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Example sentences for "inimitable"

Lexicographically close words:
inimically; inimici; inimicis; inimicos; inimicum; inimitably; inimy; inioied; inioy; iniquitie
  1. Your first exertion as an auctioneer may probably be on "that distinguished, select, and inimitable collection of books, made by an amateur of this city retiring from business.

  2. But such betrayals never escaped him when, in one of his inimitable disguises, he penetrated to the purlieu of Whitechapel, to the dens of Limehouse.

  3. She started back from him--a movement of inimitable grace, like that of a startled gazelle.

  4. Writing] "With inimitable coolness Lord William prepared to address the crowd.

  5. His father, who represented the modern spirit, was an inimitable narrator of comic stories, and the talents of this father and grandfather rendered their house the social centre of a very wide neighborhood.

  6. He was accustomed to say that he could only see Russia clearly when he was far from her, and in a measure he proved this by his inimitable first volume of 'Dead Souls.

  7. This last villain indeed, and that original, masterly, inimitable conception, Sir Giles Overreach, are sufficient to establish the rank of Massinger in this great province of dramatic art.

  8. From that town he writes: "I wish you could have seen the crowds cheering the inimitable in the streets.

  9. Ay, thou inimitable coward, and to be felt--as for example.

  10. Of all the inimitable scenes, that in which Millamant and Mirabell make their conditions of marriage is perhaps the most unquestionable triumph.

  11. There are people whose talk has inimitable touches, and whose lives are art, but who never sit down to a quire of foolscap.

  12. The whole drive of three hours back to Montepulciano was one long banquet of inimitable distant views.

  13. For yet another it may only mean the unapproachable inimitable triumph of consummate craft.

  14. He was indeed an inimitable artist in his line, and his scholars were accustomed to say that their own figures seemed to fight only in jest, while those of Borgognone were the real occupants of the field of battle.

  15. So we may welcome Mr. Swinburne’s masterly experiments with the hope that things which are inimitable will not be imitated.

  16. My dear creature," she exclaimed, with one of her inimitable ringing laughs, "how do you do?

  17. You must be thinking of Mr. Regulus," said I, laughing, as memory brought before me some of his inimitable quackeries.

  18. The gentleman, perceiving this, turned towards the stage, and seemed absorbed in admiration of the graceful and inimitable Ravels.

  19. There is no passage in the whole of An Inland Voyage so moving, so simple in its intense humanity, as that wherein its author sets down in his own inimitable way his impressions of the humble folk who kept this inn.

  20. There would certainly be small other reasons for tarrying at this ancient town of France; it owes such interest as it possesses chiefly to the genius of Daudet, whose inimitable humour has vivified and touched it with immortality.

  21. Chabrier was then, as now, making his guests welcome and baking his inimitable patties.

  22. She was inimitable in vaudeville, in farce, and in the lighter comedy; but she had prudently abandoned tragedy in deserting the barn.

  23. The best instance I know is in Lord Chesterfield, whose fine soul went out in that sublime and inimitable sentence--`Give Mr. Darrell a chair.

  24. It is now five-and-forty years since the growth and rising glory of America were portrayed in the English Parliament, with inimitable beauty, by the most consummate orator of modern times.

  25. And the inimitable imagery and beauty with which the thought is expressed, joined to the conception itself, render it one of the most striking passages in our language.

  26. It was said with sweetness, apparent frankness, and all her own inimitable grace.

  27. Blanchette, with a scream which was as inimitable as a shriek of Judic's or Jeanne Granier's.

  28. I say nothing of the tapestries or the inimitable ceiling, nor yet of the view which I commanded from the windows; but I felt I was in some one's debt for all this liberal entertainment.

  29. I saw the leaves labouring in the wind and the ribbon of the road; and, on turning my head, there was Modestine tied to a beech, and standing half across the path in an attitude of inimitable patience.

  30. I took refuge on the terraces, which are here greenly carpeted with sward, and tried to imitate with a pencil the inimitable attitudes of the chestnuts as they bear up their canopy of leaves.

  31. From the point of view I speak of that would be fatal; I should kill the goose that supplies me with the material of my inimitable omelettes.

  32. He who says that Pindar is inimitable, is himself inimitable in his Odes.

  33. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inimitable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    alone; consummate; immortal; incomparable; inimitable; invincible; matchless; model; only; peerless; perfect; special; star; supreme; unapproachable; unbeatable; unequaled; unexcelled; unique; unmatched; unparalleled; unrivaled; unsurpassed