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Example sentences for "leauing"

Lexicographically close words:
leathery; leaue; leaues; leaueth; leauie; leave; leaved; leaveing; leaven; leavened
  1. Enter a Souldier, crying, a Talbot, a Talbot: they flye, leauing their Clothes behind.

  2. Leauing S, Germanes, and passing through Laurake parish, in which M.

  3. And so, leauing these priuate Inhabitances, & keeping still the North coast, we arriue at the towne, and port of S.

  4. They both are mortifed in the top, leauing a little edge at the one side, as to accommodate the placing of somewhat else thereupon.

  5. But bicause his mother had the mannor of Ashley in dower (as is before expressed) he did not sue to serue in the pantrie, but leauing that, demandeth the carieng of the second sword and the golden spurs before the king.

  6. Wherevpon hir brother earle Robert leauing his sister in the castle of Arundell, rode with all spéed vnto Glocester thorough his enimies countrie, not taking with him past 12.

  7. But when those within made valiant resistance, he raised two castels against it, and leauing in the same certeine of his Nobles to continue the siege, he himselfe returned home.

  8. He gaue lands sufficient for the maintenance, leauing the ouersight thereof to the merchant tailors in London, who haue hitherto iustlie dealt in that matter, and also augmented the building there.

  9. After this the king returned to London, leauing the earle of Surreie to rule the north parts, and appointed sir Richard Tunstall, a man of great wit and policie, to gather the subsidie to him due of the people.

  10. Finallie, on the 6 of August he tooke the sea, leauing his brother the earle of Cornewall, and the queene in charge with gouernance of the realme, and of his sonne the lord Edward.

  11. The king then leauing a conuenient number to defend Cambridge, marched from thence toward Windsore.

  12. Doe but behold yond poore and starued Band, And your faire shew shall suck away their Soules, Leauing them but the shales and huskes of men.

  13. This Bishop not long after sickened, and died, leauing this his wife with child, who liued not long after his fathers death.

  14. August departed from Tyrus, leauing the halfe part of the Citie of Achon in the hands of the aforesayd Conradus Marques.

  15. Be a whore still, they loue thee not that vse thee, giue them diseases, leauing with thee their Lust.

  16. This therefore haue we thought good as it were by the waie to touch what diuerse authors doo write, leauing it so [Sidenote:Sigebertus.

  17. But whilest this treatie was in hand, they got them into their ships, and leauing their wiues and children behind them, returned into Germanie.

  18. Aurelius at Stoneheng, otherwise called Chorea Gigantnm, leauing his sonne Arthur to succéed him.

  19. Arthur besieged him, till at length the same Colgrime escaped out of the citie, & leauing it in charge with his brother [Sidenote: Cheldrike commeth in aid of Colgrime.

  20. The second was Cellach, the which leauing his bishoprike returned into Scotland, for they were both of the nation of the Scots.

  21. When the king had all prouisions readie, and ordered all things for the defense of his realme, he leauing behind him for gouernour of the realme, the queene his moother in law, departed to Southampton, to take ship into France.

  22. Such vittels and other necessaries as were to be caried with the armie, he appointed to be laid on horsses, leauing the carts and wagons behind for lesse incombre.

  23. For which treason and haskardie in thus leauing their camp at the very point of fight, for winning of spoile where none to defend it, verie manie were after committed to prison, and had lost their liues, if the Dolphin had longer liued.

  24. Also of our goodnes, we haue granted to the sayd English Merchants, to take poste horse at needfull times, leauing with our officers a note how many they take, and not else, in no case hindering or diminishing our treasurie.

  25. This they take with them, leauing the bodies behind, and so go to shore.

  26. For to saile into this hauen you must bring the two highest mountaines one ouer the other, leauing sixe small Islands on your right hand, and so you may enter in vpon 30.

  27. Februarie we hoysed ankers, minding to set saile and so go homeward, leauing our two men aforesaid on land, but because it was calme weather we ankered, and went once againe on lande, and the 26.

  28. Denis by treason, skirmished with them of Paris, and leauing behind them a great garrison, tooke the towne of Howdone, and Pont saint Marence by composition.

  29. Other ran naked out of the gates to saue their liues, leauing all their apparell, horsses, armour, and riches behind them, none was hurt but such as resisted.

