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Example sentences for "fauour"

Lexicographically close words:
faune; fauns; fauor; fauorable; fauored; fauourable; fauourably; fauoure; fauoured; fauourers
  1. And with his prudence & wit his manheed Trouthe to susteyne he fauour set a side; And hooli chirche meyntenyng in dede, That in this land no lollard dar abide.

  2. English knights appeared at the wedding in cointises of silk, and the next day each knight donned a new robe of another kind.

  3. That some of our nobles sent their sons to be educated in the French universities (whence they sometimes imported foreign vices into England[57]) is witnessed by some verses in a Latin Poem “in MS.

  4. But he, therein, did vſe but his old manners, And fauour ſtrongly what hee was before.

  5. But for your Maiesties sake his imperiall Higrrnesse hath exhibited this so singular a fauour vnto the said king and kingdome of Poland.

  6. And required the lord, to doe them so much fauour as to let them choose one or two among them for to goe to the great Turke with his ambassadours for to haue suretie of him.

  7. And to bee the more named to be expert in Physike, he did some faire cures to such such as were diseased, whereby he began to bee well trusted, and came in fauour with many substantiall folkes of the towne.

  8. But what fauour would ye of these men looke to haue: Who beastly sauage people be, farre worse then any slaue?

  9. For the which cause I haue enterprised (hoping greatly of your lordships fauour herein) to clothe and set forth a few Italian newes in our English attire, being first mooued thereunto by the right worshipfull M.

  10. Forbeare my loue to fawne upon their frownes, For thee they must obay, naie shall obaie, ·eal055· And if they looke for fauour at my hands.

  11. The world may smile againe and I may liue, To do you fauour if you do it her, And so sir Iohn farewell.

  12. But the fauour of almightie God was not wanting to the miserable Britains in that great necessitie.

  13. Britains by reason thereof began so to fauour him, that after the death of Vortimer they made him king againe.

  14. Ye haue heard how Edelfred the king of Northumberland was slaine in battell neere to the water of Idel by Redwald king of the Eastangles, in fauour of Edwin whom the said Edelfred had confined out of his dominion, 24 yéeres before.

  15. Ile be at Charges for a Looking-glasse, And entertaine a score or two of Taylors, To study fashions to adorne my body: Since I am crept in fauour with my selfe, I will maintaine it with some little cost.

  16. Ile tell you what, I thinke it is our way, If we will keepe in fauour with the King, To be her men, and weare her Liuery.

  17. And if thy poore deuoted Seruant may But beg one fauour at thy gracious hand, Thou dost confirme his happinesse for euer An.

  18. This duke of Gelderland named Reginald had married the ladie Isabell sister of king Edward, and therefore in fauour of the king his brother in law, trauelled most earnestlie to procure him all the freends within the empire that he could make.

  19. Sidenote: A statute ordeined by the Scots in fauour of the K.

  20. For how much fauour as he purchased at the hands of the French king, so much displeasure might he assure himselfe to procure at the hands of the king of England, whome to obeie, it should be most for his aduantage.

  21. The like fauour he shewed vs also, till wee came vnto Conradus duke of [Marginal note: Mazouia.

  22. In like sort when any inferiours offend in ought, they finde no fauour at their superiours handes, but are punished with grieuous stripes.

  23. Howbeit, he was desirous (as we thought) that we our selues should craue that fauour at his hands.

  24. Vanquished, they aske no fauour and vanquishing, they shew no compassion.

  25. And wee were constrayned to bestow gifts vpon the Millenary, that we might obtaine his fauour to allowe vs poste horses and a guide.

  26. Notwithstanding, to our abilitie, we will honour him with some part of those things which haue bene, by the goodnes of God and the fauour of the Pope, bestowed vpon vs for our sustenance.

  27. My thankes For this great fauour shall preuent your trouble.

  28. The cause We come to offer to your Lordships censure, Is in it selfe so noble, that it needs not Or Rhetorique in me that plead, or fauour 55 From your graue Lordships, to determine of it.

  29. I embrace it, 45 As an assurance of their fauour to me, And name my Lord Nouall.

  30. As an entrance to The fauour of the mistris: you are together 55 And I am perfect in my qu.

  31. I do not here declare the industrie that might (with the fauour of God) be vsed to win and ouercome this people, for that the place serueth not for it; and I haue giuen large notice thereof, vnto whom I am bound.

  32. Now at his comming from thence, being well disposed, towards the reliefe of his people, he lessened the tributes and impositions, and did iustice aswell in respect and fauour of the poore as of the rich.

  33. The pope writeth to king Henrie, in fauour of the archbishop Thurstan, & accurseth him with the archbishop of Canturburie.

  34. Moreouer he sought to win the fauour of the Welshmen, by whose aid he purposed to defend himselfe against the king in such vnlawfull enterprises as he ment to take in hand.

  35. Which fauour and affection, yet after his deceasse, by the crueltie, mischiefe, and trouble of the tempestuous world that followed, highlie toward him more increased.

  36. For manie he had, but hir he loued; whose fauour to say the truth (for sin it were to beelie the diuell) she neuer abused to anie mans hurt, but to manie a mans comfort and releefe.

  37. His vtter spoile and vndeserued destruction, onelie for that it hapned those to fauour him whome the prince fauoured not.

  38. But the lord protector he said, the verie noble prince, the speciall paterne of knightlie prowesse, as well in all princelie behauior, as in the lineaments and fauour of his visage, represented the verie face of the noble duke his father.

  39. Wherefore me thinketh it were not worst to send vnto the queene, for the redresse of this matter, some honorable trustie man, such as both tendereth the kings weale and the honour of his councell, and is also in fauour and credence with hir.

  40. So that the full confluence of these qualities, with the defects of fauour and amiable proportion, gaue proofe to this rule of physiognomic: Distortum vultum sequitur distorsio morum.

  41. In this same yeare, king Edward, more for the loue of the marques Montacute, than for anie fauour he bare to the earle of Warwike, promoted George Neuill their brother to the archbishoprike of Yorke.

  42. By this kind of courteous dealing he wan him such fauour of the people, that euer after, in all his warres, he was (thorough their aid and support) a victor and conquerour.

  43. The constable also, with whome the king your souereigne lord (I am sure) hath some intelligence, for fauour that your maister hath maried his neece, is not so sure a freend as he is taken for.

  44. The like kind of purchasing fauour was vsed by king Stéephen, and other kings that followed him.

  45. Where they came in such grace and fauour with the Prince, that he made M.

  46. I hope I shall finde fauour with you to see your Card.

  47. And further I can assure you vpon the perill of my life, that this voyage may be performed without further charge, nay with certaine profite to the aduenturers, if I may haue but your fauour in the action.

  48. In lieu whereof, he made offer to gratifie them, with any fauour and priueledge, which vpon their better aduise they should demand, the like being not to be obteyned hereafter for greater price.

  49. Thirdlie, that lawfull fauour and christian compassion be rather vsed towards these poore soules, than rigor and extremitie.

  50. But this fauour and mercie was no sooner extended towardes her, and shee set at libertie, But shee began to practise the utter ruine and ouerthrow of the name and bloud of this Gentleman.

  51. Yet in the end giue mee leaue to intreate some fauour that haue beene afraid to speake vntill my worke were finished.

  52. I haue surely seene him: His fauour is familiar to me: Boy, Thou hast look'd thy selfe into my grace, And art mine owne.

  53. Doe but follow me, and gaine your loue; Her fauour must be wonne by his remooue.

  54. For, had he liued, he would haue kept it still, And worne it for his Bel-imperias sake; For twas my fauour at his last depart.

  55. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "fauour" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.