Balaunce Weight or Mesures belongeing to the sayde Craftes or eny of theym, wherebie the Kyngs People in eny wyse myght be hurt or dysseyved.
There is also the article which now becomes common, against divulging the secrets of the craft, and an interesting one against "eny confederacye or embracerye wherebie any p'judices hurt or hynd'ance myght growe.
This preest thought that one myght nat by felynge knowe one from a nother in the darke.
Why doste thou nat make the redy to horsebacke, that we myght sette forwarde with companye?
A certayne scriuener, whiche hadde but a bare lyuynge by his crafte, imagyned howe he myght gette money.
Fabius Minutius was of his sonne exhorted on a tyme to gette and conquere a place that was mete for them, and to theyr great auauntage, the whiche thynge he sayde, they myght do with the losse of a fewe men.
At the whiche tyme he began to ymagen, howe he myght delyuer this man ryght nought.
A frere Lymytour[67] come into a pore mannys howse in the countrey, and because thys pore man thought thys frere myght do hym some good, he therefore thought to make hym good chere.
By my trouthe, quod one of them, yf that she myght be departed, than I wolde chuse for my parte her hed and her fayre face, that I myghte alway kysse her.
A precher in pulpet whiche prechyd the worde of God, amonge other matters spake of mennes soules and sayd that the soule was so subtyll that a thousande soules myght daunce on the space of the nayle of a mannes fynger.
The frere comforted her and said that, thoughe these were theyr fortunes, there myght be remedy had.
There men myght se grete pytte, A chylde of ij yere or iij Go aboute to begge hyt brede.
An other of hir neighbors inquyryng of hir what shee myght doe to hir daughter whych began to haue delyght to rome in the fieldes and wander abroade.
Tarquinius vnderstanding these inuections made againste hym by Turnus, immediatly deuyseth meanes to kil him, to the intent he myght inculcate like terror to the Latines, that he did to his owne subiects.
For shee had neyther brother lefte wyth whom shee myght soiourne, ne yet vncle to gyue her good counsell.
Now to com to our purpose, this yong Courtier, taken and chayned in the bands of loue, settred and clogged wyth the Beauty and good grace of that Countrey wench, forethought the meanes how he myght inioy the thynge after which hee hoped.
In whom had obedyence ruled, and reason taken place, the hearte myght haue bene satisfied, the parent wel pleased: the life ioyfully spent, and the posteritie successively tast the fruits that elders haue prepared.
Cayster, and ther is gret noyse of this revell that was don in Suffolk be Yelverton and Jeney; and your wele willers thynkyn that if thei myght prevayle in this, thei wold attempt you in other.
I fele by theym they be not right corageous in theyr werkes, ner nought wold if they myght have a resonable trete.
And he seid on avysely, as he kan doo full well, I myght not sey ye labored ther, for I herde never sey ye labored therfor, be the feithe I vowe to God.
So God help me, the felaship that was redy to goo was right sory that thei myght not goo furth with me; and my lordes and my ladyes wyl was that thei shuld have goon further.
Lorde, seyng they have had gret wrong, besechyng my Lorde that it myght be reformed.
For now if I made any felaship agayn Twyer, I can haf no colour now the Shirref and I be oute, so I must kepe me aparte, which I am lothe to do, be God, if I myght better do.
Kyngs disposicion, and also hise, un to the edyfyeng of God is service, it myght in noo bettyr tyme be mevid, &c.
Vnto Aluarado he gaue commission, that he shoulde passe as farre into the Citie as he myght possible, requyring him also to send vnto him eightie Spaniardes.
Thë the Spanishe Carpenters sayde vnto Sandoual, that for as muche as they were nowe come into the countrey of enimies, it might please him to haue regarde thervnto, for daungers that myght happen: he allowed wel theyr iudgement.
The next day came fiftie auncient Indians to craue pardon for their offence, and also licence to bury the dead, with likewise safeconduct that their rulers and principal persons myght safely come vnto the towne.
Ther was no freke that ther wolde flye, But styffly in stowre can stond, Ychone hewyng on other whyll they myght drye, Wyth many a bayllefull bronde.
The blodye harte in the Dowglas armes, 65 Hys standerde stode on hye; That every man myght full well knowe; By syde stode starres thre.
Ther was never a freak wone foot wolde fle, But still in stour dyd stand, Heawyng on yche othar, whyll the myght dre, With many a balfull brande.
