Scorne and defiance, sleight regard, contempt, And any thing that may not mis-become The mightie Sender, doth he prize you at.
Therefore, the wilfulnesse of people and princes, are the cause of the falle and destruccion, of many mightie kyngdo- mes, and Empires.
What nacion vnder the Sunne, hath not heard of that mightie Monarchie of Grece: of their migh- tie citees, and pollitike gouernaunce.
Ambicion was the cause that mightie Pom- pey fell, and died violently.
Horatius Cocles is bothe a witnesse and a light to the same, by whose aduenture the mightie and stronge Citie Rome was saued: For at what time as the Hetruscians entred on the citie, and [Fol.
If that state of gouernement, had not been chiefe of all other, those mightie kyngdomes would not haue preferred, that kinde of gouernment.
But such was the ordinance of the mightie Lord of hostes, who disposeth althings at his pleasure.
This castell was not onelie strong by situation, standing vpon the top of a steepe hill, but also closed with mightie thicke walles, and furnished with men and all maner of munition and things necessarie.
Whervpon king Henrie desirous to tame their hautie stomachs (bicause it was a gréefe to him still to be vexed with such tumults and vprisings as they dailie procured) assembled a mightie armie and went into Wales.
About the same time also the king fortified the castell of Roan, causing a mightie thick wall with turrets thereabout as a fortification to be made.
The newe Kyng Quahutimoc hauing intelligence how Cortes hadde launched hys Vergantines and so mightie a power to beséege Mexico, entred into counsell wyth the chiefest péeres of hys Realme.
The fourth was: To giue thë to vnderstäd the mightie power of the king of Castill.
A copie of the priuiledges granted by the right high and mightie Prince, the Emperour of Russia, &c.
Lord Boris Pheodorowich Godonoua, Master of the horses to the great and mightie Emperour of Russia, his highnesse lieutenant of Cazan and Astracan, our most deare and louing cousin, greeting.
If the whole dominion of the Russe Emperour were all habitable, and peopled in all places, as it is in some, he would either hardly holde it all within one regiment, or be ouer mightie for all his neighbour Princes.
But the trueth is, as this Deponent saith, that the saide mightie prince the Emperour of Russia is the chiefe lord and gouernour of the saide countrey of Lappia, his lawes and orders are obserued by them, hee takes toll and custome &c.
For beyond the Island of Vaigats and Noua Zeembla, there foloweth presently a great Baie, which on the left side is inclosed with the mightie promontorie Tabin.
Tis more then natures mightie hand can doe To make one humane and a letcher too.
I would have these things Brought upon stages, to let mightie misers 320 See all their grave and serious miseries plaid, As once they were in Athens and olde Rome.
Such was thir song, While the Creator calling forth by name His mightie Angels gave them several charge, 650 As sorted best with present things.
In the yeare of our Lord 1006, king Swaine returned againe into England with a mightie & huge nauie, arriuing at Sandwich, and spoiled all the countrie néere vnto the sea side.
King Egelred aduertised thereof, sped him thither with a mightie host, and with great crueltie burned vp the countrie, and slue the more part of the [Sidenote: Canute driven to forsake the land.
Who would not then a simple shepheard bee, Rather than be a mightie monarch made?
Thus warre continuallie lasted betwixt these two mightie nations, English and French, within the realme of France (than which therefore no countrie thought more miserable.
The superscription of this letter was thus [To the high and mightie prince, Henrie by the grace of God king of England, his welbeloued cousine.
Here insueth the articles, as the kings councell hath concerned, the which the high and mightieprince my lord of Glocester hath surmised vpon my lord of Winchester chancellor of England, with the answer to the same.
And therefore we praie vnto that mightie Lord in these words: Domine sis clypeus defensionis nostrae.
Most Christian king, right high and mightie prince, and our most dread souereigne lord, after as humble recommendations to your high excellencie as will suffice.
First, praieng and beseeching to your souereigne, Christ Iesus, of his high and mightie power, to giue you vertue of prudence, and that through the praier of the glorious martyr S.
Right high and mightie prince, and my right noble, and after one, lieuest lord, I recommend me vnto you with all my hart.
Most christian king, right high and mightie prince, and most dread souereigne lord we beseech our blessed Lord to preserue your honour and estate in ioy and felicitie.
Seale vp your lips, for you must silent be, These gifts ere long will make me mightie rich.
The Duches she thinks now that all is well, But I haue gold comes from another place, From one that hyred me to set her on, To plot these Treasons gainst the King and Peeres, And that is the mightie Duke of Suffolke.
Heerein your highnesse wrongs both them and [eaj055] Me, but mightie Lord this merrie inclination Agrees not with the sadnesse of my sute.
The Traitorous Warwicke with the men of Berry, Set all vpon me mightie soueraigne i [daj115] The Commons againe cries, downe with Suffolke, downe with Suffolke.
In part of the hilles east southeast of Alderleie, a mile from Kingswood, are stones dailie found, perfectlie fashioned like cockles and mightie oisters, which some dreame haue lien there euer since the floud.
In the same yeere a mightie winde from the Southwest did prostrate 606.
Many Kingdomes hee described mee to the heade of the Bay, which seemed to bee a mightie River, issuing from mightie mountaines, betwixt the two seas; the people clothed at Ocamahowan.
Oh that a mightie man of such discent, Of such possessions, and so high esteeme Should be infused with so foule a spirit Beg.
A mightie man of Pisa by report, I know him well: you are verie welcome sir: Take you the Lute, and you the set of bookes, You shall go see your Pupils presently.
The cause of godlie liuing and religion, the dignitie and preheminence of christianitie hath beene defended and augmented by you, against the most mightie and puissant capteins of the infidels, enimies to the said christian religion.
In the meane time had the French king assembled a mightie armie vpon purpose to fight with the Englishmen.
It began about euensong time in the south, and that with such force, that it ouerthrew and blew downe strong and mightie buildings, as towers, steeples, houses and chimnies.
The French king, who had assembled a mightie armie, being aduertised of these matters, hasted forward towards the duke of Lancaster, fullie purposing to giue him battell.
The Scots had sharpe and heauie axes, & gaue with the same great and mightie strokes, howbeit finallie the Englishmen by the helpe of God obteined the victorie, although they lost manie of their men.
Also the French king, hauing made his assemblie at Arras, and got thither a mightie host, as well out of the empire as of his owne subiects, came and lodged at the bridge of Bouuins, three leagues from Tournie.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "mightie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.