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Example sentences for "againe"

Lexicographically close words:
aftur; aftyr; aga; again; against; againste; agam; agamic; agan
  1. This Oyntment is good for any cut, wound, or breaking of the flesh, it eateth away dead flesh, and ranklings, and doth heale againe quickly.

  2. What (but to speake of) would offend againe Luc.

  3. I will bethinke me: come againe to morrow Isa.

  4. My husband is on earth, my faith in heauen; How shall that faith returne againe to earth, Unlesse that husband send it me from heauen By leauing earth?

  5. I paint so ill, my peece had need to be 1 Painted againe by some good poesie.

  6. No more my pillow shall thine altar be, Nor will I offer any more to thee 50 My selfe a melting sacrifice; I'me borne Againe a fresh child of the buxome Morne, Heire of the sun's first beames.

  7. Now that his root such fruit againe may beare, Let each eye water't with a courteous teare.

  8. This made mee seek you againe this afternoone, though I were guilty to my selfe of having done so every day since your comming.

  9. For you know our court tooke the resolution, that it was the best way to dispatch the French Prince backe againe quickly, to receive him solemnely, ceremoniously; and expensively, when he hoped a domestique and durable entertainment.

  10. They spightfully tooke him vp againe And threw him on a kill: So dried him then with fire hot, and thus they wraught their will.

  11. So then they tooke him vp againe according to his kind; And packt him vp in seuerall stackes to wither with the wind.

  12. And then they tooke him vp againe to fulfill womens mind They dusted and they sifted him, till he was almost blind.

  13. Then he lay groaning by the wals, till all his wounds were sore; At length they took him vp againe and cast him on the floore.

  14. Againe within a short space I had another Calfe, which was taken so strangely, as if the backe were broken, and much swollen, and within the space of three or four dayes it dyed.

  15. Then will they never no more be sene To growe againe so freshe and grene.

  16. Then forth is gone Burlow-beanie, 285 As fast as he cold hie; And feitch he did that faire sword, And came againe by and by.

  17. Then forth is gone Burlow-beanie, As fast as he cold hie; 270 And feich he did the powder-box, And came againe by and by.

  18. But after this never could I here Of this faire mayden any where, 50 That ever she was in forest sene To talke againe of the hathorne grene.

  19. And then forth is gone Burlow-beanie, As fast as he cold hie; And feitch he did that faire steed, 235 And came againe by and by.

  20. Though that you do, yt ys no boote; 25 Althoughe they cut me to the roote, Next yere againe I will be sene To bude my branches freshe and grene.

  21. Mortaigne, by reason of which refusall, he returned againe to the French king, and stucke to him.

  22. When they had taken their pleasure thus alongst the coasts, they returned againe vnto Limezun.

  23. The kings commandement in restraint of the peoples resort vnto him, was well kept a while, but it was not long yer they began to follow him againe as they had doone before.

  24. And againe no small summe of monie they had receiued of the archbishop of Burdeaux, when vpon an accusation brought against him by the cleargie of his prouince he should haue béene deposed.

  25. Also whereas the archbishop of Yorke had offended king Richard, he pardoned him, and receiued him againe into fauour, with the kisse of peace.

  26. So th'one with fire and weapons did contend To cut the ships from turning home againe To Argos; th'other strove for to defend* The force of Vulcane with his might and maine.

  27. At last againe with him in travell ioynd, And with him far'd some better chaunee to fynde.

  28. Make haste therefore, sweet Love, while it is prime**; For none can call againe the passed time.

  29. Penelope, for her Ulisses sake, Deviz'd a web her wooers to deceave; In which the worke that she all day did make, The same at night she did againe unreave.

  30. And I put you out of doubt, I wonder howe men can bee withdrawen thence againe after they be once come thether.

  31. Or when bad subjects gainst their soveraigne (Like hollow harts) unnaturally rebell, How carefull is he to suppresse againe Their desperate forces, and their powers to quell With loyall harts, till all againe be well.

  32. Nor to day here you must not come againe when you may Anti.

  33. Yet once againe proclaime it publikely, If any friend will pay the summe for him, He shall not die, so much we tender him Adr.

  34. God for thy mercy, they are loose againe Adr.

  35. Herevpon he went ouer againe vnto the siege of Calis.

  36. In like maner diuerse aswell subiects as princes haue attempted to restore againe a round table in [Sidenote: Roger Mortimer.

