The words 'before namyd' are aninterlineation substituted for them by the second hand.
These words are an interlineation by another hand.
These words are aninterlineation by the second hand.
The difficulty vanishes when we discover that this supposed style was a mere interlineation made by a much later hand.
Before I get through I will endeavor to show you that every erasure and interlineation is an evidence of honesty instead of dishonesty.
I will now turn to the testimony of George Sears about the petition, 7 B, which Mr. Rerdell swears was altered byinterlineation or the addition of three words, "and faster time.
There does not appear to be any erasure or interlineation or anything else in that affidavit.
Why would he have to resort to perjury and interlineation in order to get Brady to make orders that he, Brady, had conspired to make?
No doubt should be entertained regarding the interlineation where the word justica ["justice"] occurs.