It looks as if he were desperately bent upon getting a lot of salvage money out of a stranded yacht.
He told me frankly he had sent out two good swimmers to observe the stranded vessel.
He drew a long breath on the shore of the lagoon within about a hundred yards from the stranded bows of the Emma.
He made the trunk of a tree apparently stranded on the sand and as he was sculling past he says a man jumped up from behind that log, flung a stick at him and went off running.
Ten days ago three of Belarab's men, who had been collecting turtles' eggs on the islets, came flying back with a story of a ship stranded on the outer mudflats.
In a few words Lingard assured Daman of the complete safety of his followers as long as they themselves made no attempt to get possession of the stranded yacht.
When it went out without a warning flicker he could see nothing of the stranded yacht's outline.
The party made good time during the early hours, and Hassim expected confidently to reach before evening the shore of the lagoon at a spot very near the stranded Emma.
During the four days they had been stranded there they had sighted in the distance two small native vessels, which did not approach.
His footsteps died out forward, and a somnolent, unbreathing repose took possession of the stranded yacht.
The sight of the stranded yacht shook his confidence completely.
The Gloucester, after sending a boat ashore to the Pluton, steamed along the coast to where the armored cruisers were stranded and went to their assistance.
An examination of the stranded vessels shows that the Almirante Oquendo especially had suffered terribly from this fire.
The vessel in which were the three commissioners was stranded on the rocks of the Bermudas, and only seven vessels of the squadron reached Virginia.
Upon the uninhabited island where they stranded they had constructed two rude vessels, loaded them with the stores of their ship, which laid among the rocks, and sailed for the James River.
And yet what a lonely city it was, stranded on the edge of the still half-vacant western section of the United States, with all the Pacific before it.
As he had approached San Francisco on the afternoon of his arrival, standing on the forward deck of the boat in a high wind, he had thought it the most stranded lonely city he had ever seen.
They stood trembling and staring at the low, squat, windowless coquina house, reeking with the silt of centuries, crawling with strandedwater creatures.
Bell Rock; so that, in the event of anything giving way, she could hardly have escaped being stranded upon it.
When the tide of invasion swept over France, two foreign painters were left stranded and penniless in Grez; and there, until the war was over, the Chevillons ungrudgingly harboured them.
It took us much longer than we anticipated in coming up to the stranded ship, or rather to the inside edge of the reef on which she lay, high and dry, half a mile further to seaward.
Down the steep and ragged rocks that overhung the sea, they clambered to a Tillamook village, where lay the great whale, stranded on the shore.
Food grew scarce and scarcer, now and then a deer, a grouse, or a belated salmon stranded in some mountain pool.
Did some poor stranded mariner teach the savage this semi-civilised architecture, or was it evolved by his own genius?
I rather cling to my original idea that they become domed when stranded and isolated.
He therefore ordered his pilot to steer across the Roads, and take up a position near the stranded frigate.
She sent a broadside into the stranded frigate, and then passing under her stern, raked her fore and aft and set her on fire.
Worden realized that if he allowed the fight to take place near the stranded ship, the "Merrimac" might engage him with one of her broadsides, and use the other to destroy the "Minnesota.
The English attacked the stranded galleass in pinnaces and boats, Howard with some of the larger ships standing by "to give the men comfort and countenance.
At half-past ten another of the Spanish cruisers was a helpless wreck only half a mile westward of the stranded and burning flagship.
Once we were delayed for some time, and began to fear that, owing to the falling water, we should be stranded for weeks, as other boats had been not long before.
We saw one venturesome ocean liner stranded near the mouth of the river on a sand bar, where it had been washed and pounded for nearly two years.
Too much precaution cannot be observed about one's means of obtaining money in the far East; and to be stranded on the other side of the world without cash is very inconvenient.
It is advisable for the intending traveler to have his finances so arranged that he will run no risk of being stranded penniless in some Eastern port, and compelled to wait till a remittance reaches him.
Driving them before her, bewildered by the sudden emergence from tranquillity to the turmoil of the storm, she gave the two pirates each a chain, held the other herself, and led the way down to the stranded schooner.
Here I am, stranded in Memphis, with ten dollars thrust into my pocket, and a note telling me that they are on to my little game, and bidding me good-by.
As for being stranded here on Irwadi, it's all the same to me whether I'm on Irwadi or elsewhere.
With great relish, Chind Ramar announced the facts of planetarization and told the Centaurians and their passengers that they would be stranded for an indefinite period on Irwadi.
That would be enough, he told himself, to tide him over until Interstellar Transfer Service came to the rescue of its stranded pilots.
As it was, he gave an awful scream, and floundered like a stranded shark.
The catgut which had stranded belonged to the third bow above him.
If I hadn't made one, and a bad one, I might not be stranded here in Judah's galley to-night.
And here again was another grave, that of a man carried down the river from above, and stranded dank and drowned on a jutting rock of the foss.
There were no lifeboats in those days, no apparatus for carrying ropes to a stranded ship; boats were indeed launched by the hardy fishermen, but were quickly dashed to pieces against the rocks.
That evening Uncle Boz showed us an apparatus for sending a line on board a stranded ship, whether invented or improved by him I am not prepared to say, nor whether the projectile was a rocket or a shot, or both, fired from a gun.
He turned to her with a puzzled look, a certain helplessness, as if he were stranded on some far, foreign shore.