For months it seemed that he had alternated between being borne along a stream of love or fascination, or left in an eddy, and in the eddies he had not desired to think, rather to be picked up on a wave's top and swept along again.
The wave swept Amory into an advertising agency early in March, where he alternated between astonishing bursts of rather exceptional work and wild dreams of becoming suddenly rich and touring Italy with Rosalind.
Tennis and lawn bowls came into fashion; even water polo and squash alternated on days too raw for more rugged sport.
Sun-tanned bushmen, inured to toil, practised in emergencies, alternated with groups of townspeople, whose fresh complexions and awkward dealings with their new experience stamped them as recruits.
The models for the splendor scenes would, of course, be designed by the architect, and these other scenes alternated with and subordinated to his work.
Alternated with these scenes is the terrible rush of the Assyrian army, on to exploration, battle, and glory.
Coffee continued, but alternated now with the slender trees of rubber plantations, with their long smooth leaves, and already scarred like young warriors long inured to battle.
Next, Nalasu felt over the pig, and several times, as if calculating, alternated between Jerry and the pig.
Again the organ rang, and the wonderful voice of the choristers alternated with deep religious prayers, whose refrain was, "Have mercy upon us.
For a minute or more a sabre fight ensued, alternated by the firing of revolvers; but the defenders were overmatched, and several of them having been slain, they turned to escape.
He refers to one of his patients who alternated her coprolalic utterances with a sort of barking noise that was an exact imitation of her favourite dog.
In another of Briand's cases torticollis alternated with astasia-abasia, a sort of "mental paraplegia.
Moments of absolute repose alternated with periods of spasm of a few seconds' duration, which addressing or handling the patient seemed to aggravate.
These successive layers, in which the beams and stones alternated regularly, offered, by their very variety, an agreeable appearance to the eye.
The chief's eyes alternated between Britz and Greig, as if trying to read the explanation of the puzzling circumstances, in their faces.
Ward's eyes alternated between his sister and her husband.
The coroner's eyes alternated between his two visitors.
Cockroaches alternated their love-flights from the window with frantic and wily attempts to get under the curtain.
She had in her veins that imaginational longing to see strange lands and travel which is such an English trait; yet this longing alternated with fits of absolute horror at her foolishness in having consented to such an engagement.
There was a stretch of miles where steep steps in hard red rock alternated with long levels of round boulders.
These two latter operations require to be alternated several times, till the whole of the colouring matter be removed.
When a light fabric is required, the strands of caoutchouc, either naked or braided, are alternated with common warp yarns.
This liquid must be applied by friction with a rag to the clear barrel, which must then be rubbed with a hard brush; processes to be alternated two or three times.
These are densely produced in a terminal cluster in pyramid form on the stout and richly-foliaged stem; dense as is the head of flowers, every floret is alternated with a richly-cut leaf, both diminishing in size as they near the top.
This was followed by a choir of sixteen male singers, and four trombones, which alternated in singing and playing.
This is evidenced by absurd economies (alternated it is true by occasional extravagances), which are a feature of this time.
Every one expected and desired a speedy revolution that should put an end to a policy which alternated between overheated effervescence, abnormal activity and lethargy.
For phases of vigorous proselytism alternated with phases of exclusive jealousy in Jewish history.
Phases of spreading and intermixture have probably alternated with phases of settlement and specialization in the history of mankind.
When we emerged we were sliding swiftly down into a sun-warmed valley sloping to the west, where hills as lovely as jewels alternated with smooth opalescent mesas over which white clouds gleamed.
Showers of rain alternated with vivid sunshine, and through the air, heavy with perfume, the mourning dove sang with sad insistence as if to remind us of the impermanency of May's ineffable loveliness.
Magnificent horns, such as India does not produce, alternated with heads of lion and other feral beasts.
The leaves are more closely alternated and are dark green above and lighter below.
The small, stiff, acutely pointed leaves are densely alternated on the stem up to the flower-head.
The leaves are stiff, lanceolate, and closely alternatedalong the stem.
The narrow, lance-shaped leaves are rather closely alternatedalong the stem.
Open country alternated with thick Acacia underwood along this creek, and its grass was still coarse and blady.
Hollows existed along the hills, and water-holes ran in lines parallel to the creek; all now quite dry; a scrubby forest land alternated with open flats and Bricklow thickets.
Cypress-pine thickets alternated with scrubby stringy-bark forest, and some tea-tree flats.
Plains, forest country, open scrub frequently broken by gullies, alternated with each other.
The foot-path conducted us from one Zamia grove to another, which alternated with fine forest composed principally of white-gum, the fresh green foliage of which was extremely pleasing to the eye.
On the banks, thicketsalternated with scrubs and open country, and, lower down, the country became very fine and open.
Along the valley, bare sandy and boggy plains alternated with tea-tree thickets and mangrove swamps, in one of which our horses got deeply bogged.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "alternated" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.