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Example sentences for "loader"

Lexicographically close words:
loaches; load; loade; loaded; loaden; loaders; loading; loadings; loads; loadstar
  1. When he came out again he had a breech-loader on each shoulder and David's ten dollars in his pocket.

  2. That night I used a double-barrel muzzle-loader (No.

  3. It is a breech-loader of the clumsiest kind, taking twice as long to load as a common gun, and very complicated.

  4. Not a muzzle-loader will I have put into their hands.

  5. This being the case, how much more rapidly must a breech-loader be destroyed where 30 per cent.

  6. There is one other point to which I may briefly allude before dismissing the breech-loader to the "tomb of all the Capulets.

  7. Under no circumstances, therefore, can a breech-loader be as safe as a solid gun.

  8. The second loader steps forward at a signal from the gun captain.

  9. Numbers 2 and 3, respectively second captain and first loader and shellman, were directly behind the corporal.

  10. Just as he turned to follow the deer, Herbert Watrous raised his breech-loader to his shoulder and fired point blank at him.

  11. Accordingly, before stirring from his place, he threw out the shell from his breech-loader and replaced it with a new cartridge.

  12. Although the farmer was frugal in all things, he believed it was the cheapest to buy the best, and the gun which was placed in the hands of Nick was a breech-loader with double barrels.

  13. He was well satisfied that the last shot was from the Remington of Herbert, while the one that preceded it a few minutes, he was convinced came from the muzzle-loader of Nick Ribsam, owned by Mr. Marston.

  14. Herbert solemnly removed the shell of the cartridge from his breech-loader and replaced it with a fresh one, pretending not to hear the remark of Nick.

  15. At this season of the year, the first of May, the blacks are putting in some of their one hundred working days while the single breech-loader rusts in the chimney corner.

  16. This was a breech loader with only a single shot and it was necessary to raise up what was called the breachblock by hand and insert the cartridge, then replace the breachblock, cock the gun, and you were ready for another shot.

  17. It was a muzzle-loader and after wiping it out carefully at the doctor's quarters I found one of the tubes were stopped up.

  18. He could still hear frantic shouts, while now and again a muzzle-loader belched forth its contents, the flame of the discharge showing less redly than on former occasions.

  19. He was returning to his own ship to fetch a mighty muzzle-loader which he had previously forgotten.

  20. Provided, that nothing contained in this section shall affect the right of a miner or loader and his employer to agree upon deductions by the system known as docking, on account of such slate, sulphur, rock, dirt or other impurity.

  21. Again and again it has reasserted itself and ousted its rivals, but at last all difficulties of construction have been surmounted and the breech-loader has "come to stay.

  22. If you did not, one of the barrels of the breech-loader must be clean, and then you are safe.

  23. A powderhorn swung from his neck by a greasy cord, and he was holding on to a six-foot muzzle-loader as though it were his only contact with reality.

  24. Wetzel stood directly behind me, the muzzle-loader in his hand, the tail of his coonskin cap bouncing in the wind, his eyes narrowed.

  25. Illustration: This mechanical hay loader on the Harrison Brothers' farm near Floris dates from 1935.

  26. The mechanical hay loader eliminated the taxing work of pitching hay into a barn loft, c.

  27. My guest's gun was a central-fire breech-loader of Rigby's newest type, which he commenced to prepare for action in what seemed to me to be a very bungling sort of way.

  28. This rifle was a valuable legacy from his father, who had been huntsman and gun-loader to a great prince of the empire.

  29. The Loader receives the cartridge and puts it in the gun, as already described; he also receives the shell or shot and wad and introduces them accordingly.

  30. The Captain hauls taut the train-tackle and chokes the luff, and the Loader and Sponger place the chocking-quoins forward of the front trucks, and proceed to sponge and load the gun in the usual manner.

  31. When the guns are to be secured without being housed the Loader and Sponger place the chocking-quoins square up against the rear part of the front trucks and put in the tompion.

  32. Should any burning fragments be drawn out, the Loader extinguishes them with the wet swab; the Gun Captain again commands "Sponge.

  33. The Loader and Sponger put in and secure the upper half-ports, if directed, and the Loader swabs the deck to collect any loose powder which may have been scattered on it.

  34. The Loader must be careful not to touch the fuze composition with his fingers, for fear of injuring it by moisture.

  35. The Loader and Sponger place the housing-chocks before the front trucks.

  36. The Loader is to be specially instructed that unless the leaden patch is stripped off, to expose the priming, the fuze will not ignite, and consequently the shell cannot explode.

  37. The men at the side-tackles unhook the outer blocks from the training-bolts and hand them to the Loader and Sponger, who hook them to the securing-bolts at the sides of the port.

  38. The breech-loader has manifold advantages over the muzzle-loader in a wild country.

  39. The rifle became a magazine loader, and it will next be an automatic loader (though at present automatic loading is principally used in machine guns and low-power rifles).

  40. The loader scooped up the proper amount with a ladle (fig.

  41. Lowering the front end of the shield made a barricade behind which he could charge his muzzle loader (see fig.

  42. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "loader" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.