But Juliette did not heed her: she felt surging up in her young, overburdened heart all the wrath and the contempt of the persecuted, fugitive aristocrat against the triumphant usurper.
She went up to the old man took his wrinkled hand in hers and falling on her knees beside him she eased her overburdened heart in a flood of tears.
There's this comfort--we can easily take all our belongings, and still not be overburdened with luggage!
No one could be thought of more likely than the squire, for the parishioners, as a rule, were not overburdened with money, nor the few who were, with generosity.
As I said before, Miss Mary, you are not overburdened with modesty!
Mrs Connor sat silent, torn between two thoughts--dread of parting from Ruth, and a longing to help the overburdened husband, who had come as a rescuer in her own need.
A heavy sigh escaped from the girl's overburdened heart: the riddle of the universe was too hard an one for her simple mind to solve.
Take such speed, such even traffic flow, and apply it to our overburdened trunk-lines of the Northeast; to make the most definite instance and the greatest necessity.
He came to the Hudson and found the battered and overburdened railroad machine still meeting its obligations, after a fashion at least.
Overburdened by the yoke laid upon him, he tries to shake it off, and the faults he finds in his master give him a good opportunity for this.
Her heart was overburdened with gratitude and love.
Tennyson has always exercised a judicious hospitality, but never overburdenedhimself with company.
The Reds will think just as I thought--that you, being like nine out of ten of us, not overburdened with worldly wealth, had taken this way of earning an honest penny to help yourself through the year.
The negative aspect of Erasmus's mind may be defined as a heartfelt aversion to everything unreasonable, insipid, purely formal, with which the undisturbed growth of medieval culture had overburdened and overcrowded the world of thought.
The world, says Erasmus, is overloaded with human constitutions and opinions and scholastic dogmas, and overburdened with the tyrannical authority of orders, and because of all this the strength of gospel doctrine is flagging.
In his official report Fremont lays great stress on the difficulties of the ground; but reading between the lines it is easy to see that it was the military situation which overburdened him.
Those overburdenedwith dignity objected to being treated like the private soldiers; and those over-conscious of superior wisdom were injured because their advice was not asked.
Her father had been a clergyman, and, like most clergymen, not overburdened with the good things of this world.
Maroney, after committing the robbery, had, in exact accordance with my theory, found that he needed some one in whom he could confide, and with whom he could ease his overburdened mind by disclosing the facts of the robbery.
It makes the aged feel independent, and that they are not a burden in the already overburdened family.
The peasants were raised in ignorance, were overburdened and kept constantly under the leash, so to speak, and while their strength might have saved the country, they had not the brain-power to solve a means therefor.
This last year he has been greatly overburdened with work, and that is why he so frequently has to delay the answering of his many letters.
Take an example of the effect of these laws upon an overburdened heart, which occurred just before the passage of the Act of 1853.
There were few drivers for the asses, which were overburdened with the sick and baggage.
The picture of the Renaissance that Merezhkovsky paints for us is very full, very rich, at times even a little overburdened with episodes and people.
The novel, although a little overburdened with details, is an excellent analysis of the customs of the Russia of former times.
The fleeting query crossed his mind as to what she might have been if born in one of the generations before the pioneers of her sex had opened so many gates for the irruption of overburdened femininity.
He found her maternal affection undimmed, but other changes in her which he was far too masculine to understand, and after she was fairly settled and apparently content, he dismissed feminine idiosyncrasies from his overburdened mind.
S: Or do you ask them for a reward, so that they are overburdened by a debt?
Many are overburdened with business, and can imagine no comfort but in rest; many have minds so placid, as willingly to indulge a voluntary lethargy; or so narrow, as easily to be filled to their utmost capacity.
Hearts, by this time, so overburdened with grief and distressing apprehensions--all for him!
She gave her mamma a resounding kiss, and leaving the muchoverburdened woman in the midst of huge piles of clothes, she went to renew her gossip with Ellen.
She would be so much help to your overburdened frame.