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Example sentences for "irretrievably"

Lexicographically close words:
irresponsibility; irresponsible; irresponsibly; irresponsive; irretrievable; irreverence; irreverent; irreverently; irreversible; irreversibly
  1. The probability is that it was originally painted with the colors of the four quarters and that some of the records thus made are irretrievably lost.

  2. The dangers and evils attendant upon the earth-cult became irretrievably associated with the female sex and the votaries of Heaven naturally came to regard woman as a source of temptation and degradation.

  3. If one were to add together all the words of peace which William has spoken and all his war-like utterances, the mass of the latter would irretrievably swamp all the rest.

  4. He had come to speak of an open scandal, of a name that might be irretrievably tarnished--and Blackburn had turned it aside by talking about universal relations!

  5. It will injure irretrievably the work you are trying to do.

  6. That Master Fred Power is more irretrievably in love than any gentleman on full pay I ever met with.

  7. People went in and tendered; and once it was taken from their hands their money was more irretrievably gone from them than if they had thrown it into the sea.

  8. For nothing looks more irretrievably deplorable than fine tissue which has been damaged.

  9. In this eagerness to affront the man they have irretrievably and ridiculously committed themselves to open sympathy with the destruction of his work.

  10. From this proscription of foreign manufactures, the grower of the raw material is irretrievably ruined.

  11. By this time it was ascertained that the hold was nearly full of water, a circumstance from which the young officer in charge came to the conclusion that the hull was irretrievably damaged, and he then gave orders to lower the boats.

  12. Now she felt that even if he were free, she would never consent to link her future irretrievably with his.

  13. The waves broke so completely over them that I imagined every instant that both boats and men were irretrievably lost.

  14. The man who, in such a dreadful and solemn moment, can still believe there is no God, must indeed be irretrievably struck with mental blindness.

  15. All its valuable contents too, including a fine collection of pictures and private papers he by no means wished to lose, were irretrievably destroyed.

  16. Not only had they risked and lost all in the attempt and drawn upon themselves the frightful vengeance of the state, but they saw themselves the means of injuring irretrievably the cause for which they felt such devotion.

  17. The day was irretrievably lost for the Manchoos.

  18. Killed himself when the Ming dynasty was irretrievably lost.

  19. From that moment the unfortunate banker was irretrievably in Rasputin's hands, and I saw much of his dealings with him.

  20. Your father, I know, always felt convinced, as you do, that the documents had been either irretrievably lost, or destroyed.

  21. The clue must be irretrievably lost, or it would have been discovered long ere now.

  22. His sole fixed idea was that the Tory party were irretrievably committed to Jacobitism, and that, if he wished to keep his throne, he must throw himself entirely into the hands of his friends the Whigs.

  23. His character had been irretrievably injured by the revelations of 1711, and he was suspected (not without foundation) of having renewed his old intrigues with the exiled Stuarts during Harley's tenure of office.

  24. He is altogether and irretrievably bad--despite the harmony in which his soul is steeped!

  25. The Third French Republic, such as these men have made it, is condemned, hopelessly and irretrievably condemned, by its creed to be a government of persecution and by its machinery to be a government of corruption.

  26. Whatever becomes of Boulanger in the next elections, he has condemned the Opportunists irretrievably either to hew wood for the Socialists or to carry water for the Monarchists.

  27. He considered Derby and the Tories irretrievably ruined, their characters so damaged by Stafford's Committee and other things; he spoke of the grand mistakes Derby had made.

  28. They are now irretrievably defeated, and though they may give much trouble and throw difficulties and obstructions in the way of the Government, it is all they can do.

  29. That, the Southern States hold to be unconstitutional, unjust, inconsistent with their equality as members of the common Union, and calculated to destroy irretrievably the equilibrium between the two sections.

  30. But the decision of this question, whatever it may be, can not recover the wager which the South gallantly staked and irretrievably lost.

  31. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "irretrievably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.