The small rollers have an axial reciprocating motion whereby the ink is uniformly spread over the large roller.
Because the road is a circular one that travels with the load we can line it with rollers throughout its length, and the load will never lack for rollers to roll upon.
The tractor belt is driven by spur wheels at each end and the rollers serve merely to distribute the weight of the machine along the belt.
It was much easier to move a heavy object on rollers because rolling friction was substituted for sliding friction, but the rollers would not stay under the object; they traveled only half as fast as the load they carried.
The paper passes between two rollersof different size.
As a result, the roving is drawn out by the operation and issues from the last pair of rollers at a higher speed than it entered the first pair of rollers.
In one prominent type the wheel has no hub or spokes, but consists of a rim that is supported on and is turned by four friction rollers mounted in a rigid frame.
The bloom goes through a series of rollers which gradually reduce its section until it is some forty feet long.
Thus, the second pair of rollers through which the roving passes run at a little higher speed than the first pair, the third a little higher than the second pair, and so on.
Weights are used, as shown in the drawing, to press the upper rollers against the lower ones.
The latter transfers its thin coating of ink to a pair of rollers known as “form rollers†and these in turn deliver the ink to the printing cylinder.
The fall of the waves was short and hard—no long ocean rollers yet, only an angry beating surf, sputtering under the gravel–cliff.
In some mangles the work between the rollers is uniform back and forth.
Notwithstanding the ends of the push rods are provided with rollers to make the contact with the cams, the latter will wear, and in doing so they will open the valves too late.
It has a sandy stretch of shore, on which the long, green-yellow rollers of the Adriatic broke into creamy foam, beneath the waning saffron light over Pesaro and the rosy rising of a full moon.
As they broke on Cape Campanella, the rollers climbed in foam--how many feet?
Then followed the stronger sex; but by this time a sea-breeze set in from the south-west like a young gale, and driving the rollers with greater rapidity, upset almost every alternate cockleshell set adrift with its living freight.
As the cotton passes between these toothed rollersthey tear it apart, loosening the seeds, which drop down while the cleaned cotton goes to the other side of the machine ready to be baled.
Rollers are round pieces of wood, like the rolling pin in mother's kitchen.
Rollers placed under a boat make it easy to launch into the water.
Great green rollers were thundering up the beach, and leaping over the break-water in sheets of spray.
In a little time they both appeared, flourishing their knives above their heads, and at the same moment two huge black bodies floated to the surface, and were borne in by the rollers towards the shore.
No surprise seemed to be created by the achievement, and the bold swimmers took their places among the rest on the rollers as if nothing had happened.
The milk by which the canes are crushed consisted of three vertical wooden rollers worked by mules.
I would as soon have put my hand between the rollers of a cane-press.
The burned-away roof had collapsed entirely, leaving the first sugar mill on Barbados open to the rain--its wide copper rollers sparkling like new.
Immediately the central roller began to turn, rotating the outer rollers against it by way of its cogs.
One of the men moved gingerly toward the grinding rollers and reached out, at arm's length, to feed a small bundle consisting of a half dozen stalks of cane into the side rotating away from him.
As the crushed cane stalks emerged on the rear side of the mill, a second indenture seized the flattened bundle and fed it back through the pair of rollers turning in the opposite direction.
As the rollers groaned into movement, several of the indentures backed away and studied them nervously.
Although the rollers were brass, the rest of the heavy framework was indeed iron, the metal consecrated to Ogun.
In moments a trickle of pale sap began sliding down the sides of the rollers and dripping into a narrow trough that led through the wall and down the incline toward the boiling house.
Rings of fire danced across the rollers and dense dark smoke billowed in the room.
It was a moment of intense interest; for, had the rollers or the wind inclined the ship from her proper course, we must inevitably have been lost; but she stood out beautifully, and soon left all peril astern.
The surf came in heavily, and with the noise of thunder, and the gigantic rollers broke into foam, across the whole width of the bar.
The wind was not violent, but the swell was terrible; and the long rollers filled the bay, breaking in forty feet of water, and covering the sea with foam.
Here they laid planks androllers and jacked her across.
The chauffeur was already in his place, and the two men were coiling up their ropes and piling the heavy planks and rollers on board the truck.
Cautiously the rollers were retarded with obstructing sticks, as the men, balancing the hull upright, let her slowly down the slope into the water.
The same stone was now placed uponrollers of three inches diameter, when it required to put it in motion along the floor of the quarry 34 lbs 7.
This art of copying from patterns previously engraved on steel rollers is in most respects similar to the preceding.
In this machine a coil of brass wire is placed on an axis; one end of this wire is drawn by a pair of rollers through a small hole in a plate of steel, and is held there by a forceps.
To drag it by theserollers over a wooden floor 28 lbs 8.
He comprehended that at high tide the place where he stood was under water, and that the narrow cavern became a subaqueous pipe of solid rock forty feet long, through which were spouted the league-long rollers of the Southern Sea.
The tops of the rollers that broke below were blown off and whirled away into the night--white patches, swallowed up immediately in the increasing darkness.
The sea was quite calm, only low rollers breaking on the beach.
Several fishermen, taking hold of the gunwhale, or side of the boat, pushed it along the wooden rollers down toward the surf.
The foam on the great rollers that still stormed the beach showed from the farmhouse windows in ever-changing, spreading masses of white.
You may ask if the terrors of the position came home to us thoroughly in that long day when we rode in a bit of a cockle-shell on the sweeping rollers of the Atlantic, but I answer you, I do not think that they did.
As for the little boat, it was a puny protection against the sweepingrollers of the Atlantic, and I doubt not that we had been drowned that very night if a storm of any moment had broken upon us.
None of them suggested luxury, but after the heaving rollers of grass-land they suggested companionship and life.
He was beyond the view of the ranch, with two miles of prairie rollers intervening, so he did his work without concern for time.
Madagascar rollersbelonging to Atelornis and allied genera.
To move, or cause to be moved, upon, or by means of, rollers or small wheels.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "rollers" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.