One daie there will come a daie Which shall quaile thy fortunes flower, And thee ruinde low shall laie In some barbarous Princes power.
This yeare after Easter, as the fleet laie before S.
Persons and vicars, and other of the cleargie, when they rode foorth any whither, were glad to apparell themselues in laie mens garments, so to passe through the countrie in safetie.
Indeed some laie the blame in the Gascoine footmen for the losse of this battell, bicause that they withdrew backe, and left the English horssemen in danger of the enimies which had compassed them about on euerie side.
And as helaie at anchor, it chanced that certeine Norman ships fraught with wine came that waies, as they returned out of Gascoigne.
The archbishop of Canturburie lost all the goods that he had, for he would neither agree to giue any thing, nor to laie any thing downe in the church, that the king might receiue it.
The French writers impute the fault thereof vnto English men, and the English writers laie it to French men.
Henrie the sonne through indignation and displeasure (as some write) fell into a gréeuous sicknesse in a village called Mertell, not farre from Limoges, where his father laie at siege.
Furthermore, if it chance that temporall men laie their hands vpon me, I charge you likewise by vertue of your obedience, that ye exercise the censures of the church in the behalfe of your father the archbishop as it becommeth you.
Furthermore he ordeined, that no man might sell orlaie to gage his armour and weapon, but should be bound to leaue it to his next heire.
For stones that laie couched fast in the earth, were remooued out of their places, stone houses were ouerthrowne, and the great church of Lincolne was rent from the top downwards.
Also it was ordeined, that tithes should be paid to churches, and that such laie men as would kéepe wiues, should keepe them according to the lawes of holie church, and not otherwise.
Next in order was singing by the Honolulu choir, then the dedication prayer was offered by President Partridge, when the Laie choir sang a hymn composed for the occasion; after which, the king was invited to speak to the people.
Prior to this, we had received the announcement that the king, David Kalakauna, would honor us with his presence, and now the word is that the steamer on which he sails will land here at Laie at six a.
The English armie drew still towards Britaine, but with so small doubt of their aduersaries, that they laie three or foure daies sometimes still in one place.
The king held his Christmasse this yéere at Woodstoke, and the duke of Lancaster laie at his castell of Hertford.
The lords would not consent altogither to laie downe their badges; but yet they agreed that none should weare any such cognizance except their seruants of houshold, and such as were in ordinarie wages by the yeare.
In the meane time the king laie at Eltham, and had got about him a great power (namelie of those archers, which he had sent for out of Cheshire, in whome he put a singular trust more than in any other.
Who when he heard he should be committed to close prison, and remaine in fetters, said, "that if he laie in irons, he should shortlie end his life.
Here is to be noted, that whilest the quéene and lords laie in Winchester waiting for the kings arriuall, Geffrey Riddle the bishop of Elie departed this life.
In which season Baldwine earle of Flanders came into England to doo his deuotions vnto the shrine where Thomas the archbishop laie buried at Canturburie.
And bicause Matthew de Cléere thatlaie in the castell of Douer was knowne to aid those that robbed the said bishop, the archbishop of Canturburie pronounced him accurssed.
This yeare, whilest the seneschall of Gascoigne laie sicke, the earle of Pieregort, and the vicount of March, and almost all the lords and barons of Gascoigne, began to waste and destroie the lands of king Richard.
Harold, who saw the Normannes to advaunce, Seizd a huge byll, and layd hym down hys spere; Soe dyd ech witelaie downe the broched launce, And groves of bylles did glitter in the ayre.
I have a kynge, and none can laie Blacke treason onne my hedde.
Brave Alured, benethe his faithfull horse, 85 Was smeerd all over withe the gorie duste, And on hym laie the recer's lukewarme corse, That Alured coulde not hymself aluste.
As cowart Walleris laie on the grounde, 555 The dreaded weapon hummed oer his heade.
But I will after him, and if I can Ile laie a plot to heaue him from his seate.
Come sirs, laie hands on them, and bind them sure, This time was well watcht.
The lord Roger Damorie laie sicke in his bed at the same time in the priorie of Tutburie, who after he had heard what iudgement the king had pronounced against him, departed this life within two daies after.
And shortlie after was sir Peter Spalding sent vnto Berwike, with a crew of souldiers to defend the towne against the said Bruce, who intended shortlie to laie siege to that towne, as the king had certeine vnderstanding.
The Irishmen being put in great feare herewith, assembled togither, and ioined themselues with such Englishmen as laie there in garrisons, ouer the which the lord Iohn Bermingham as deputie had the cheefe charge.
