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Example sentences for "liued"

Lexicographically close words:
liturgische; liturgy; litus; lituus; liue; liuelie; liuely; liuer; liuerie; liues
  1. If kyng Edward had liued a litle longer, his onely example had breed soch a rase of worthie learned ientlemen, // King Ed.

  2. His life he ledde, Christes lore to learne, with will to worke the same: He read to know, and knew to liue, and liued to praise his name.

  3. By whose death she remained the whole inheritor of that honorable house: and afterwardes liued an honorable and stately life, in great wealth and pleasure, and was welbeloued and duetifully intreated of her husband.

  4. In this wise increased more and more the fame of those women, and so continued vntill the tyme that Hercules, Theseus, and many other valiaunt men liued in Graecia.

  5. And liued a long time after, with the loue and good wyll of the whole cominaltie of Venice.

  6. The father liued one whole yeare after this mariage, and Euphimia so pleasant a life for a certaine time, as was possible for any Gentlewoman.

  7. A relation of the commodities of Noua Hispania, and the maners of the inhabitants, written by Henry Hawkes merchant, which liued fiue yeeres in the sayd countrey, and drew the same at the request of M.

  8. After that Martinez had liued seuen moneths in Manoa, and began to vnderstand the language of the countrey, Inga asked him whether he desired to returne into his owne countrey, or would willingly abide with him.

  9. I saw likewise certaine women which liued dishonestly among men: and I asked the old man whether they were married, who answered me noe, but they were common women, which liued apart from the married women.

  10. Hee liued seuen moneths in Manoa, but was not suffered to wander into the countrey any where.

  11. Sundry weeks we did gaine so much by this means besides our wages, that many of vs became very rich, and were worth three thousand, or foure thousand Pezos, for we liued and gained thus in those Mines some three or foure yeeres.

  12. Francis, with the pouerty in which the glorious saint liued and died, for to follow him in his steps aright.

  13. All generally beleeue the immortalitie of the soule; and that in the other world they shall be rewarded or punished according as they liued in this worlde, in company of the bodie.

  14. Our thirst well quenched by this meanes, and our men beeing sufficiently refreshed, the Paracoussy brought them to his fathers lodging, one of the oldest men that liued vpon the earth.

  15. And albeit I will not place my selfe in the ranke of great and renowmed Captaines, such as liued in times passed, yet we may iudge by their examples, how hurtfull backbiters haue beene vnto commonwealths.

  16. Loe here what was the end of my mutinous souldiers, without which I had alwayes liued peaceably, and enioyed the good desire which I had to make an happy and quiet voyage.

  17. If we haue recourse vnto their ancestors, wee shall finde that their parents were of so meane condition, that by labouring with their hands they liued very basely.

  18. And if it would haue fallen out conueniently, in the way I would haue raised my saide sconse vpon some Corne fielde, that my company might haue liued vpon it.

  19. M572 Peter de Bré had liued about two yeeres with Satourioua.

  20. Iohn of Nantes was layde in yrons, and kept prisoner for his offence, and others also were put in yrons, and diuers were whipped, as well men as women: by which meanes they liued in quiet.

  21. William Read,[36] sometime fellow of Merteine college in Oxford, doctor of diuinitie, and the most profound astronomer that liued in his time.

  22. For all foure especially three were feeble, weake, and sickly persons before euer they came thither, and those that knewe them much marueyled that they liued so long beeing in that case, or had aduentured to trauaile.

  23. Why should not that dead carrion satisfie The guilt, which if he liued had thus long, 8 His life for due reuenge should deare abie?

  24. As wretched men, and liued in like paine.

  25. Winchester, where being suddenlie surprised with sicknesse, as he sat at the table with the king vpon an Easter monday; yet he liued till the Thursday following, and then died.

  26. And herewith hauing his speech perfect, he declared how he had séene two moonks stand by him as he thought, whome in his youth he knew in Normandie to haue liued godlie, and died christianlie.

  27. Note d: Many Hermites liued there in the woods in times past, it being all forrestie.

  28. Note f: That famous out-law liued much in that Country, and is yet by many places there celebrated.

  29. The same season, quéene Margaret the wife of king Henrie the sonne was deliuered of a man child which liued not past thrée daies.

  30. Scotish historie verie reprochfullie speaketh of Richard Grafton (a right reuerend man whiles he liued and of entier name also being dead) charging him with ignorance, and the report of a shamelesse lier.

