and a lens.

  10. The author supposes two points, one near each pole, through the northern of which pass all the magnetic meridians of the northern hemisphere, and through the southern those of the southern hemisphere.

  11. As far as we can conjecture it here, we imagine you make a table of variations of the needle, for all the different meridians whatever.

  12. I know little of meridians or parallels, Don Christopher," said the Senor Dama, "but I have some ideas of visible things.

  13. The lines referred to are principally parallels of latitude and meridians of longitude, and boundaries, so far as they coincide with these lines, may for convenience be classed as astronomical boundaries.

  14. But the poles, in which the meridians meet, would appear to B as the centres of the respective parallels, while the parallels themselves would appear to be circles.

  15. What Lotze means is, perhaps, that all the meridians would meet sooner in one direction than in the other, and this, of course, is true.

  16. B would observe, he says, that the meridians made smaller angles with his path towards the nearer than towards the further pole--as a matter of fact, they would be simply perpendicular to his path in both directions.

  17. It has been suggested to me that Lotze regards the meridians as projected on to a plane, as in a map.

  18. On the difference of meridians of the royal observatories of Greenwich and Paris.

  19. Ten meridians carry the equatorial hues across all these value zones and trace the gradation of each hue through a complete scale from black to white, marked by their values, as shown in paragraph 68.

  20. The author supposes two points, one near each pole, through the northern of which, pass all the magnetic meridians of the northern hemisphere, and through the southern, those of the southern hemisphere.

  21. The range of the townships are numbered on this line east and west and all reliable maps have the base lines and meridians indicated.

  22. The starting points for all surveys are the five principal meridians which run north and south.

  23. Meridians of longitude are shown by straight lines running up and down, perpendicular to the parallels of latitude, and the degrees and minutes of these meridians are given on the horizontal border of the chart.

  24. Hence, the meridians of longitude, instead of converging at the poles, are parallel lines.

  25. Parallels of latitude, meridians of longitude, the equator, etc.

  26. The curved line which joins any two places on the earth´s surface, cutting all the meridians at the same angle, is called the Rhumb Line.

  27. As the meridians of longitude converge toward the poles, the lengths between each lessen.

  28. The meridians of longitude, therefore, run parallel instead of converging, and the parallels of latitude are lengthened out to correspond to the widening out of the Lo.

  29. A minute of longitude is a mile only on the equator, for the meridians are coming closer to each other as they converge toward either pole.

  30. How can you steer for the North pole when the meridians of your chart never come together at any pole?

  31. It makes no difference what longitude you are in for, on a Mercator chart, meridians of longitude are all marked parallel.

  32. Meridians are great circles formed by the intersection with the earth´s surface of planes perpendicular to the equator.

  33. We find accordingly in this map an attempt to divide the globe by the 360 meridians of longitude.

  34. His fame is most diffused by the invention of a well-known mode of delineating hydrographical charts, in which the parallels and meridians intersect each other at right angles.

  35. In the academy founded by that illustrious prince, nautical charts were first delineated in a method more useful to the pilot, by projecting the meridians in parallel right lines,[403] instead of curves on the surface of the sphere.

  36. Unfortunately the delimitation was not very definite, not being by river courses or meridians as in other cases, but merely by territories ruled over by native chiefs, whose boundaries were not then particularly distinct.

  37. Then as meridians are drawn from pole to pole on the earth, cutting the equator at different points, so imaginary meridians are conceived as drawn from pole to pole on the celestial sphere.

  38. In the case of the right ascension, the relation between the terrestrial and celestial spheres is not constant, because of the diurnal motion, which keeps the terrestrial meridians in constant revolution relative to the celestial meridians.

  39. The cartographers were trying all sorts of experiments in representing the converging meridians on a plane surface, so as not to distort the geography, and in order to afford some manifest method for the guidance of ships.

  40. This oblateness of the spheroid was proven by geodesists when they came to compare the lengths of measured degrees of arc upon meridians in high and in low latitudes.

  41. In the morning the Portuguese representatives said that sea-charts were not so good as the blank globe with meridians as it represents better the shape of the world.

  42. In order to verify the above we must examine the itineraries and navigation routes, and the angles and intersections made by the routes with the meridians and parallels encountered, which are styled angles positionis among cosmographers.

  43. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "meridians" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.