The incoherence of his political thinking is best exemplified by the way in which he proposed tonationalize the American railway system.
To nationalize a people has never meant merely to centralize their government.
There are already many indications that, before long, there will be a numerous and influential, though perhaps a somewhat heterogeneous party, who will urge that immediate steps should be taken to nationalize our railways.
It is true he would not nationalize all industries whatsoever; he would onlynationalize such industries as the State is really fit to manage successfully.
Mines also are now national property in several countries, and there is nothing particularly radical or unacceptable to well-informed conservatives in the proposal to nationalize them elsewhere.
But that the workers in Australia still hope to use this legislation for their purposes is shown by the referendum of 1911, by which they sought to nationalize the State laws on the subject.
The large capitalists organized industry; the small capitalists will nationalize it; in so far at least as it has been or will have been organized.
If this bank is removed, the Secretary of the Treasury must nationalize the bank paper of the great importing States; for, I presume, Congress will never decide what State paper shall be used by the officers of the General Government.
Humiliating as was this local conspiracy to plant servitude in Kansas, a more aggressive political movement to nationalize slavery in all the Union was about to eclipse it.
He is for the Dred Scott decision because it tends to nationalize slavery; because it is part of the original combination for that object.
In a speech at Springfield, on the night of the 17th, I thought I might as well attend to my own business a little, and I recalled his attention as well as I could to this charge of conspiracy to nationalize slavery.
He never was in favor of any nor opposed to any, till the present one, which helps to nationalize slavery.
I expressed my belief in the existence of a conspiracy to perpetuate and nationalize slavery.
A bill had been introduced in Parliament to amend the Abandoned Property Act of 867 andnationalize Merlin, when and if discovered and regardless by whom.
And the bill to nationalize Merlin, which had died in committee, was resuscitated and was being debated hotly on the floor of Parliament.
Certain men have refused to nationalize a particular woman and as a result Bolshevik has fought Bolshevik with considerable force.
A government that legalizes free love may be expected to nationalize those women who do not wish to marry or who are unable to secure partners by the time they have reached a certain age.
Your chairman becomes more convinced each day that one of the next steps necessary to nationalize our work and to secure Federal action is the removal of the national headquarters to Washington.
This Board shall have the authority to nationalize the suffrage movement by unifying the work as far as is possible.
Mrs. Catharine Waugh McCulloch presided at the conference on How can we nationalizeour request for a 16th Amendment?
If this government were to nationalize the manufacture of its war-materials, we know, by what has been done in the past, through private enterprise and private inventive genius, that the government would suffer enormously.
Before Congress acts upon the suggestion of the pacifists to nationalize the manufacture of all war-materials, it would be well to see what would have happened in the past, had the thing been done sooner.
He is for the Dred Scott decision because it tends to Nationalize Slavery--because it is a part of the original combination for that object.
He never was in favor of any, nor (I) opposed to any, till the present one, which helps to Nationalize Slavery.
No, they didn’t nationalize the women in Riga, but you will find they have done so in Moscow.
Guittone of Arezzo, already mentioned as the earliest learned poet who attempted to nationalize his style, acquired fame as the writer of one sublime sonnet to Madonna and two Canzoni to the Mother and her Son.
It defined collective ownership of production, stated that the regime held the power to nationalize any and all enterprises, and declared that private property was subject to restrictions and expropriation by the state.
Even if fairly carried out, that policy is just as certain to nationalize slavery as the doctrine of Jeff Davis himself.
Even in England the recent movement to nationalize the coal and oil resources is an indication of the general tendency.
A somewhat similar question is involved also in the movement to nationalize the coal resources of England, now being so vigorously urged by the labor party.
Throughout his public life he never faltered in his devotion to the South, joining hands with alacrity in every measure which sought to nationalizeher sectional interest.
The resolutions, however, were adopted by the Senate, which thus proclaimed its purpose to nationalize slavery.