  30. Killingworth in Warwikeshire, leauing onlie behind him the lord Scales to keepe the Tower of London.

  31. But being incamped neere the towne of Blangie, he by a sudden maladie departed this life, the last of August, leauing his seigniories to Lewes de Lutzenburg his sonne and heire.

  32. So these two capteins departed, leauing behind them, both ordinance, vittels, & great riches.

  33. They wanne also four of the eyght bridges which were in the Citie, leauing gard in those places whyche were wonne, returning to their Campe with manye woundes, beyng both wéery and full of care and sorrow.

  34. The aunsvvere of the Tlaxcaltecas touching the leauing of their Idolles.

  35. Cortes departed frö Zempoallan, leauing that towne named Siuillia, towarde Mexico the sixtene day of August of the same yéere, with 400.

  36. The nexte day in the mornyng Cortes wente forth to runne the fieldes as he had done before, leauing halfe his menne to kéepe the campe, and bicause he shoulde not be espied he departed before day, & burned aboute .

  37. The tenor of an other letter written by sir Iohn Wingfield, directed to sir Richard Stafford knight, who had beene in Gascoigne, and there leauing his familie, was now returned into England.

  38. Sir Iohn de Heinault lord Beaumont, about the same time, changed his cote, and leauing the king of Englands seruice, was reteined by the French king.

  39. After his comming to Rennes, he staied not past fiue daies, but leauing them whome he found there to continue the siege, he went himselfe to Naunts, where he had knowledge, that the lord Charles de Blois was.

  40. It chaunced that the king and his sonne, being at the warres aforesaide, the wife of the Erle died in the meane whyle, leauing him onely twoo litle yong children, a sonne and a doughter, whiche he had by her.

  41. And then hee caused all the windowes and doores to be mured, and closed vp in such wyse, as it was impossible for her to go oute, leauing onely a litle hole open, to giue her bread and water: appointing his Steward to the charge thereof.

  42. For leauing their sumptuous and riche apparell, they clothed themselves with pilgrims attire, taking the skallop shell and staffe, like to them that make their pilgrimage to S.

  43. Which wordes he thundered out with great furie, and therewithall the multitude gaue place, leauing the poore Puselle to be a praye to the ennemy.

  44. But leauing the variaunce of whether house he was, true it is, that hee was in that time a notable riche and wealthy knight, and had three sonnes.

  45. Loue holding in full possession the hartes of these twoo louers, blynded theim so muche, as leauing the brydle to large for their honour, they vsed theimselues priuely and apertlye at all tymes one with an other, without anye respect.

  46. The other so subtile and malicious as he, bad him to seke stil: and when they saw time, they toke away the proppes that staied vp the Tombe, and ran awaye, leauing poore Andreuccio fast shutte in the graue.

  47. And therefore leauing this as I find it I must elsewhere make inquisition for more lightsome proofe.

  48. And then Alanus returned with his army into his owne land, leauing behind him bailiffes and substitutes in Man, which should gather vp and render vnto him the tribute of the countrey.

  49. The night folowing all the men except twelue, which we tooke into our ship, being most of them borne in Pegu, fled away in their boate, leauing their ship and goods with vs.

  50. Nowe seeing that they could not bee perswaded by any meanes possible, the captaine was constrained to giue his consent to returne, leauing all hope of so great possibilities.

  51. Then departed they, leauing one of their ships behind them, which they sunke for lacke of men to cary her.

  52. But in the night about twelue of the clocke our ship did driue away with fiue men and a boy onely in it, our carpenter secretly cut their owne cable, leauing nineteene of vs on land without boate or any thing, to our great discomfort.

  53. Thus the eight of December 1592, wee set sayle for the Cape of Buona Speransa, passing by the Ilands of Maldiua, and leauing the mightie Iland of S.

  54. Very hardly and with much adoe could we get vp our ankers, but yet at last by the mercie of God hauing gotten them vp, but leauing our pinnesse behind vs, we got to sea, and set saile, which was vpon the 13 of Aprill.

  55. And thus leauing to trouble you, I commit you to God, who prosper you in all your proceedings.

  56. One other rare and strange accident, leauing others, will I mention before I ende, which mooued the whole countrey that either knew or hearde of vs, to haue vs in wonderfull admiration.

  57. Finallie when this Coill had reigned the space of 54 yeares, he departed this life at Yorke, leauing after him a sonne named Lucius, which succéeded in the kingdome.

  58. He was buried at Caerleill, leauing a sonne behind him called Coill.

  59. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leauing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.