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Example sentences for "overpowering"

Lexicographically close words:
overplus; overpopulated; overpopulation; overpower; overpowered; overpoweringly; overpowers; overpraised; overprinted; overproduction
  1. One wolf moves a step forward, hunger overpowering his fears.

  2. There is in them the passionate ring of one who abandons all to one overpowering desire.

  3. It was startling in such men, yet was it hardly to be wondered at in so overpowering a waste.

  4. When you have seen guns firing by thousands as far as the eye can reach from a hill; when you have seen every caliber at work and your head aches from the noise, the thing becomes overpowering and monotonous.

  5. From my window I saw my father and Corporal Rufus Smith rush frantically out of the house hatless and unkempt, like men who are obeying a sudden and overpowering impulse.

  6. An overpowering languor and want of energy possessed me.

  7. The desire for revenge is at times so great that it is only by the strongest effort of will he resists precipitate action, then, losing no pretext to find causes for its exercise, overpowering the dictates of his penetrative genius.

  8. Then, escorted by an overpowering naval force, Parma and his army were to embark in their flotilla, and cross the sea to England, where they were to be landed, together with the troops which the armada brought from the ports of Spain.

  9. Suddenly, the music filled the room, rising sweetly like an overpowering wave, filling his mind with strange and wonderful images.

  10. An oval door opened for him, and he stopped short, staggered for a moment by the overpowering beauty in the vaulted room.

  11. In harbour there were twelve French ships of war, with a complement of 3,000 men--no match for Boscawen's overpowering fleet.

  12. The lips and ears were livid, and his drowsiness became more overpowering as death approached.

  13. He had not been long engaged as a miner, after his return to East Lothian, when his cough increased considerably, with laborious breathing, palpitations, and overpowering headach.

  14. It fettered her spirit, it hung upon her like an overpowering weight.

  15. Piers found himself gripping a limp, inanimate object, and with a sudden sense of overpowering horror he desisted.

  16. Although it was almost drowned by their overpowering perfume, he detected a faint smell of powder.

  17. He had never swooned in his life, and was unfamiliar with the symptoms, but now he experienced a sensation of overpowering nausea; a blood-red mist floated before his eyes, and the floor seemed to rock beneath him like the deck of a ship.

  18. An almost overpowering perfume of roses was wafted into his face.

  19. You have a singular way of regarding what most men would think overpowering good luck, Mr. Masters.

  20. He had counted, it is true, on overpowering the alert senses of one who had known the pinch of poverty with superabundant evidence of the fortune that was his.

  21. With what overpowering dignity did she repulse my father's licentious scoffs!

  22. Only those travellers who have experienced the intense overpowering heat of tropical countries can form a just conception of the enjoyableness of a ramble through the shady groves of Tahiti.

  23. But an overpowering torpor had now begun to seize hold upon some of the party, and it was with the greatest difficulty the others could prevent the drowsy ones from lying down to sleep in the snow.

  24. Those narrow metal walls were echoing a clangour of machinery maniacal in character and overpowering in volume.

  25. Something in that implement seemed to possess for Lanyard overpowering fascination.

  26. But love has conquered; yes, so royally conquered, that there is no place left in her soul for aught but overpowering devotion to the adored husband of her heart.

  27. The realities to which it pointed stood out so clearly from the outward semblances in which they were pictured, that the latter were forgotten, and the overpowering force of the former were exclusively recognized.

  28. Persistent ill-health and equally persistent study for seventy-three years had broken down a constitution never really strong, and consumed from within by the ceaseless fires of its own overpowering and undying energy.

  29. The youth seemed to have collapsed less from the violence of the struggle than from an overpowering sense of shame.

  30. And, as Bradley screamed out and held up his hands in sudden, overpowering fear, Dixie sprang forward and wrested the weapon from Henley's hand.

  31. An overpowering force within him urged him to clasp her to himself.

  32. What fear can master that overpowering hope?

  33. Mrs. Edmonstone watched her in unspeakable awe and amazement, almost overpowering her anxieties.

  34. He was very kind and considerate, and both he and Charlotte were so sobered by anxiety, that there was no fear of their spirits overpowering her.

  35. Thus she remained motionless for some minutes, till she was startled by a sound of weeping--those fearful overpowering sobs, so terrible in a strong man forced to give way.

  36. Overpowering her dire confusion, in obedience to him, she looked at the epergne, and listened.

  37. Here they remained until June, when the enemy, who had received heavy reinforcements, advanced in overpowering numbers.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "overpowering" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.