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Example sentences for "edged"

Lexicographically close words:
edentulous; edere; edes; edeth; edge; edgeless; edges; edgeways; edgewise; edging
  1. They have brought long lances and swords, but you have pointed lances and keen-edged bills; and I do not expect that their arms can stand against yours.

  2. On the other side was an Englishman who much annoyed the French, continually assaulting them with a keen-edged hatchet.

  3. The former had a large double connected red anal spot, edged with white scales at top.

  4. The thickened upper extremities of the latter are edged with red, and their arrangement is very suggestive of their having arisen from the breaking up of a subdorsal line.

  5. The colour is now light grass-green in some specimens, and dark green in others; in these last the subdorsal line is edged above with dark brown, and the spiracles are also of this colour.

  6. This protection would be the more efficacious if the stripes resembled the parts of the plant in colour and size, such, for instance, as the lines of light and shadow produced by stalks or by long and sharp-edged leaves.

  7. The monster finally edged slowly over and plunged into the water.

  8. As he raised the knife to stab, the deer also raised and struck viciously with its front feet, and Paul barely dodged the blow which would have cut through the rubber suit like a keen edged knife.

  9. If God had knowne that the dead being raised might haue profited the liuing, he would neuer haue let passe so great a benefit, who otherwise doth giue and prouide vs al things profitable.

  10. Now had they priuily conueied Holy water and the Reliques of Saints into his Cell before.

  11. Travis and Condy edged their way among piles of wheat-bags, dodging drays and rumbling trucks, and finally brought up at the after gangplank, where a sailor halted them.

  12. They drew up to the dining-room table with its cover of blue denim edged with white cord, and Condy unrolled his manuscript and read through what he had written.

  13. In his crimson-edged cassock, with a violet silk sash drawn tightly around his waist, Nani still looked young, although he was over fifty.

  14. With the papal cap on his head and the red cape edged with ermine about his shoulders, he retained in his long white cassock the rigid, sacerdotal attitude of an idol venerated by two hundred and fifty millions of Christians.

  15. Then, as he passed the apse of St. Peter's, the enormity of the colossus was brought home to him more strongly than ever: it rose like a giant bouquet of architecture edged by empty expanses of pavement sprinkled with fine weeds.

  16. We reappeared, our nostrils edged with black from the smoke of the torches, and the ladies’ dresses in a melancholy plight, between smoke and water.

  17. They are square-topped, and are edged with translucent, hardish tissue, as if for crushing food.

  18. The tail has a terminal dark bar, with the outer feathers externally edged at the base with white.

  19. Not always in the way I may have wished, but when they are denied I seem to receive instead an increased assurance that He knows best; and as to a child crying for sharp-edged tools, His refusal springs from omniscient mercy.

  20. The priest ascended, and the musician edged closer to the wall to allow him passage way, but he merely nodded his bowed head, and the solemn strains rose and fell like the sobbing moan of waves settling to calm after lashing blasts.

  21. They put a new velvet cushion on her chair, and she sat in a gown of grey cloth, edged with gold, spinning on an ivory wheel in a fine painted parlour.

  22. Taffeta redingote with moire bands; the moire trimmings are edged on each side with a taffeta biais, rather under half an inch wide, and which stands in relief.

  23. Many of the elephant's tusks imported into London for the use of the ivory ornament makers, are observed to have their surfaces grooved into small furrows of unequal depths, as though cut out by a very sharp-edged instrument.

  24. The sleeve is open behind, ornamented with buttons, and then edged with guipure.

  25. Without seeming to move, he edged far enough around the root so he could see the bird.

  26. Well," the trooper's voice was edged with sarcasm, "what do you think they might steal?

  27. Frosty edged up to a sleek doe that suddenly wheeled and pounded down on him.

  28. He stood miserably on the rug, looking down into the fender, and squeezing his red-edged book under his arm, till at the sound of the opening door he turned and saw Barbara.

  29. Silent she stood for a long moment; then she edged nearer to him, and her voice murmured back: "What if I account it no presumption?

  30. As she stood there a broad, yellow moon edged its way above the hills and rolled up through the black trees and then floated through the sky.

  31. Pierre edged closer, shut his eyes, and deposited his coin.

  32. His horse, delicately formed, with long, slender legs, could not have endured that charge against the storm save that it constantly edged behind the leaders and let them break the wind.

  33. And he edged farther forward so that he was sitting only on the edge of the bunk.

  34. That Deity is everywhere, like all such abstract propositions, is a two-edged force, depending for its practical effect on the mind which admits it on the peculiar perspective of that mind.

  35. The shabby wolf-skin cloak she wore seemed edged with gold coins.

  36. The caterpillar is a huge yellowish creature, often nearly six inches long, with a blue horn at the end of its body, and seven blue stripes, edged with white, on either side.

  37. Very beautiful indeed are the burnets, which have dark-green front wings, with either five or six large red spots, and crimson hind wings, edged with black.

  38. Yet the bat never wakes him as it scrapes away the skin with its sharp-edged front teeth.

  39. The boys left the tell-tale scrunching gravel and trod gently on the velvety border of grass that edged the drive.

  40. It was a man who had edged forward in order to make sure of tripping Higgins if the first man should fail, and he was so intent upon accomplishing this that he did not stop when Frank's form shot past him to attack the other.

  41. Miller started and edged away from the spot where he was kneeling.

  42. The small, keen edged knife that Hist had given to the other, was passed by the latter into the hands of Hetty, as the safest and least suspected medium of transferring it to Deerslayer.

  43. John Garth was neither blind nor a fool, and that look of hers was a sharp-edged axe which "hit him where he lived," as his bruised mind vaguely put it.

  44. He sat very close to the girl, and she edged slightly away.

  45. And a black and white ribbon supported another Cross of plain black edged with silver, at a buttonhole of the Norfolk-cut jacket of grey-green.

  46. The grey landaulette waiting in the side-street presented no more unusual feature than unusually heavy armoured tyres, and a guard of razor-edged steel bars protecting the front seat.

  47. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "edged" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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