Eight drops injected in the jugular vein of a horse produced immediate tetanus and speedy death.
Albumoses and peptones injected into the jugularvein likewise produce fever, presumably through some action on the nervous system by which the equilibrium of tissue-metamorphosis is interfered with.
The innominate vein has also two chief factors, the internal jugular (l.
The factors of the anterior cava on either side are an external jugular (ex.
But later the inferior cava is developed and extends backward, the posterior cardinals atrophy, the Cuvierian sinuses become the superior cavae, and the anterior cardinals the internal jugular veins.
Figure 1), along by the external jugular vein and the superior caval vein to the diaphragm.
They receive, near their confluence with the sinus venosus, the inferior jugular vein (I.
In general, the jugular fishes are degenerate as compared with the perch-like forms, but in certain regards they are often highly specialized.
These arejugular in position, as in the Zoarcidæ, and the rays are I, 3.
The flounders have thoracic ventrals, notjugular as in the cod.
Were these fins developed, they should in theory be jugular in position.
Woodward places it next to the Blenniidæ, supposing it to have small and jugular ventral fins.
In this and the preceding families of jugular fishes the ventral rays remain I, 5, as in the typical thoracic forms.
The enlarged thyroid body presses upon the trachea and jugular veins.
You may readily bleed a dog in the jugular vein by holding up his head, stopping the circulation at the base of the neck.
He found that thirty three drops of a strong solution of opium in water, injected into thejugular vein of a large rabbit, destroyed it, as in M.
When jugular the number of soft rays may be reduced, this being a phase of degeneration of the fin.
It enters the sinus venosus from the head through the jugular vein, from the kidney and body walls through the cardinal vein, and from the liver through the hepatic veins.
If brought to a point in front of the pectoral fins, a feature of specialized degradation, they become jugular as in the codfish.
In the Ctenodontidae the tail is diphycercal, and no jugular plates are present in the known specimens.
In these thejugular plate is present, as in Uronemus.
In the fishes with jugular ventrals these fins have begun a process of degeneration by which the spines or soft rays or both are lost or atrophied.
There are no jugularplates and no marginal teeth in the jaws.
Jugular plates are present, and the tail is usually distinctly heterocercal.
The posterior part is a thin-walled reservoir, the sinus venosus, into which blood enters through the jugular vein from the head and through the cardinal vein from the kidney.
In Ctenodus and Sagenodus there is no jugular plate and there are no marginal teeth.
This duct is lost entirely in the adult of all or nearly all of the thoracic and jugular fishes, and in some of the abdominal forms.
Rather than risk having the joint jolted into my jugular so that I would bleed to death quickly and painlessly, she dropped the knife and used both hands on the log-line.
The Panama Canal is our carotid artery, Great Britain's navy is her jugular vein.
I was not shocked that Great Britain should decline Mr. Wilson's invitation that she cut her jugular vein; it was the invitation which kindled my emotions; but these were of a less serious kind.
It is her jugular vein in the mind of her people, regardless of that new apparition, the submarine.
The piquant person was heaping contumely and scathing raillery on an amateur in jugular recitative, who held that the Pharaohs of Asia were conversant with his theory that morphine and quinine were exorcists of bronchitis.
So proceeding to an isolated spot, without comrades, he severed his jugular vein, and discharged the carbine into his abdomen.
The superficial cervical (external jugular) glands, when present, lie along the externaljugular vein, and receives lymph from the occipital and auricular glands and from the auricle.
The removal of diseased supra-clavicular glands is not to be lightly undertaken, as difficulties are liable to ensue in connection with the thoracic duct, the pleura, or the junction of the subclavian and internal jugular veins.
When the bleeding is more copious, it is usually due to a ligature having slipped from a large vessel such as the external jugular vein after operations in the neck, and the wound must be opened up and the vessel again secured.
The communication is usually between the common carotid artery and the internal jugular vein.
Belonging to this group is one large gland (the tonsillar gland) which lies behind the posterior belly of the digastric, and rests in the angle between the internal jugular and common facial veins.
A mistake of less than half an inch, and her skin would be cut at the neck where the jugular vein is, and the jugular would be severed.
Menard[298] saw in the blood from the jugular and portal veins, as well as in extravasations, microscopic fat globules and fine needle-shaped crystals soluble in ether.
Cyon, to settle the embolic theory, injected into the one jugular vein of a rabbit barium chloride, and into the other sodic sulphate, but the small arteries and capillaries of the lungs remained clear.
