This he instantly and innocently did, and was not a little surprised at the severe whipping that was administered to the delinquent.
He saw his wife, not with Juan Catheron, but peacefully and innocently asleep by the open window of the room where he had left her.
We are like children, who, in reading a book above their years, pass innocently and unconsciously over that which is not suited to their state.
He innocently inquired which was considered the fastest horse in the remuda, when Stallings pointed out a brown, belonging to Flood's mount, as the best quarter horse in the band.
The old man was a free talker, and innocently allowed us to inveigle it out of him that he had been down on the North Beaver, looking up land to homestead, and was then on his way up to take a look at the lands along the Republican.
But as we neared home, the conversation innocently drifted to the Mexican element and their love for the land to which they were born.
After Uncle Lance had regaled us with hunting stories of an early day, the discussion innocently turned to my recent elopement.
But now that the excitement of our flight had abated, my own Esther innocently sided with her sister, and I was at my wit's end.
She talked on innocently and gaily, and was so cordial and amiable that Frau von Osternau could not but abandon her reserve, and Lieschen became herself once more.
But the question sounded so enchantingly unpremeditated, so innocently eager.
You would not dare to say that if Elizabeth were in the room," but Dinah spoke quite innocently and had no arriere pensee.
When Malcolm wanted to amuse a friendly visitor, he would question Malachi blandly and innocently on his brothers' and sisters' names.
Even when Dinah innocently recalled one that she remembered he loved, and begged her sister to sing it, Elizabeth obstinately refused.
This letter had been innocently delivered by Spoil-sport, who, seeing him come in, had run joyously to meet him.
He innocently conceived the idea that he was doing no harm in availing himself not only of his God-given rights, but of the rights that he had also purchased by the hard toil of his own hands.
The fugitives themselves innocently stated that one of the masters, who was in the habit of flogging adult females, was a "moderate man.
If it should be the case, that you are innocently the cause of Mr. Blandy's death, which Heaven grant!
I said to the nearest, simply andinnocently enough, for the purpose of improving the cordiality of our relations.
Which she did, God wot, innocently enough--that is, for all the harm they did me.
He began to treat Sheila with a little more coolness, while she became more and more pre-occupied with the couple across the table, and sometimes was innocently rude in answering his questions somewhat at random.
I cannot ask Mrs. Coventry to recommend me, when I have innocently brought so much trouble into her family; and Lady Sydney is gone, so I have no friend.
If she has innocently offended, pardon it for my sake, and forget the past.
After a few minutes he very innocently said: "German snipers get paid rewards for killing the English.
Kenelm involuntarily pressed the little hand that lay so innocentlyon his arm.
When the repast was finished, Kenelm seemed to forget the dangerous properties of the carnivorous animal; and stretching himself indolently out, appeared to be as innocently ruminative as the most domestic of animals graminivorous.
Now “going out to work” is a vastly different matter from going from home to school, and innocently playing between whiles.
Not until the compensation was settled," innocently remarked Lady Marney; "George never opposes them after that.
Quite innocently and unconsciously she had caught the adoring look in the eyes of Miss McCook, the teacher, and that lady, happening upon the sketch later, had dealt with Fanny in a manner seemingly unwarranted.
Nathan Haynes had been swallowed, long ago, by this monster plant that he himself had innocently created.
And the man who had so innocently put life into this monster?
The ill-will I innocently excited, joined with my sense of the void all around me, seemed to check even my breath.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "innocently" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.