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Example sentences for "doore"

Lexicographically close words:
doone; doonricht; door; doora; doorbell; doored; doores; doorkeeper; doorkeepers; doorknob
  1. Ye doore unto hym is at the west,[47] nigh unto the pillar of the navis, one doore only, on nave.

  2. There was a passage to the east doore in ye walle to the streete.

  3. Two capellae north and south and between them a greate space with a tall doore in the midst, of four centres, all panelled under ye fann-tracery over ye lintel.

  4. From ye passage and stayre that leadeth from ye Cloyster to the old Kirkeyarde open to hym, and there was a doore in ye passage way and a staire four-square.

  5. Ye doore unto hym is at the west (see note), nigh unto the pillar of the Navis; one doore only, on Nave.

  6. The same was forty feet by twenty or thereabouts, and his chief doore was to the west, and a pavement joyned him to the road from St John's Gate to ye Churche.

  7. Enter at the other doore Bascianus and Lauinia, with others.

  8. Enter at one doore Æneas, at another Paris, Deiphobus, Autemor, Diomed the Grecian with torches.

  9. Edward White | and are to bee solde at his shoppe, at the little | North doore of Paules, at the signe of | the Gun.

  10. There are groomes besides that watch in their course, and lie at euery gate and doore of the Court, called Estopnick.

  11. At the doore of his roome stood the Bustangi-bassa, with another Bassa to lead the ambassador and his folowers to the grand Signior who sate in a chaire of estate, apparelled in a gowne of cloth of siluer.

  12. Eld, for Arthur Iohnson, dwelling at the signe of the white-Horse in Paules Church-yard, ouer against the great North Doore of Paules.

  13. Imprinted at London for Edward White at the little North-doore of Paules, at the signe of the Gun, and are there to be sold.

  14. Imprinted at London for Edward White at the little North-doore of Paules.

  15. The nexte mornynge betymes the *[leaf 13, back]* spitte and pottes were sette at the Spittle house doore for the owner.

  16. If the doore be eyther bolted or lockt, if it be not opened vnto them when they wyl, they wyl breake the same open to his farther cost.

  17. S] Gilkes for the gigger, false keyes for the doore or picklockes.

  18. This is he that would beare rule in a place, and hath none authority nor thanke, & at last is thrust out of the doore like a knaue.

  19. Who is that at the doore y keeps all this noise?

  20. You'll crie for this minion, if I beat the doore downe Luce.

  21. But soft, my doore is lockt; goe bid them let vs in E.

  22. O death thou fo, why didst thou so Ungently treat that Iewell great, Which opte his doore to rich and poore, so bounteously?

  23. Graunt doubtfull no key of his chamber in purse, least chamber doore lockt be to theeuerie a nurse.

  24. For feare of foole had I wist[2][E436] cause thee to waile, let fisgig be taught to shut doore after taile.

  25. More seldome where see ye the poore, go begging from doore vnto doore?

  26. A doore without locke is a baite for a knaue, a locke without key is a foole that will haue.

  27. No clothes in garden, no trinkets without, no doore leaue vnbolted, for feare of a dout.

  28. See doore lockt fast, Two keies make wast.

  29. London Printed for Edward White, and are to be solde at the little North doore of Saint Paules-Church, at the signe of the Gunne, 1605.

  30. White, and are to be solde at his Shop neere the little North doore of Saint Paules Church at the Signe of the Gun.

  31. Vp thou drowsie God I say And come presently away, Or I will beate vpon this doore That after this thou sleep'st no more.

  32. Come or at thy doore Ile thunder Til both heaven and hel do wonder.

  33. No matter; some husbands are so base, they keepe the doore whilst they are Cuckolded; but this is after a more manlier way, for he stands bound to see it done.

  34. The Presence doore be guarded; let none enter On forfeit of your lives without our knowledge.

  35. Litle thought I, when out of doore I went, That thus my life should stand on argument.

  36. Piso was here, Ready to enter at the Presence doore And dragge him out of his abused chaire; And then he trembled.

  37. Keepe lock'd the doore and let none enter to us But who shares in our fortunes.

  38. Enter at the other doore Frisco singing.

  39. Brothers helpe to conuey her hence away, And with my Sword Ile keepe this doore safe Tit.

  40. Enter at the other doore Bassianus and Lauinia with others.

  41. I dundthered at his doore till he opened it, thin I towld him I'd seen th' Banshee!

  42. It's jist a hoax, Anna, some oul bitch said it an' th' others cackle it from doore to doore.

  43. At Mary McKinstry's doore that afthernoon we stood till the shadows began t' fall.

  44. Let the Garden doore be shut, and leaue mee to my hearing.

  45. Marry, mistresse,' qd he, 'you bad me pull the doore after me.

  46. Robert Grime and Barbara January, the king’s taylor, nexte doore to 3 tuns taverne lane.

  47. Vndre one of these Turretes, is there commonly a voulte, whose doore openeth into the quiere.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "doore" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.