Greensand is a friable mixture of siliceous and calcareous particles, colored by a slight intermixture of green earth or chlorite.
Its thickness is from six hundred to one thousand feet, often with scarcely any intermixture of other rock; but it sometimes loses its character of a limestone, and becomes a sandstone, or conglomerate.
Thus wood may continue to accumulate in particular places in the sea for long periods, with but little intermixtureof earthy substances.
Mica slate is such a modification of gneiss that the mica becomes the predominant mineral, with a small intermixture of quartz and felspar.
Manures often rained on in winter, or left in large piles withoutintermixture of earth, lime, plaster, and ashes, will ferment and waste.
The objection to most of this kind of literature is the intermixture of facts and valuable suggestions with so much that is not only useless, but absolutely pernicious, by the confusion it creates.
The intermixture of races and the intermingling of national interests, have aroused a sort of collective sentiment actually existing as a normal form of conscience, namely, "human solidarity.
Peoples are always made up of a more or less profound intermixture of races.
In short, we are spectators of this tendency: a fusion or intermixture of characteristics that is tending to establish one single human type, which is no longer an original racial type, but the type of civilisation.
It is well known that one of the most interesting and difficult problems of ethnology is that of tracing out the original types of races in peoples that represent an intermixture centuries old.
If it is still possible to trace out groups even approaching racial purity, they will be found only in localities offering little facility to emigration and to the consequent intermixture of races.
Even before Mendel's discoveries, anthropologists had observed that in the intermixture of races certain human attributes remained distinct while others merged.
Rather intermixture under such circumstances approached not vice, as we understand the word, but polygyny.
This is not, however, true in all cases and particularly it was not true of all intermixture that took place under the regime of slavery.
The pure negro withoutintermixture has hitherto seemed incapable of leadership.
The crime and vice and constitutional diseases of the mulatto do not prove that degeneracy results from the intermixture of the two races, as was once supposed.
I believe there is an intermixtureof goats' milk in it; but the Indian families who make it, and who have been offered large sums for the receipt, find it more profitable to keep their secret.
Like all his contemporaries, he felt that the intermixture of a lighter element in a play which ended happily was justifiable.
Suitable arrangements should, of course, be made to prevent anyintermixture of breeds.
Sumatra, retain the original language in a much higher degree, possess distinctive written characters, and have littleintermixture of Sanscrit or Arabic.
But from my present standpoint the low wall is nearly hidden in undergrowth, and by a plentiful intermixture of hawthorn, holly, and ash flourishing on the bank top.
How discover the changes which have resulted from an intermixture among themselves, either in a wild or domestic state?
This variety proceeds partly from the influence of the climate, and partly from the concourse and intermixture of foreigners.
The mode of production of all social phenomena is one great case of Intermixture of Laws.
Intermixture with Arameans is indicated in the view that he was the son of Manasseh and an Aramean concubine (1 Chron.
Some of them may be West African negroes of the forest type with little or no intermixture with the Caucasian; others, such as the typical Mandingos or the Susus, obviously contain a non-negro element in their physique.
In consequence of a contention between Brahmana and Kshatriya energy, there will occur an intermixture in my race.
Thou art of the form of Righteousness and sin and theirintermixture (such as are displayed in the successive Yugas).
Inter-marriage had been rendered possible by a change in the law, and social intermixture was going on.
There is no trace of any intermixture between the races, in spite of the fact that the newcomers, being also flint users, were establishing themselves in the very same spots that their predecessors had occupied.
Phases of spreading and intermixture have probably alternated with phases of settlement and specialization in the history of mankind.
These considerations lead us to look with distrust on the claims of those who find in race ancestry or in race intermixture the reasons for such eminence as Americans have attained.
Cool red (madder) like any other fundamentally cold colour, can be deepened--especially by an intermixture of azure.
An intermixture of red is outwardly barely audible, but there rings out a powerful inner harmony.
Intermixture of races does, indeed, produce at first individual dissemblances, for few individuals belong in precisely the same degree to either of the races composing the mixture.
To distinguish the varieties produced by a fusion of proximate races from those which are the effect of intermixture between races belonging to different groups, I shall call the latter tertiary varieties.
Here we find perfect identity of origin, and yet diversity in every other respect, and a diversity so radical, that even intermixture can not produce a real identity of character in the several types.
The intermixture of the two races, during the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries, reduced the standard of morals among the whole nation to a disgraceful level.
Thanks to the revolution, the barriers that separated the various ranks have been torn down, and continual intermixture has blended the blood of the Frankish noble and of the Gallic boor.
And to this migration the Blackfeet are believed to be indebted for the intermixture of this language which exists, and which Mr. Gallatin has erroneously supposed to arise from original elements, in the Blackfeet tongue.
This is probably attributable to a greater intermixture of blood in this vicinity.
Above the copse, the round swelling field; nearer to me, a wild intermixture of rocks, trees, and patches of grassy ground.
The Trongate, an old street, is very picturesque--high houses, with an intermixture of gable fronts towards the street.