Down it came roaring and hissing, mowing the pines by the waterside as a reaper mows down hay with a scythe.
Quick and get the folk out o' the waterside hooses or the feck o' the toun 'll be soomin' to Berwick in an 'oor.
The Major stumped down to the waterside in the fast gathering dusk and hauled in the boat.
To the white men in the waterside business and to the captains of ships he was just Jim--nothing more.
Yet, as I've told you, all the sailors in the port attended, and the waterside business was fully represented.
Her decent white cap was green-moulded with the moss of the woods; the drip of waterside caves had grimed it, the cobwebs of murky outhouses festooned it.
I hope all this warring and battling will be over before you have done blooming, you nice waterside things.
Large trains of carts and waggons were seen moving round towards the Belbek, and a considerable force bivouacked by the waterside below the citadel.
As it nears Shrewsbury, the Severn quits for a time the hill-country, though it is only near the waterside that the land is distinctly a plain.
The busy little waterside town has this great dignity--that its Mayor and Corporation take precedence of those of Plymouth and Devonport.
Tweedmouth, its timber jetty, its docks, and church spire, and its waterside lumber are in the forefront.
Guns bristle thickly upon the waterside batteries overlooking the harbour, but not one of them is modern.
The heavy, slouching figure of the assistant went by to take up his master's place in the waterside house, and the beggar wasted no time in glancing after him.
Someone was hidden in the lonely house, some man who paid heavily for the privacy of the watersideopium den, and Coryndon was determined to discover who that man was.
Velly soon cook nicee," he said, smiling; and then he went to the waterside to get rid of the clay with which he was besmirched.
But I kept on for another fifty yards or so with our enemies yelling in the rear, and the waterside seeming to grow no nearer.
The Ship at Gravesend, mentioned as the waterside inn where Pip and his assistants managed to row the convict Magwitch, with the idea of smuggling him out of the country, is known as the Ship and Lobster.
The waterside is too steep," he said; "if it happens some day as it has happened before, we can drown here behind the dike too.
Small roach as bait for pike, are procurable at most of the waterside inns, at 1s.
Enquire at the waterside who is likely to have one at liberty.
At the lower end of the reach is a favourite resort on summer evenings, a waterside inn, known as Thorpe Gardens, where we pulled up.
At a waterside village called Sainte-Eulalie--a saint so much venerated by the French in the Middle Ages that a multitude of places have been named after her--was a church with a broad tower and low broach spire.
Two motherless girls looked after this waterside inn, and also the ferry belonging to it.
I saw people packed on the waterside waiting for the flour boats; others crowding the bakers' doors, waiting for bread.
The pair returned to the waterside walk, carrying a burden which half a dozen ordinary men would have sunk under.
One rapid glance on the waterside was enough for the servant who hastened to notify the Traders' Provost, to whom, as emphasis to his message, he pointed out the army.
The spirit of the scenery may be not inappropriately summed up in the words written over the door of a waterside inn, half-way between Cambridge and Ely: "Five miles from anywhere; no hurry!
The Tees itself is at this point exceedingly lovely, streaming in a fine curve from beneath overhanging woods, and winding past a quaint old mill, which nestles by the waterside under high banks that are crowned by a tall fringe of trees.
Sleepily the Ouse glides along by its reedy banks through the wide lowland, silently it slides by the waterside houses, the pretty gardens, and the modern bridge which has replaced an earlier and more picturesque structure.
Horning Ferry, a well-known waterside resting-place, may be taken as a typical feature of village life in these parts.
Skiddaw or Wrekin, so the man who lived by the watersidewould be known as Bywater, Rivers, etc.
Spits of land by the waterside were called Hook (cf.
This soon refreshed me, for the sun had, it would seem, long been dwelling on that passive corse of mine by the waterside and had parched it to the skin.
Near by me grew some rank-smelling waterside plant, and overhead the air seemed peopled with larks.
By good fortune I discovered her beneath the greenish moon that hung amid mist above the forest, stretching a disconsolate neck at the waterside as if in search of the Lorelei.
There is a creature of this kind upon the lands of Strathoran, and the way by the waterside is blocked up this day--a kirk road!
The path wound at some little distance from the waterside through pleasant groups of trees.
We entered the little waterside town the next morning soon after sunrise, en auto.
The beer and concert gardens of Cologne's waterside are famous, almost as famous as the relics of the "three kings" in the cathedral.
There are two waterside hotels at La Roche-Guyon, beside the ugly wire-rope bridge, but we knew them of old, and knew they were likely to be full of an unspeakable class of Parisian merrymakers.