More within the lande by the riuers side is Damiata an auncient citie enuironed with walles contayning fiue miles in circuit, and but of small strength.
In this lande I behelde with great delight a very strange spectacle, namely a certaine man leading about with him more then foure thousande partriges.
About the fifteenth of September the Moores of the firme lande beginne to come to Goa, and they come from all parts, as well from Balaguate, Bezenegar, as also from Sudalacan, and other places.
Thou woldyst not learne to knowe these thre; But euer was full of iniquite: Wherfore all this lande hathe ben troubled with the.
And so pretended to passe forwardes to discouer westward the lande endewed with golde.
For all that coaste and mayne lande within, as farre as Mexico, was full of the newes and straunge things that our men had done in Potonchan.
He commaunded to be brought a lande out of his shippes all the armour & other furniture for the warres, with the Merchandise, victuall and other prouision, and to deliuer it to the rulers of the newe Cittie, accordyng to his promisse.
But of necessitie he was compelled to take that iourney by lande from Mexico to Panama, which standeth fiue hundred leagues distant, in the yeare a 1851.
The Mariners of the skiffe set a lande twoo men with Hargabushes, and other two më with Crossebowes, and and Indian who went straight way to the bushes, thinkyng to finde their fellowes.
The negotiation proving successful, in 1423 they instructed the "consuls of the sea" to appoint extra consuls at every port where their presence might be useful to Florentine trade.
On the contrary, the prosperity and grandeur of Florence formed the one object and aim to which every other consideration had to be subservient.
Accordingly, the independence of the city was transferred to after 1115, the year of the countess's death.
A husband who surprises his wife in adultery can no longer--hiding his dishonour within his own walls--judge and put her to death with the consent of the domestic tribunal.
The ban was raised on the 28th of the same month, and peace was solemnly proclaimed in Pisa on the 1st of June.
All cities that, like Pisa and Lucca, considered themselves wronged by Duke Bonifazio, now declared for the Empire, and the Empire sided with them against Matilda.
The continual wars in which this State was now engaged no longer served to foster the military spirit and energy of its people.
The lande of Phrigia was a mightie Region, the people noble, puissaunte in warre: the kyng for nobilitie of actes famous.
Cesars com- municacion with the mar[-] chauntes, as concernyng the lande of Britaine.
For, at those daies, Grece thei called Achaida calligunaica, that is, Grece the lande of faire women.
Att last with many tournings by lande and by watter, wee came to the lake of St. Peeter's.
We weare so neere the lande that we saw the bottom of the watter, but yett too deepe to step in.
We must make carriages which are high withall, and the boats by lande because no other way to passe.
We went back againe towards the lande with all speed to escape the evident danger, but it was too late; ffor before we could come to the russhes that weare within halfe a league of the waterside we weare tired.
The fryers of Saint Francis came vnto the Ilandes Philippinas, and procured to passe vnto the firme lande of the kingdome of China, with zeale to preach the holy gospell.
This hee did for that all the sayde countrie vnto the lande of Iapon was committed vnto him by the holy father.
The Spaniards do depart with the captain Omoncon from the port of Buliano, and ariue at the firme lande of China.
There can none goe a lande on this ilande, but straightwayes they are discouered by such ordinarie spyes as they doo put to watch.
Now have I tolde you of wayes, by the whyche men gon ferrest and longest; as by Babyloyne and Mounte Synay and other places many, thorewe the whyche londes, men turne azen to the lande of promyssyoun.
Before reaching Erdeven, at Kerserho, on a large lande or heathy plain, we arrived at another series of the great Carnac army of stones, of which they are a continuation.
It was formerly surrounded by woods and the interminable lande of Lanvaux, which stretches its desolate length along the Morbihan from Baud to Rochefort.
The castle of Elven is situated in an insulated coppice wood, in the midst of the lande of Elven.
Of late these cairns have been excavated, and prove to cover dolmens and covered avenues; one, the Grande Butte of the lande of Pontacq, contains a megalithic chamber, recalling the finest monuments of the kind in Brittany.
In addition the Ossalois own the lande of Pont-long, of which I have already spoken.
Lande heard of this, and determined to go thither and save this lost soul.
At that time I had a comrade, a student of mathematics, Ivan Lande by name.