  37. For thereby I might haue had great light for the estate of this present discourse: but as then I had no mind to haue trauelled in this matter; neuerthelesse, if hereafter it come againe to light I would wish it were reserued.

  38. What news, quoth shee, drives you home againe so soone, husband?

  39. Well, the next day he went againe to meete his doctor, whome he founde in his wonted walke.

  40. That intemprat surfeit of her eye hath distemperd the other sences: they may returne and settle againe to execute their preordaind faculties, but they are now in a most extravagant vagary.

  41. Here Musicke is heard, Doves are seene to flutter; they fall againe upon their faces, then on their knees.

  42. The which he answered me was well donne, and that this day he would put the king againe in mind therof and tell hym what I said.

  43. The said letters I send againe by this conveance; unto the which I refer me.

  44. We had a generall councell this day at Duch howse, where it was concluded that 10 shipps this yeare shall procead againe to the Manillias, to be ready to departe by the xxth of November next, ould stile.

  45. Adames went to Court againe to get our dispach, but did nothing.

  46. Adames againe to get Goto and Shashma put in for shiping that, yf in case the Tono of Firando abuse us, we may have a retiring place, as also to abcent our selves from the Hollanders, it not being to our content to live together.

  47. The fownders, or mynt men, came againe to melt plate this day.

  48. We came to an ancor towardes night at a towne called Moro, 30 leages short of Miaco, and stayed the tide; and soe put to sea againe and made 22 leagues till mornyng at son rising.

  49. Adams will advize yow, I pray yow take in my note and let hym 262 have the money, in gevinge yow a bill of his hand to repay it me heare againe in Firando at demand; which Capt.

  50. I sent our jurebasso againe to the Court to procure our dispach; but he retorned without doing any thing.

  51. Unto which both the Hollanders and we answerd that we would com to a sett price, were it at 4-1/2 or otherwais; the which he took in such snuffe as he sent our present back againe to Hollandes lodging.

  52. I have this yeare byn againe at themperours court, in company of Mr. Wickham and Mr. Wm.

  53. So threw I my selfe pensiue againe on my pallat, and dard all the deuils in hell now I was alone to come and fight with me one after another in defence of that detestable rape.

  54. Denie it if they can, I will iustifie it: onely I beseech you to be fauorable Ladie vnto me, and let me not fall againe into the hands of those vipers.

  55. I must not place a volume in the precincts of a pamphlet, sleepe an houre or two, and dreame that Turney and Turwin is wonne, that the king is shipt againe into England, and that I am close at harde meate at Windsore or at Hampton court.

  56. One bare for his impresse the eies of yong swallowes comming againe after they were pluckt out, with this mot, Et addit et addimit, your beautie both bereaues and restores my sight.

  57. And on the morrow, after the King was crowned againe in Westminster Abbey in the worship of God and S.

  58. And afterwardes when these women waxe olde, it is repaied vnto them againe by order of the said iudge.

  59. If they do finde any, or any suspect of indicion, they do returne out of the fielde that person, and sende him againe to the prison.

  60. And also a captaine with a thousand or two thousande souldiers for to garde him continuallie, and to beare him companie till hee returne againe out of the kingdome.

  61. So when that all his busines is dispatched and gratified with many gifts, he returneth backe againe from whence he came; and looke with what curtesie they did receiue him at his comming, the like they doo vnto him at his returne.

  62. Also that whatsoeuer will go from one prouince to another within the said kingdome, to traficke in buying and selling, shall giue sureties to returne againe in a certaine time limited, vpon paine to bee disnaturalled of the countrie.

  63. I objected | he marry | againe and have other children, wich hee thought a vaine obieccon.

  64. Your sword is bright sir, put it vp againe Sal.

  65. Beseech your Highnesse call the Queene againe Antig.

  66. Beare with me Cosen, for I was amaz'd Vnder the tide; but now I breath againe Aloft the flood, and can giue audience To any tongue, speake it of what it will Bast.

  67. They are worne (Lord Consull) so, That we shall hardly in our ages see Their Banners waue againe Corio.

  68. I will returne againe into the house, and desire some conduct of the Lady.

  69. I bad you neuer speake againe of him; But would you vndertake another suite I had rather heare you, to solicit that, Then Musicke from the spheares Vio.

  70. Would not my Lords returne to me againe After they heard yong Arthur was aliue?

  71. Madam he's gone to serue the Duke of Florence, We met him thitherward, for thence we came: And after some dispatch in hand at Court, Thither we bend againe Hel.

  72. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "againe" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.