This being a Lordship marcher, hath enioyed royall liberties, since the time wherein it was first subdued.
This Ladye seeinge her Louer nousled in hir lust, dandled him with a thousand trumperyes, and made hym holde the Mule, while other enioyed the secrete sporte which earst hee vsed hymself.
The second, Baiasith, who enioyed the countrey of Magnesia.
A briefe description of the Iland of Cyprus: by the which not onely the Venetians title why they haue so long enioyed it, but also the Turks, whereby now he claimeth it, may plainly appeare.
By the which meanes the Venetians making themselues the next heires to Catherina by the law of adoption, tooke vnto them the possession of this kingdome, and haue kept and enioyed the same almost this hundred yeeres.
And last of all, the Venetians haue enioyed it of late a long time, in this order following.
If Nunio de Gusman had bin so good a gouernour and Iudge, as he was in bloud a Gentleman, he had then enioyed the best plot of all the West India, but he behaued himselfe euill, both with the Indians and Spanyards.
I had also determined to beat downe the Fort before my departure and to set it on fire, for feare least some new-come guest should haue enioyed and possessed it.
Loe here what was the end of my mutinous souldiers, without which I had alwayes liued peaceably, and enioyed the good desire which I had to make an happy and quiet voyage.
He that firstenioyed your harte, hath so ill followed the victorie of your bodye, as hee hath well deserued to lose altogether.
The Ambassadour of the French king heretofore enioyed the like: but of late yeeres by meanes of displeasure conceiued by Mahumet then Viceroy, it was reduced to sixe crownes the day, beside the prouision of his Esquire of his stable.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "enioyed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.