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Example sentences for "maie"

Lexicographically close words:
maides; maidish; maids; maidservant; maidservants; maiest; maiestas; maiestie; maiestye; maight
  1. Excepte any witlesse persone thinke he maie bee to wise.

  2. What a benefite that onely thyng is, to haue the witte whetted and sharpened, I neade not trauell to declare, sith all men confesse it to be as greate as maie be.

  3. Matte and Maie grew fat on this fine living, and daily became richer.

  4. The rock Ahtola became so grand and Maie so grand that all the sea-urchins and herring were lost in wonderment.

  5. In autumn, when Matte and Maie went ashore, the cow went to sea, and in spring, when they returned to the rock, there she stood awaiting them.

  6. So Maie got several servants and clothes fit for a great lady.

  7. We shall require a better house,' said Maie the following summer; 'the old one is too small for ourselves and the men.

  8. Maie looked around her amazed, and said, 'Where is our two-storey house?

  9. All would have gone well had not Maie been possessed with a secret longing which never let her rest; and this was, how she could manage to become the owner of a cow.

  10. But neither Matte nor Maie could sleep a wink; the one thought of how he had profaned Sunday, and the other of Ahti's cow.

  11. Maie loaded her boat with stones and went out to sea.

  12. This does not seem much, but it sufficed Maie for a herb plot.

  13. Maie knew well that her husband was only making fun of her, but still her mind was set upon the same subject.

  14. Maie had never uttered a word, but thought the more.

  15. Then Maie said: 'We have too little milk for all these folk.

  16. It is a desperate cause, that with woordes and eloquence maie not be smoothed.

  17. Of an Impossibilitie yee maie conclude what yee liste.

  18. Greeke and Latine the same may be gathered, I feare least such doubt maie rise in this matter, that it will be harder to prooue Helen a Britane, than Constantine to be borne in Bithynia (as Nicephorus auoucheth.

  19. Thus farre out of the British histories, whereby it maie be gathered, that the yéeres assigned to these kings that reigned before Cassibellane, amount to the summe of 1058.

  20. But rather it maie be thought, that king Edward had made no such promise at all, but perceiued the ambitious desire of duke William, and therefore would not that anie occasion should be ministred unto him to take hold of.

  21. But the Scotish writers make other report of this matter, as in the historie of Scotland ye maie find recorded.

  22. Whoe hathe her owne destroy’de, And maie it bee, that shee thie birdes should spare?

  23. No state so sure, no seate within this life But that maie fall, thoughe longe the same haue stoode: Here fauninge foes, here fained frendes are rife.

  24. That men maie knowe I cut on euerie side, And when I come, I armies can deuide.

  25. Wherefore with paine, I nowe doe prouue it true, That fortunes force, maie valiant hartes subdue.

  26. And we know not anie thing to the cõtrary but that it maie be of the same kind.

  27. For English corne neuertheles whether to vse or not to vse it, you that inhabite maie do as you shall haue farther cause to thinke best.

  28. You maie as matter riseth, ioigne twoo notes together, as the reason of the argumente cometh in place, whiche Apthonius [Fol.

  29. All thynges that maie bee celebrated with praise, or that meriteth dispraise: al soche thynges maie be in a comparison.

  30. For, our life maie learne all goodnes, all vertue, [Sidenote: Philophie in fables.

  31. All thynges that maie be praised, maie be dispraised.

  32. And what pleasur ye maie do to the Kings Grace in this matier, I am sure, is not to you unknowen.

  33. And one example, whether loue or feare doth worke more in a child, for vertue and learning, I will gladlie report: which maie be hard with some pleasure, and folowed with more profit.

  34. And thus, will in children, wiselie wrought withall, maie Will.

  35. Off with his head and set it on Yorke Gates, So Yorke maie ouerlooke the towne of Yorke.

  36. Now maie such purple teares be alwaies shed, [eav053] For such as seeke the downefall of our house.

  37. Maie that ground gape and swallow me aliue, ·eaa155· Where I do kneele to him that slew my father.

  38. Reuenged maie shee be on that accursed Duke.

  39. Such it seemes As maie beseeme a monarke like himselfe.

  40. Setting your skornes and your dislikes aside, ·eal015· Shew me some reasons why the Ladie Gray, Maie not be my loue and Englands Queene?

  41. A man at least, and more I cannot be, And men maie talke of kings, and why not I?

  42. Nay staie sir Iohn, and let vs first debate, With what security we maie doe this thing.

  43. Bishop farewell, Sheeld thee from Warwikes frowne, [ean018] And praie that I maie repossesse the crowne.

  44. Stamp, raue and fret, that I maie sing and dance.

  45. King Edwards noble mind his honours doth display: And Warwike maie loose, though then he got the day.

  46. Those longsquares haue I set foorth vnder the circles containyng their sides, that you maie somewhat whet your own wit in practisyng this Theoreme, accordyng to the doctrine of the nineteenth conclusion.

  47. To haue, or leaue, Nowe maie you chuse, No paine to please, Will I refuse.

  48. M, is drawen without the firste circle and toucheth hym, as you maie see, but in one place.

  49. D, and by this maie you soone perceiue, that it is not possible to drawe .

  50. Theoreme, whiche maie stande well enough with this Theoreme, for it is not made in this cantle of the circle, as the other are, by reason that his angle doth not light in the circumference of the circle, but on the centre of it.

  51. And this maie you iudge of the residewe, by like reason.

  52. If truthe maie trie it selfe, By Reasons prudent skyll, If reason maie preuayle by right, And rule the rage of will, I dare the triall byde, For truthe that I pretende.

  53. Another waie also maie you drawe a cinkeangle aboute a circle, drawyng first a cinkeangle in the circle (whiche is an easie thyng to doe, by the doctrine of the .

  54. D, beyng the diameter, is the longest of all those lynes, and also of any other that maie be drawen within that circle, And the other line M.

  55. The king and queene this yeare in Maie went ouer into France, where they were present in Paris on Whitsundaie at the coronation of Philip sonne to the French king, created that day king of Nauarre.

  56. Seven or more Assistants, with the Governor or Deputy Governor, to be a sufficient Court] and that there shall or maie be held .

  57. To thotelesse swayns itt maie bee blyss indeede, To marke the yeare through alle hys ages speede, Butt everie seasone seemes alych to mee, Eternall wynterr whann awaie from thee!

  58. Thus much for the right writing of our English tung, which maie seme (so) for a preface to the principle of Reading, as the matter of the one is the maker of the other.

  59. These thinges are to be lefte so free that in the churches suche maie be vsed / as shall seme most meete for the edyfyinge of the people.

  60. And the very same thing / maie we answer of Lot.

  61. They maie be restored to their place / ãd degree.

  62. LLA wythe thys I sende, and hope that you Wylle from ytte caste awaie, whatte lynes maie be untrue.

  63. When wylle the chiefes mete atte thie feastive halle, That I wythe voice alowde maie there upon 'em calle?

  64. Thee I ordeyne the warde; so alle maie telle.

  65. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "maie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.