On the other hand, Brunton and West have observed vomiting produced in animals after injection of copper peptone into the jugular vein.
All the vessels were then quickly filled with blood, from the jugular vein of a horse.
Two drachms of pus, somewhat fetid, derived from a large common ulcer, and diluted with a little water, were injected into the jugular vein of a middling-sized dog.
Three drachms of recent pus, derived from the same patient as in the last experiments, were injected into the jugular vein of a small emaciated unhealthy dog.
In these cases, so sudden was the effect, that the mixture of blood and pus coagulated before it could traverse the jugular vein, as indicated by the induration and cord-like feeling of the vessel.
It was continued of the same colour and consistence into the pulmonary artery, and into the vena cava, the vena azygos, the axillary, and even the right jugular vein.
They were then all equally warmed, and some blood from the jugular vein of a healthy horse was received into each of them so as to fill them to the same level.
From this date to the 7th, when the animal was destroyed, the general symptoms continued much the same, but the induration and swelling around the jugular vein, from the opening to the sternum, became greater.
The horse has only one jugular vein upon each side; and, although in the usual operation of bleeding, its channel is not obstructed, yet if the wound do not readily heal, its contents will coagulate.
The right jugular vein having been opened, two fluid ounces of pure healthy pus were injected, and propelled in the course of the circulation, by pressure upon the vein externally.
About two ounces of highly offensive pus, obtained from the frontal sinus of a horse, were injected into the left jugular vein; the pus had unintentionally been mixed with water previous to its being injected.
The jugular vein was found to have become inflamed only in the course of the circulation, and to be obliterated a short distance below the external opening.
Some beef was allowed to decompose in some dog's blood; half an ounce of the fluid resulting from the decomposition, was injected into the jugular vein of a little bitch.
The preceding experiment was repeated, by injecting into the jugular vein of a moderately large dog, an ounce of fluid, derived from the maceration of putrid beef in water.
Jugular gates ovate, two-thirds as broad as the triangular cardinal gates.
Basal plate with four large ovate collar pores (the two cardinal twice as large as the two jugular pores).
Basal plate with four pores (two larger cardinal and two smaller jugular pores).
Basal plate with six pores (two large cardinal, two smaller jugular and two still smaller cervical pores).
The basal ring enclosing the two jugular pores corresponds to the seal-plate.
Basal plate with four large collar pores (two larger posterior cardinal and two smaller anterior jugular pores).
Basal plate with four collar pores (two larger posterior cardinal and two smaller anterior jugular pores).
All six gates of the basal plate triangular, the jugular and cervical a little smaller than the cardinal gates.
From the torcular the blood is drained away by two large sinuses, named lateral, which curve forward and downward to the jugular foramina to terminate in the internal jugular veins.
In his fury Finn did actually tear out the beast's jugular vein, practically severing the head from the trunk, smashing the vertebrae, and tearing open the chest of the dead creature as well.
Finn growled fiercely as he felt the weight of the man's arm pressed across his shoulders, and sprang clear at the same moment that the kangaroo toppled over dead, Bill's practised hand having severed its jugular vein.
The efferents from the deep cervical glands join to form a common vessel known as the jugular lymphatic trunk, and this usually opens into the thoracic duct on the left side and the right lymphatic duct on the right.
This runs up the posterior wall of the thorax close to the aorta, and finally opens into the junction of the internal jugular and left subclavian veins.
Usually my strange, newly acquired telepathic power warned me in ample time, but once I was down with vicious fangs at my jugular and a hairy face pressed close to mine before I knew that I was even threatened.
Improving the opportunity, I drew my hunter's knife from its sheath, and instantly buried it in his neck, cutting the jugular vein, which put a speedy termination to the contest and the flight.
Before he had time to recover, we sprang upon him, and with a knife severed the jugular vein, when he yielded to his fate.
He points to the ligament situated between the spinae intrajugulares of the temporal and occipital bones, which, as long as it is of normal consistency, separates the jugular vein from the pneumogastric nerve.
Venesection from the arm, the jugular vein, or from vessels elsewhere is no longer much in vogue, it being doubtful whether general venesection is more useful than local bleedings.
The sublingual and submaxillary glands often become swollen, tense, and painful; and the entire neck is sometimes swollen to such a degree as to exert injurious pressure on the jugular veins.
Lebert has recorded a case of thrombosis of the right external jugular {554} vein.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "jugular" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.