About Midsummer the Scots eftsoones entred into England, dooing much mischeefe with fire and sword, in like sort as they had vsed to doo before time, not sparing (as some write) so much as those houses wherin women laie in childbed.
The king laie still at Berwike, but the earles of Glocester and Warren, after the beginning of Lent, rode into the forest of Solkirke, and receiued the foresters & other the inhabitants there to the kings peace.
Iohn Matreuers, repenting himselfe, laie long hidden in Germanie, and in the end died penitentlie.
The earle of Cornewall laie at Rockesbourgh, and the earle of Glocester at Norham to defend those parts.
The pretorian bands stood in order of battell armed in the field that laie before their lodgings, through which field Caratake shuld come.
Prouided that if he were a preest or any religious person, he should lose his benefice, and be made vncapeable of any other ecclesiasticall preferment: if he were a laie man, he should lose the prerogatiue of his estate.
During this his last sicknesse, he caused his crowne (as some write) to be set on a pillow at his beds head, and suddenlie his pangs so sore troubled him, that he laie as though all his vitall spirits had beene from him departed.
Clou, where a bridge laie ouer the riuer of Saine.
The duke of Orleance laie at the same time at saint Denis, with the more part of his armie, & the residue kept the towne of S.
The next, let lustie laie wisely to wiue, 42 The next, laie now or else neuer to thriue.
Laie neuer so well for to saue it, by night or by daie he will haue it.
Nor laie not to liue by their wurke, but theeuishlie loiter and lurke.
Let no man looke to purchase linne[E470] with pinching by the waie, But laie before he takes his Inne to make his purse to paie.
Thus the Englishmen hauing dispatched this businesse with good successe, did set vpon those ships that laie in harbrough within the hauen.
All this while the barons laie at London banketting and making merrie, without attempting anie exploit praise-worthie.
The armie which king John had left behind him in the south parts, vnder the leading of the earle of Salisburie and other, laie not idle, but scowring the countries abroad (as partlie yee haue heard) came to S.
As the king thus laie at Stratford, there came vnto him from the parts of beyond the sea, the earle of Bullongne, and S.
Lucie, in absence of the bishop accurssed all those that had presumptuouslie attempted to laie hands on the said Ranulfe, and further, he put his owne church of saint Paule vnder interdiction.
And this they forced not to doo, although the lord Edmund the kings sonne laie in Warwike, to cut them short of such their licentious doings.
Also there ariued in the Thames a fleet of great vessels fraught with Gascoins, and laie afore the tower, abiding the kings pleasure.
In this yeare the king held his Christmasse at Winchester, and after comming to Marlebridge, chanced there to fall sicke, so that he laie in despaire of life for certeine daies togither.
There laiealso without the hauens on the coast diuerse other ships of like forme, mold and fashion.
But alas these pitifull men sée not that they themselues hereby doo laie the greatest log vpon their neighbors necks.
From which spéech in like sort some deriue the word Laistow, as if it should be trulie written Lath stow, a place wherein to laie vp or laie on things, of whatsoeuer condition.
Capgraue saith how that the first bishop of this sée was called bishop of Lindseie (or Lincolne) & that Ceadda laie in Liechfield of the Mercians in a mansion house néere the church.
Sussex called Wilnot, who getting togither twentie sailes, laie vpon the coasts taking prices where he could get them.
The Laie falleth into the sea a mile almost from the Taffe, and riseth in the hilles aboue Lantrissent (for all the region is verie hillie.
From which speech in like sort some deriue the word Laistow, as if it should be trulie written Lath stow, a place wherein to laie vp orlaie on things, of whatsoeuer condition.
And so theylaie betweene the wals of the citie and the trenches of the enimies, still crieing for helpe and releefe, for lacke whereof great numbers of them dailie died.
The earle of saint Paule, and the lord Willoughbie returning backe to the regent, were ioifullie receiued, and within a while after, the earle departed from Paris to laie siege to the castell of Mouchas.
But whether God would not that the hauen should be destroied, either the conueiers of the hulkes knew not the verie chanell; these foure great ships, at the low water, laie openlie vpon the sands, without hurting the rode or chanell.
The archbishop of Canturburie being chancellor of England, and as then for his suertie lieng within the Tower, called to him the bishop of Winchester, who for some safegard laie then at Haliwell.
Elfleda became a nun, and Ethelhilda also liued in perpetuall virginitie, but yet in a laie habit.
The appropriateness of Laie as the birthplace of the rainbow girl is evident to anyone who has spent a week along this coast.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "laie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.