M171) Moreouer there are many white Thornes, which beare leaues as bigge as oken leaues, and fruit like vnto Medlers.
M490) She courteously receiued our men; sent me backe my barks full of mill and acornes with certaine baskets full of theleaues of Cassine, wherewith they make their drinke.
There are other trees as high as a iaueline, hauing one only stocke without any bough, and the leaues as long as a casting dart: and the fruite is of the bignesse and fashion of a Cucumber, one bunch beareth 20.
Hee caused also litle Paniers made of Palme leaues full of Gourds red and blew to be deliuered vnto them.
They grow on a plant whose leaues are very thicke, and full of prickles as sharpe as needles.
Hauing ended his exhortation, we tooke our leaues of each of them, and sayled toward our shippes, calling the Forte by the name of Charles-fort, and the Riuer by the name Chenonceau.
The king hath dispossest himselfe of vs, We will not lyne his thin-bestained cloake With our pure Honors: nor attend the foote That leaues the print of blood where ere it walkes.
The leaues they cut very small, and weaue them, and so make sailes of them, for all maner of shipping, or els very fine mats.
Serpents were as harmlesse to mankinde, as they are still one to another: the rose had no cankers, the leaues no caterpillers, the sea no Syrens, the earth no vsurers.
The hunter pursuing the beauer for his stones, hee bites them off, and leaues them behinde for him to gather vp, whereby he liues quiet.
They grow on a plant whose leaues are verie thicke and full of prickles as sharpe as needles.
Their houses are very little, made of the branches of the palmer or coco-tree, and couered with the leaues of the same tree.
They vse no speech, but giue vp their supplications written in the leaues of a tree with the point of an yron bigger then a bodkin.
These leaues are an elle long, and about two inches broad; they are also double.
Ianuary in the night, and in taking of our leaues both of vs together, made such a terrible thundering noise with our ordinance, that the townsemen were vp in alarme, vntill they knewe the reason thereof.
All the inhabitants here haue very little homes couered with the leaues of the coco-trees.
If he should do so, He leaues his backe vnarm'd, the French, and Welch Baying him at the heeles: neuer feare that L.
Sidenote a: Aesculus is a tree bearing both greater fruite and broder leauesthen the Oke.
The black stone of the walles was ingrauen with a leafe worke, as if it had beene an illaqueated composition of leaues and flowers, and the little shelles of cytheriaces, so beautifull to the eye, as was possible to be deuised.
Amongst which were appact very beautifully, roundes of Diasper, equally distant, and disagreeing from the couler of the pauement, and the corners closed vp with leaues and Lyllies.
Oh wo was me, for I felt all my ioynts quake like the leaues of an Aspe, in a bitter winde.
The Boy disdaines me, He leaues me, scornes me: briefely dye their ioyes, That place them on the truth of Gyrles, and Boyes.
Then enter againe in Skirmish Iachimo and Posthumus: he vanquisheth and disarmeth Iachimo, and thenleaues him.
Tell me thy minde, for I haue Pisa left, And am to Padua come, as he that leaues A shallow plash, to plunge him in the deepe, And with sacietie seekes to quench his thirst Tra.
But now my strength and life doth fayle at once, My vigor leaues my could and feeble Ioynts, And I my sad soule, must power forth in blood.
This is an Aspickes traile, And these Figge-leaues haue slime vpon them, such As th' Aspicke leaues vpon the Caues of Nyle Caesar.
What a prettie thing man is, when he goes in his doublet and hose, and leaues off his wit.
Oh had the monster seene those Lilly hands, Tremble like Aspen leaues vpon a Lute, And make the silken strings delight to kisse them, He would not then haue toucht them for his life.
Beare witnesse, all that haue not hearts of Iron, With what a sorrow Cromwel leaueshis Lord.
He being forsaken, laieth hearbes and leaues gathered togither vpon the place.
Sometimes a spirit hath bene heard walking in the inner parte of the house, turning the leaues of a Booke, or telling money, or playing at dice, or bounsing against the wall.
Let them be left Which leaues it selfe, to the Sea-side straight way; I will possesse you of that ship and Treasure.
Tis the God Hercules, whom Anthony loued, Now leaues him 1 Walke, let's see if other Watchmen Do heare what we do?
When Clouds are seen, wisemen put on their clokes; When great leaues fall, then Winter is at hand; When the Sun sets, who doth not looke for night?
He wrong'd you shrewdly, He toyl'd to climbe vp to the Phoenix nest, And in his prints leauesyour ascent more easie.
Thus are my Blossomes blasted in the Bud, And Caterpillers eate my Leaues away: But I will remedie this geare ere long, Or sell my Title for a glorious Graue.
See brother see, note how she quotes the leaues Ti.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "leaues" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.