I thinke the gentleman hathe to good exsperyence of her to truste her (thowghe nature myght somewhat move him therin) I longe to heare that he were past the Ryvere of Loyre: for before that tyme I shall be greatly jealouse of his savetye.
I further towlde him (as of my selfe) that the Cardynall Shatyllglion myght use this as a meane to make his ennemye the more odyowse to this estate.
After I had herde the descryptyon of them I declared unto him that alreadye ye were advertysed of the leeke and that you towld me that thos descryptyons were so generayle, as they myght as well towche the innocent as the gyltye.
Wherefore before I goe any further, I woulde knowe whether I myght so well trust your aide and succour in this my businesse, as in all others I am assured you would not leaue mee so long as any breath of life remained in you.
Emonges whome Achmet Bascha pryuily sent Woorde to Mustapha, to the intent he myght take the better heede to hymself.
And so I thynk that my lady wyll send for yow; and if it wer your ease to be here, I wold be ryght glad that ye myght be here, for I thynk your being here shold do gret good to my brodyrs maters that he hathe to sped with hyr.
Also like you to wete that I had sent you a letter be my ladde from London, and he tolde me he myghtnot speeke with you, ther was made so gret awayte upon hym and upon you boothe.
Item, I pray yow sende me worde howe my moodre is dysposyd to hyr wardes, and iffe so weer that a good mariage myght be had, what she wolde depart with.
Item, and ye werk wysly your mater myght com in with othyr maters of the lordes in ther apoyntmentes with the Kyng, but it wold be labord to a porpose this Crystmas whyll ye have leyser to spek with your mastyr.
But o thing lyked me right welle; I was so nygh, I myght fele Of the Bothom the swote odour And also see the fresshe colour; And that right gretly liked me.
And if I myght have thys sygned of the kynge, sayde the Welshman, I care for no more, as longe as I dooe lyve.
And how be it that me myght double fro the right, that wold{e} be harder in techyng and in workyng.
After that Rolland had wept ynough he had fere that some paynym myght fynd it after hys deth.
Wherefore the sarasyns were soo troubled and abasshed of the myght and puissaunce of Rolland, that they alle fled tofore hym, and then abode the kyng Marfuryus wyth a fewe folke.
Wherefor the wylle of God was, that they sholde all be dede, to thende that their martyrdom and passyon myght be the cause of theyr salvacion and purgyng of theyr synne.
Wherfore he concluded in hymself to breke it, and toke it, and smote upon a rocke wyth all hys myght iii tymes wythout hurtynge ony thynge the swerde, and clefte the rocke to therthe, and colde in no wyse breke the swerde.
Anone after came to hym Thyerry duc of Ardayne, whych wept upon Roulland so continually, that he myght not speke but wyth gret payn.
O my swerde whych has ben my comfort and my joye, whych never hurtest persone that myght escape fro deth.
My crosse unhappye fortune hathe decreed A never shalbe conquerd; any ells, Should a but vowe to conquer 50 worlds, I would beleive a myght doo't: onlye I Shall never master a dejected slave.
A myghtin one worde playnlye have sayd "never" And saved much cyrcomstance.
And ye soo doyng shal cause the kyng rather to be youre goode lorde and therby ye shal eschewe grete ieobardies parelles and inconveniences that myght enshewe of the contrary.
Than I dyd better beholde the ioynte, whiche for hys greatenes myght well haue be a Gyãtes ioynte, rather than a mannes.
I graunt, he could not haue had an accyon ayenst me in ye law, but he myght from hensforthe be deafe to my vowes, orels pryuyly send some calamytye or wretchednes amongste my housholde, yow know well enuffe the maneres of great men.
What dyde our lady now, dyd nat she make one sygne, that you myght know that she had hard youre prayeres.
And that I very fayne, & for a good purpose desyred to knowe, that I myght stope the mowthes of certayne newfanglyd felowes, that be wotyd to haue suche holy relyques in derysyon and mokage.
In good faythe I wold be content to be namyde a Camelle, if I myght spende yerely the rentes and reuennes of an abbot.
The fyfthe is to do suche thynges with all thy myght and power / thynkynge that thy rewarde shall be grete.
Not for thy beware of vndiscrete abstynence / whichemyght cause you to haue payne here & in tyme to come.
And as I haue been, and wolbe glad and redy, to do you suche pleasire as I myght or may.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "myght" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.