  31. By this Owen she brought foorth three goodlie sonnes, Edmund, Iasper, and another that was a monke in Westminster and liued a small time: also a daughter which in hir youth departed out of this transitorie life.

  32. As for the false seruant, he liued not long vnpunished; for being conuict of felonie in court of assise, he was iudged to be hanged, and so was, at Tiburne.

  33. One William Patin, son and heire to Richard his father, and eldest brother to Iohn that deceassed deane of Chichester, and to Richard that liued and died at Baslo in Derbishire.

  34. But now before we proceed anie further, sith the reigne of king Henrie maie seeme here to take end, we will specifie some such learned men as liued in his time.

  35. When the Apostles liued here, many notable miracles were done, but now for certaine good causes, they cease and fall away, for whatsoeuer is necessary for our saluation, is expresly conteined in the word of God.

  36. He liued aboue foure score yeares ago, or neare that time.

  37. The same man affirmed, that in all the time of his madnesse he liued a verie pleasant life, vntill the Phisitian had cured him of his disease.

  38. Sainct Chrysostome in his nyneteenth Homilie on the eight chapter of sainct Matthewes Gospell, hath in maner the same woordes, for hee moueth this question: Why suche as were possessed with Spirites, liued in graues?

  39. But if it were doubted whether they had liued well or ill, then were they called Manes.

  40. Sanders among them is a saint, albeit he liued in plotting, and dyed in acting rebellion against his gracious Soueraigne Queene Elizabeth of famous and blessed memorie.

  41. Soche was the order of men, when thei liued without lawes.

  42. He rehersed also speciallie by name those their elders, which had resisted Iulius Cesar, by whose high valiancie they liued free from the bloudie thraldome and tributes of the Romans, and enioied their wiues and children safe and vndefiled.

  43. She liued 79 yeares, and then departed this life about the 21 yeare of hir sonnes reigne.

  44. Cogidune a king of the Britains, who continued faithfull to the Romans vnto the daies of the remembrance of men liuing in the time of the said Cornelius Tacitus, who liued and wrote in the emperor Domitianus time.

  45. The queene was deliuered of hir second sonne at Hatfield, who was therfore named William of Hatfield, who liued but a short time, departing this world when he was but yoong.

  46. The child being borne proued a son, & was named Iohn, but liued not manie daies after.

  47. For such was his towardnesse, or rather perfection in princelie gouernement, that if he had liued and atteined to the crowne, euerie man iudged that he would suerlie haue exceeded the glorious renowme of all his ancestors.

  48. For how might men that did offend, thinke to escape his hands, which deuised waies how to rid the countrie of all wild rauening beasts, that liued vpon sucking the bloud of others?

  49. He had in excéeding fauour Wolstan archbishop of Yorke that liued in his daies, for whose sake he greatlie inriched that bishoprike.

  50. To be briefe, he liued so as he was had in great fauour of his neighbours, & highlie honored among strangers.

  51. By which meanes he was famous both in peace and warre: but he neither liued any long time in the gouernement, nor yet was suffered to passe the short space that he reigned in rest and quietnesse.

  52. He liued not past fiue yéeres in gouernement of the kingdome, but was taken out of this life to the great sorrow of his subiects whome he ruled right worthilie, and so as they had him in great loue and estimation.

  53. Elfleda became a nun, and Ethelhilda also liued in perpetuall virginitie, but yet in a laie habit.

  54. Sithrike liued not past one yéere after he had so maried hir.

  55. The said Wilfride had béene bishop by the space of 45 yéeres: but he liued a long time in exile.

  56. But howsoeuer the matter stood, king Ethelwulfe liued not long after his returne from Rome, but departed this life, after he had ruled the kingdome of the Westsaxons the space of 20 yéeres and od moneths.

  57. Iest, tis well, haue I liued to these yeares To be gulled now, now to be ridden?

  58. Haue I liued to be carried in a basket 5 And throwne into the Thames like a barow of Butchers offoll.

  59. The mariage done and ended, Sir Didaco and his newe wife continued at the house of his father in lawe, where he liued a certaine time in suche pleasure and delectation as they do that be newly maried.

  60. Then euery of them toke their leaue and retourned home to their owne houses: and from that time forth the said Erle, to thende of his life, liued in Paris, in greater honour and aucthority, then euer he did before.

  61. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "liued" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.